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Demontratie San Diego + oorlogsnieuws Sacred Earth Society / Mark Metzelaar - 19.01.2003 23:16
Demonstratie San Diego gepland + politiek pamflet over de dirty-games van de netwreken die de USA gijzelen The Sacred Earth Society wrote: From: The Sacred Earth Society To: sdcpj@lists.quantumimagery.com Subject: [SDCPJ]Demonstration in front of KNSD-TV Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 20:11:44 -0800 Join us in demonstrating in front of KNSD-TV (NBC) to protest the lack of coverage of the peace movement. We will be outside the street level studio at 225 Broadway at 8:00 AM while the NEWS is being broadcast live. The airwaves belong to the people. Corporate America thinks that the air waves is their property. NBC is owned by GE one of the biggest defense contractors in America. The Military/Industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned the America people about, is soon to get a 200 billion dollar windfall from American Taxpayers. Who benefited by the events of 911? Afghanistan? Iraq? Israel? Or the Military/Industrial /Energy complex which the Bush family are major players in, with "The Carlyle Group". This War is going to make the Bush family obscenely rich. The Bush/Rockefeller Oligarchy that rules America are a bunch of stupid, selfish, mean spirited, white men who are afraid of loosing there grip on this world. Their fascist New World Order is far from new. It is a bunch of senile fools like Henry Kissinger and Zibignew Brzezinski that are writing the screenplay of this horror movie we all find our selves living in. We must turn the toxic TV off. We must realize that as long as Corporate America dictates what is NEWS and what is not, we loose everything and find ourselves living in a Capitalist Totalitarian Police State were the only freedom is the consumption of the worlds natural resources in a never ending orgy of consumer goods that becomes land fill in three years. This is what we are making World War Three over. Oil to run SUV's with 1000-Watt Amplifiers pounding in our hearts. Bush hasn't a clue on how to fix the American economy. He only knows how to fix the economy of his billionaire buddies. If the American people are truly tired of this bad movie, we must go to were the show is being produced. We must take back our power, we must take back our airwaves, and we must take back our country. Please join us Saturday morning at 8:00AM let us demand television coverage of a major event-taking place throughout our country and our city on that day. The Martin Luther King Jr. Parade and Peace March. Remember: "Some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. For we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us." 厖厖匨LK _________________________________________________________________ This message is from the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice If you are not on the list and would like to be informed of upcoming events and coalition activites (or to change your subscription options), sign up at
http://www.sdcpj.org |
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