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dealings against the people of Iraq Worker-communist party of Iran - 01.01.2003 17:26
The reactionary dealings against the people of Iraq is condemned 25 December 2002 The gathering of the so-called Iraqi Opposition Conference in London which took place in mid- December 2002 was a clear example of the USA and its main ally Britain's efforts to turn bullying into the dominant standard of inter-state relations. This conference was effectively and openly led by the former US envoy in Afghanistan and the current US envoy in 'Iraqi Affairs'; his team consisted of CIA and US State Department representatives. The conference gathered a group of reactionary Iraqi opposition which did not represent the great majority of the Iraqi people; in fact, their enmity towards the interests of the people of Iraq is evident. The selected participants were elements of the Hashemite clan, whose anti-people regime had been toppled over half a century ago, reactionary groups organised in the 'Iraqi National Congress' that are official mercenaries of the CIA, former military commanders of the Ba'ath regime who have killed and plundered, leaders of the nationalist Kurdish parties whose 11 year rule has offered the people nothing but naked mafia-clannish war, segregation and regional cleansing, oppression and the murder of women, political opponents and the imposition of the harshest poverty and destitution on the working people of Kurdistan and finally Islamic groups backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran who dream of turning Iraq into an Islamic Republic and imposing veiling and stoning. In the first instance, the prevailing policy of this reactionary conference was justification of the war that the USA is about to impose on the people of Iraq and the region. The outcome of such a horrific war is clear to the people of Iraq and the region and the progressive humanity of the world. If this war takes place, despite the vast opposition of the progressive people of the world, it will undoubtedly lead to a darker future for the Middle East and the world. The London Iraqi Opposition Conference has taken place exactly in opposition to international efforts against the war; therefore all the participants would be guilty of crimes committed in the looming war. The other prevailing aspect of this conference was the efforts to impose a system of government over and above the Iraqi people and block people's intervention in deciding the future political system of the country. This is the very policy and destiny which yesterday formed the Bonn conference and established the Loya Jirga for Afghanistan; it will be imposed on any other people wherever possible. The only point that the conference showed was the collective willingness of the participants to take part in the looming war and stand shoulder to shoulder with Bush and Blair and the resulting dark scenario of nationalist and religious conflict. The rough verbal confrontation of the reactionary participants against each other during the course of the conference is only a test of the religious and ethnic conflict that they are planning for Iraq. Any justification of the USA's warmongering and any reactionary wheeling and dealings to impose another anti-people system on and against the people of Iraq is rejected and strongly condemned by the Worker-communist Party of Iran that will make every endeavour to expose them. The demonstration and protest organised by the Worker-communist Parties of Iraq and Iran, which took place during the 3 days of the conference, are part of our efforts to expose these reactionary dealings. The Worker-communist Party of Iran will support the deprived people of Iraq against USA warmongering and the despotism of the Iraqi Ba'ath regime and will unequivocally support the struggle of the Worker-communist Party of Iraq that is the flag bearer and voice of the demands and shattered desires of the workers and the deprived and progressive people of Iraq. E-Mail: wpi.international.office@ukonline.co.uk Website: http://www.wpiran.org/english |
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