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 | down with punishment | an anarchist - 15.01.2003 18:48
If the workers communist party of Iran think that the guy should be prosecuted than they should start prosecuting him. If somebody thinks thathe or she wants revenge than it is time to take up the arms instead of screaming for a henchman. Although I do not know much about this guys past, from what I haved heard he would not be my friend or ally, things on how he got deported from the Netherlands to norway was not exactly clean. The Netherlands do not have any 'anti terrorist laws', Norway has. So how convinient! This is the method the US are using to be able to have their prisoners torture in countries that have no human rights protection. In my name, no one will kill or lock anybody up. If I deem it necessary, I will do it myself. | Datum: 15-01-2003 13:43 Bron: ANP | LinkMichel - 15.01.2003 20:21
"Een van de Nederlandse advocaten van Mullah Krekar, B. Böhler, is zeer verbaasd dat de Nederlandse politieke partijen minister Donner van Justitie niet aanspreken op het uitzetten van hun cliënt" Website: http://www.trouw.nl/ANP/BIN/ANP-150103-118-anp.html | Makkelijkste weg kiezen | Steven - 15.01.2003 20:35
Ik weet niet of je met een Noors vreemdelingen-paspoort (klinkt als voorlopige vergunning) wel Noorwegen uit of Nederland binnen mag reizen. Als dat niet mag heeft Donner technisch correct gehandeld: Persoon mag niet in Nederland zijn, wel in Noorwegen, dus naar Noorwegen sturen. Maar het komt ook een beetje laf over: vervolging in Nederland of uitlevering aan Jordanie is juridisch moeilijk, vrijlaten krijg je ruzie met de VS, dus breng je hem naar Noorwegen, dan is het niet meer jouw probleem. Ik weet het niet. Daarnaast: Dear Anarchist, I have more trust in Mr. Donner locking people up than in you locking people up. For a start, Mr. Donner does this with his real name, not some nick. And, if your doubtful, "Steven" is my real, official, given name. Beside, I don't want to lock anybody up... | Why Mullah krekar should be prosecuted? | Rebwar Ahmad - 15.01.2003 23:48
The Terrorist Criminal ”Mullah Krekar” must be Prosecuted! Mullah Krekar who was arrested in an airport in Holland on September 12th. 2002 by the Dutch police is one of the Islamic terrorist criminals in Iraqi Kurdistan who was famous for declaring Fatwas, planning, supervising and directing tens of terrorist acts. This criminal was previously one of the heads of an Islamic terrorist band named “Islamic Movement” whose basic duties, during the last 10 to 12 years, were declaring Fatwas, terrorizing leftist and progressive activists, killing women, exploding women tailor shops, hairdressing salons, bookshops, tourist areas, and the clubs. In this concern, an immense list of the crimes of that band, which Mullah Krekar had a great hand in, is accessible by both of us and the people of Kurdistan. Then due to breaking and splitting up with the Islamic Movement and they started to expose each others and unmask their scandals, Mullah Krekar separated from them and now he is the first person in charge, Emir, of a homicide sanguineous terrorist band called Islam Proponents “ Ansar el- Islam”. During the last two years, Mullah’s band has committed the biggest crimes in Iraqi Kurdistan. There are lists of crimes the bands of which Mullah has been leader committed but the clearest ones are: 1. Assassinating the two leading members of Worker-Communist Party of Iraq, Shapur Abdul Qadir and Qabil Adil in Arbil city. 2. Assassinating Farhad Faraj, the political leftist activist in Suleimanya city. 3. Killing Francois Hariri in Arbil city. 4. Exploding several bookshops, women tailors and beauty salons, tourist areas and the clubs in Suleimanya and Arbil cities. 5. Exploding the base of Independent Women Organization in Suleimanya city. 6. Slaughtering and cutting 47 persons heads off in “Kheli Hama” a village in Hawraman area in Iraqi Kurdistan. 7. Assassinating five persons and wounding some others in a terrorist attempt for killing Barham Salih, the Prime Minister of PUK government. 8. Pouring incendiary liquids to hands and legs of those women worn modern clothes in the markets and universities of Suleimanya and Arbil. 9. Mullah Krekar has always declared Fatwas for killing communists, leftists, secular, women, exploding the tourist areas, clubhouses and the relief places of people, every Fridays in Al-Jihad mosque in Suleimanya city and incited the members of his band to Islam jihad by fulfilling these deeds. A part of his sermons recorded in cassettes is available to all. According to these Fatwas tens terrorist actions were committed. Relying on that and many other proofs, we, as Worker-Communist Party of Iraq, have a lawsuit against him and calling the Dutch authorities to prosecute him in an open trial and to be penalized for his crimes. In that trial Worker-Communist Party will take part as a prosecutor and supply necessary documents to prove Mullah’s terrorist crimes. Rebwar Ahmed, Secretary of central committee of Worker-Communist Party of Iraq 12th.September2002
| 17-01-2003 16:24 Bron: ANP | LinkMichel - 18.01.2003 04:57
"De Nederlandse Vereniging van Strafrechtadvocaten (NVSA) is ,,ernstig verontrust'' over de aanhouding van de advocaten van de uitgezette Irakees Mullah Krekar afgelopen maandag. " "Koppe en Strooij zeggen dat zij op hardhandige wijze door marechaussees uit het busje zijn gehaald en dat hen vervolgens rechtsbijstand is onthouden. Volgens de NVSA is dit ,,een praktijk die doet denken aan die van totalitaire regimes''." Website: http://www.volkskrant.nl/ANP/BIN/ANP-170103-214-anp.html | |
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