In wartime Giulio Stocchi - 07.01.2003 07:21
Collected poems against the war In wartime - Dear friends, As you can see from my biographical note, I am Italian poet, who for almost 30 years, has committed himself to defending with his poems the cause of peace, of freedom and of justice. In this moment so difficult, I am addressing you by sending this book, In wartime, -translated from Italian by my wife Deborah Strozier- a collection of poems, as I believe, signifying the reasons of our common opposition to the impending war. If, as I hope, you will consider useful these verses, you can use my work in three ways: 1) distributing it in the web so that it may provoke reflections and discussions between your mailing-lists; 2) printing it like a book to sell at a price that you decide and using the proceeds for financing your activities; 3) using it like a text for readings, perhaps with musical accompaniment: it is, trust me, a very efficacious way to reach the hearts of the people. Before closing, I would like to dispel a possible misunderstanding: the cry against America, that you will find in my words, is not, of course, addressed against the American people, but against the ideology of our societies of the so called ÒFirst WorldÓ, i.e. the 20% of humanity that exploits, starves and ravages all the others. The same ideology against which you are struggling Ðand this is in your honor- for a world of peace, justice and equality. The reasons that inspire my poetry and that has pushed me to send In wartime to you. Waiting for your response, my best regards: Giulio Stocchi Corso Magenta 88. 20123 Milano. ITALIA. Tel. 39O248003443 e-mail: Giulio Stocchi was born in 1944. He studied philosophy at the State University of Milan and drama in the Accademia dei Filodrammatici in the same town. His public poetical activity began in 1975. From that time, and for many years, his stages were the squares, the factories occupied by the workers, the popular and political demonstrations; today, the theaters, the lecture halls, the universities: but always characterizing his poetry by a very original contact with the public. With his particular sensitiveness for the peculiarity of the poetical sound, Stocchi published various records: Il dovere di cantare (National award of the critic), Punto e a capo, La cantata rossa per Tall el Zaatar (with the jazzman Gaetano Liguori), Da sogni e da cittˆ, also with Liguori. He published with Einaudi the book of poetry and prose Compagno poeta. L'altezza del gioco will be published in 2003. He is a member of the Club Psomega regrouping artists, philosophers and scientists to study the inventive thought. He has participated with his poems and essays in the Club Psomega's books, Il pensiero inventivo, Milano, Unicopli 1992 and La vita inventiva, Napoli, ESI 1998, of which he is the editor. E-Mail: Website: |