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Declaration of Political Freedoms in Iran Worker-communist Party of Iran - 07.01.2003 18:35
To all Opposition Parties the Islamic Republic of Iran must be overthrown and the provisions of this Declaration must be realised. To establish the prerequisites and the possibility for free and safe political participation in society and for the people to be able to determine their preferred government freely and consciously, the Islamic Republic of Iran must be overthrown and the provisions of this Declaration must be realised. 1. Separation of religion from the state and education. Abolition of all laws, policies and regulations with a religious basis. Freedom of religion and atheism. 2. Unconditional freedom of thought, _expression, press, association, organisation, political affiliation and strike. 3. Complete and unconditional equality of women and men in civil and individual rights. Abolition of all laws and regulations that contravene this principle. 4. Equality of all citizens irrespective of gender, religion, nationality, race and citizenship. 5. Freedom of all political prisoners. 6. Abolition of capital punishment. 7. General access to state media and mass communication for all, in particular political parties and groups. * Call to opposition parties to pledge their commitment to Declaration of Political Freedoms To all Opposition Parties: The Islamic Republic of Iran's downfall is imminent. Ensuring the people's right to determine the future government of Iran requires recognition of and commitment to the most basic political freedoms. To this end, the Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI) announces the Declaration of Political Freedoms and is committed to its realisation. The Worker-communist Party of Iran calls on all opposition political parties and groups to pledge their commitment to this Declaration. Political Bureau of the Worker-communist Party of Iran 16 December 2002 E-Mail: wpipr@ukonline.co.uk Website: http://www.wpiran.org/english |
Lees meer over: Agenda | aanvullingen |  | The Declaration of Political Freedoms | Azar Majedi - 07.01.2003 18:47
The Declaration of Political Freedoms: The measure of regard for people's will Interview with Azar Majedi The announcement of the Declaration of Political Freedoms is one of the WPI Political Bureau's initiatives to provide the necessary prerequisites for the people's participation in determining the future system of government in Iran. What is the role of the Declaration in the current situation? Azar Majedi: The fall of the Islamic Republic of Iran is imminent. The Islamic Republic's downfall can take place under diverse situations. It is extremely possible for the Islamic Republic to be overthrown by a mass revolution. As far as the interests of the people are concerned, this is the best and the most desirable form of the Islamic Republic's downfall. The more people are involved in protests and struggles for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic and by relying on their own power, the more likely the establishment of a system which is compatible with their interests. The presence of the Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI) as a powerful party, which represents the interests and the progressive and egalitarian demands of the people is an assurance towards this end. It is equally possible, however, for the Islamic Republic to fall via wheeling and dealings from above or through a coup d'etat. In these situations, there will be attempts to impose a government contrary to the wishes of the people, to prevent people's participation in their political life and strictly limit political freedoms. The Declaration will have a profound role to play so as to prevent this. In our view, the Declaration of Political Freedoms is a means by which to secure conditions for the people to participate and intervene in the political life of the society and minimum conditions for free political activity which is the necessary prerequisite for people to choose freely. In the situation that the downfall of the Islamic Republic is imminent and an urgent matter for society, it is imperative to try to create such a situation. Particularly for a society such as Iran, which has always been under naked dictatorship and political oppression and which has experienced the bitter and bloody suppression of a great revolution, the struggle to ensure such conditions has profound significance. The people of Iran have never had any opportunity to participate in the political life of society and choose the governing system in a free and secure environment. It is, therefore, imperative for the provisions of the Declaration to be widely publicised and the Declaration of Political Freedoms to be established as an undeniable and clear standard in society. Respect for this Declaration must become an important factor in judging political parties and groups. In my opinion, the degree to which political parties respect people's will and wishes and respect freedom must be judged by their readiness to abide by this Declaration and their efforts for its realisation. Consequently, the Declaration of Political Freedoms will play a profound role in the current and future political confrontation in Iran. Not only the implementation of its articles is necessary to provide the minimum prerequisites for the people to be able to freely choose their future government, but also the acceptance or rejection of the Declaration of Political Freedoms by political groups will itself be a means by which the people can achieve awareness and make a conscious decision. The articles of the Declaration are a part of the vast demands of the WPI's programme, which have always been reiterated. With this in mind, what factors explain inclusion of these articles in the Declaration of Political Freedoms? Azar Majedi: The Worker-communist Party of Iran struggles for a completely free and equal society. We want to abolish discrimination in the real sense of the word and not just in the legal sense. We, therefore, deal with the root of the inequalities. We want the abolition of wage labour. 'For a Better World', the programme of the Worker-communist Party of Iran, oversees the establishment of such relations. Our constant effort is to attract ever more sections of the people to this programme and to establish a system that will bring about such relations. The Socialist Republic is the Worker-communist Party of Iran's response. It is therefore clear that when the Worker-communist Party of Iran takes power not only the Declaration of Political Freedoms but also a lot more freedoms will be immediately established in society. The WPI's adherence to the Declaration of Political Freedoms is a foregone conclusion since as you mentioned, its provisions are only a small part of the demands that have been adopted in the Party's programme.
Website: http://www.wpiran.org/english | |
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