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China and the World Trade Center: A Strategic souljah - 07.01.2003 01:33
You don't think Danny Pearl's trip to Pakistan and subsequent death had anything to do with his father being an expert on artificial intelligence, do you? http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1606&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 Just too many VERY important hyperlinks to do it justice by reproducing in text form here (you'll have to click on the above link). Here's a snip, however: Agent Smiley, Dick I have more on the 757 order to China. The reason 757 were ordered was because China wanted 747s but the Boeing could not ramp up in time to meet the order. Since 757 would be the predominant plane used at all Chinese airports using remote and ROTHR they would become the standard in the industry along with Raytheon. |
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