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USA war on Iraq: Aims and Justifications Ali Javadi - 16.01.2003 21:16
WPI Briefing Number 91 Weekly of the Worker-communist Party of Iran
http://www.wpibriefing.com A US attack against the people of Iraq is becoming imminent. The attack on Iraq is the second phase of the USA terrorist war. The plans for attacking and occupying Iraq have been prepared. The New York Times writes: These plans include US military presence in Iraq for at least 18 months, military trials of the top Iraqi leadership, quick control of the oil wells to pay for reconstruction. A more than 100,000-strong military force has been assembled in the region. The military headquarters of the US war machine has been established in the region. The US military commander for Iraq after Saddam has been chosen. A hand-made group of Iraqis composed of gangs of reactionaries, murderers, tribal leaders and super-reactionary mullahs will be responsible for all other marginal matters. Also, the cost of the bombardment of cities, destruction of bridges, buildings, factories, power stations, water supplies and in short the destruction of Iraqi society is to be funded from the pockets of the people of Iraq by selling Iraqi oil. The end of the declared initial time limit for the UN 'inspectors' in Iraq can be the date for the commencement of the war. Regarding the results of the work of the UN inspectors, Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, sneeringly stated that if the UN inspectors find evidence of Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction, then undoubtedly the US would attack Iraq and if these teams could not find the evidence this would mean that the Iraqi government had successfully managed to hide its weapons of mass destruction, in which case the US would attack as well!? The US is about to impose a destructive and bloody war on the people of Iraq in pursuit of its strategic and military interests. 'Doctors without Borders' estimates that in the initial phase of the war at least 50,000 to 150,000 civilians will be killed. The outcome of this reactionary war will change the face of the region. The official propaganda and the media of the bourgeoisie and the US administration make believe that this war is about Saddam Hussein's access to weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and the arming of Islamic terrorists with weapons of mass destruction. They argue that this war is for the rights of the people of Iraq denied to them by Saddam's dictatorship. They make believe it is for democracy in Iraq. The New York Times leading article announces that: The US is completing the plan of administration and democratisation of Iraq. To save the truth from beneath the rubble of lies and war propaganda is not too difficult. Their analysis and policies are the US ruling elite's justification and excuses for war-mongering. This war is not about Saddam's access to weapons of mass destruction and political Islam's access to these murderous weapons. Even CIA analysts have not found any connection between Saddam and the September 11 atrocities. If anyone is genuinely worried about these weapons and wants to eliminate their dangers, they must first of all disarm the US and its allies and then Russia and then other countries in possession of nuclear weapons. These hellish weapons of mass destruction must be removed from the life of humanity. The disarming of Iraq is just an excuse. This war is not about terrorism and the capacity of Islamic terrorism to act. As the result of this war, Islamic terrorism will not be weakened; on the contrary it will be strengthened. It would find fertile ground for growth and recruitment. The wound that will be inflicted on the people of the region will be exploited by Islamic parasites. If anyone really wants to weaken and destroy Islamic terrorism, in the first instance, they must justly resolve the Palestinian question. One must recognise the independent state of Palestine. Additionally, the backbone of political Islam is the Islamic regime of Iran. Without the support of the West and particularly Europe, the Islamic regime could not survive and the people would quickly get rid of that regime. The US attack will only result in the expansion of terrorism. The US war is not about the rights of the deprived people of Iraq denied by the fascist-dictatorship of the Iraqi regime of Saddam. If anyone has the slightest concern for the people of Iraq, it must abolish the economic sanctions by the US and its allies. The food and medicine of millions of deprived people have been held hostage and every month thousands of children and elderly perish for lack of medicine and medical facilities. Economic sanctions against the Iraqi people is itself one of the biggest weapons of mass destruction. The US is not going to war for the freedom and the liberation of the people of Iraq. The US bombardment will result in the killing and destruction of the people of Iraq. They want to pour thousands of bombs and cruise missiles on the cities and the people from 30,000 feet and military ships and then send ground forces to encircle the cities and move against Baghdad. This war will make into rubble Iraqi society. Additionally, with the downfall of Saddam they want to bring in and establish a similar replacement, a similar reactionary group. The overthrow of the regime in Iraq is the work and the job of the people of Iraq. It is the task of a social movement to rid Iraq of this inhumane situation. What is this war about then? This bloody event must be seen within the context of international developments after the Cold War and the US' attempt to establish the New World Order. During the Cold War, the political and economic geography of the world was a function of the East and West division. Not only international divisions and blocks, also the political and ideological superstructure of the world was influenced by this international confrontation. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc this balance was lost. This equation had to be re-written. It is more than a decade that the US is trying to replace the old Cold War period with another reactionary world order. The bloody Gulf War in 1990 was the initial and bloody beginning in the shaping of this inhumane order. Under the excuse of returning the Sheikh of Kuwait to his throne and his oil wells they organised an all-out war. This current war is the continuation of the same strategy towards establishing the New World Order. The US is engaged in establishing its superpower position in the world. With this war they want to hammer in the last nails of this inhumane order. This war is the stage to show the power and bullying of US militarism. In pursuit of its interests, the US administration has set the people of the region for yet another human tragedy. The day after this war, we will not have more peace in the region and the world. On the contrary, militarism, dictatorship and terrorism will completely define the features of the world and the region. This war is an attempt to intimidate the people of the world. We must stand up against the USA and British governments' war mongering, terrorism and militarism with our force. We must expose the lies, deceit and military propaganda of the New World Order media. This war is an introduction to the wave of attacks and terrorism internationally. At the same time we must not allow the protests against US state terrorism to be abused by Islamic and nationalist groups. E-Mail: wpipr@ukonline.co.uk Website: http://www.wpibriefing.com |
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