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Islam killed her ! Soraya Shahabi - 22.01.2003 22:45
WPI Briefing Number 92, Weekly of the Worker-communist Party of Iran How could this happen? Fadima Sahindal, 26, was killed by her father in Sweden on January 21, 2002. This murder was not the result of sudden insanity, a scuffle between two people or an accidental murder because of a father's 'excessive violence'. In cold blood using a pistol and another murder weapon, a father had been planning and looking for an opportunity to kill his daughter since 1998. It is shocking but true. Why? What had Fadima done? Her crime was nothing but behaving in an un-Islamic manner. She had killed no one, had robbed nobody and had not hurt or abused anyone or anything. Unfortunately, Fadima was born in an Islamic family. The unfortunate Sarah, 15, and Pela, 19, were also victims of Islam and were killed under similar circumstances. Many are familiar with the deaths of Fadima, Sarah and Pela in Sweden, but the death of thousands upon thousands of Fadimas behind closed doors in religious and Islam-ridden societies by their family members goes unreported. The enormity of the catastrophe of the killing of girls by Islamic families is a lot more than the few that are reported. What is this belief, ideology, religion, culture and morality that turns a father into a professional murderer, who can take the life of his own daughter? Is it not the case that a child is most precious for her parents? How could one be so cruel to use a gun on one's own daughter? It is true! One cannot say this is an act committed only by animals. Animals would not do this to their offspring. This can only be committed by Islamic beasts. This is what religion and Islam does to reason, feelings and human thought. Religion is a repulsive reflection of humanity's alienation. Religion is a dangerous, hidden weapon. This weapon has been busy killing for many centuries. Read the Koran without any 'made up' interpretations. See if it will not invite you to kill your daughter, wife, child, foreigners and non-believers? Read the Koran; if you follow its call and believe in its values and direction and do what it preaches, will it not turn you into a dangerous and brainless beast that plans for three years to kill his daughter and commit such a horrendous crime? Performing Islamic law in the private and social domain is a dangerous and hidden weapon that no one will be arrested for its possession. The reality is that the mind and affection of a father like Fadima's father has already been destroyed by the most dangerous of weapons, i.e. religion. Islam before anything else kills one's humanity, intelligence, reason and affection and leaves one as a savage and sick animal. The reality is that Islam killed Fadima, Sarah and Pela. Islam must be deposed of. Humanity does not need such venom. Humanity does not need such murderous religious beliefs. If communists are anti-religion and anti-Islam, it is because they appreciate the destructive power of such a naked weapon and because of their deep humanity. Religion is the opium of the masses, a reflection of their alienation and venom that must be deposed. WPI, Office of International Relations BM Box 8927, London WC1N 3XX, England Tel: +44 (0) 07719166731 Fax: +44 (0) 870 1351338 www.wpibriefing.com
wpi.international.office@ukonline.co.uk E-Mail: wpipr@ukonline.co.uk Website: http://www.wpiran.org/english |
Lees meer over: Agenda | |  | opium of the masses | rob - 23.01.2003 10:19
I think it is wrong to put this problem on islam only. Because don't forget, religion is not only the opium of the masses, but also the heart in a heartless world. History has shown that the content of religion changes along with the socio-economic circumstances. So you cannot simply abolish religion, you have to tackle the problem at the roots... | Religion revisited | Paul - 23.01.2003 11:37
How could this happen? Father Damien died in 1889. His death was not a result of murder, war or just old age, he died because he was sharing his life with outcast lepers. He was sent as a Roman Catholic missionary to Honolulu, where he worked among the natives until 1873; then he was appointed to work among the lepers on the island of Molokai. Conditions there were deplorable, with lack of proper housing, medical aid, and sanitary conditions. Damien devoted himself entirely to the spiritual and physical care of the lepers, obtaining government aid for them and encouraging agriculture and local industry. Although he contracted leprosy in 1884, he continued his labours until his death. He not only ministered to the spiritual needs of the lepers but also dressed their sores, provided shelter and food, and buried them. Even after he had contracted leprosy, Father Damien continued his work until he became too ill to do so and ultimately died of this cruel disease. What is this religion, that turns the son of ordinary people into a missionary, who devoted his life - and paid the highest price possible for it - to those people suffering from disease and being banned as outcasts from their society to a lonely island? It is true! One cannot say this is an act committed only by animals. Animals would not do this to other animals. This can only be committed by devoted missionaries, Islamic, protestant, catholic or whatever. This is what religion does to reason, feelings and human thought. Religion is a strong force which is able to push people to such great deeds. Religion is a dangerous, hidden weapon. This weapon has been busy taking care of the victims of society for many centuries. Religion must not only be tolerated but also supported. Humanity needs its spiritual power. Humanity needs its love for the poor and its capacity to make people care for others. If communists are anti-religion and anti-Islam, it is because they fear the strong power of religion. It is because religion prevents them of having full control of the minds and bodies of their subjects. It is because religion confronts them with their own crimes.
| This are no marxists | 23.01.2003 14:08
"The reality is that the mind and affection of a father like Fadima's father has already been destroyed by the most dangerous of weapons, i.e. religion. Islam before anything else kills one's humanity, intelligence, reason and affection and leaves one as a savage and sick animal. " This show no respect for millions of people. I wanna bet this is a so called "trotskist" organisation.... Anyway this organisation is a tool for CIA and zionists.
| Suprition word | farshad - 23.01.2003 19:19
"this organisation is a tool for CIA and zionists." with this sentences Islamic regime of Iran imposed a barbaric and blody suppression. With this sentences they executed more than 100,000 political opponents.Now in Ira this sentence is a cover of any torture, execution,and ... But on respect of people.Millions of people may belive to fascism or racism. millions of people may belive to war. But still fascism is fascism, war is anti humanism, and relegion and political Islam is anti humanist tolls in the courent world. Islam is Khomeini, Taleban, Benladen, and...But don't forget all been creatived by USA and capitalism against communists.
| you correct yourself | 23.01.2003 21:02
"political Islam" is a much more precise frase than: "Islam before anything else kills one's humanity, intelligence, reason and affection and leaves one as a savage and sick animal. " you cannot insult all moslims like this. Not all moslims are CIA tools, indeed Osama Bin Laden etc are.
| De tijd van geloof is voorbij | Shahab Madani - 24.01.2003 01:40
De tijd van geloof is zeker voorbij, hoe? Kijk maar terug naar de geschiedenis van het geloof in diverse vormen van dat, van het middel eeuw tot heden, Dat is wijd en zijd bekend voor meeste progressieve mensen. Dat mag je zelf verkennen. Arme klasse elke dag door verschillend regeringen qua een verkeerd systeem dat ie gebaseerd is op winst en cocurrentie wordt onderdrukt, hier en daar overal, maar met verschillend manieren, in europa die wordt uitgevoerd in het kader van zogenaamde Democratie en in derde wereld in het kader van Islam en de gevaarlijke term van dat is politieke Islam, Politieke Isalm tot heden veroorzaakte duizenden moorden en nog steeds die wordt gwaardeerd door fandamentalisten en dominante regeringen als Iran, Iraq, Afaghanistan, Seodia, Algeria, Libia enz... als nog in het midden van Europa door hun aanhangers.
| whattabout | 24.01.2003 12:40
jodendom, christendom, hindoeisme etc. Zoalng deze organisatie alle moslims (en alleen moslims) voor achterlijk en nog erger uitnaakt is het een cia- en zionisten tool. Als ze het over de joden hadden geschreven was de wereld te klein geweest....
| Onzien | Ali - 24.01.2003 20:19
In principe Islam en de politieke vorm van dat door de CIA en zelfs zionisten is gevormd zowel Khomaini, Benlade en Hezbolah. Deze Organisatie is een van de onafhankelijke organisatie ter wereld gebaseerd op Marxisme en tegen alle afschuwelijke regeringen dat in 21ste eeuw nog steeds geloven aan het barbarisme en Dictatorie en oorlog, we streven naar eeen betere wereld dat er sprake is van vrede en gelijkheid en vrolijkheid en het sucularisme. Als je denkt dat die organisatie is een tool voor CIA of Israiel is, ben ik zeker dat je een blinde mens bent, open jouw ogen maar en kijk naar de waarheid in jouw om heen dan zie je van zelf. Website: http://www.wpiran.org | allemaal | stokebrand - 24.01.2003 22:19
ALLE religies en ALLE ideologien kunnen gebruikt worden als een excuus om iemand te vermoorden. Bij ALLE religies en ALLE ideologien zijn voorbeelden te vinden van dit soort of ergere misdaden. | behalve socialism en kommunist | shahab - 25.01.2003 00:03
dat soorte ergere misdaden die in een onjuist systeem dat die gebaseerd is op Money en economische belangen maar niet de mensenwaarden en maakt gebruik van het geloof in een term van klote politiek als een middel om mensen te onderdruken en behersen, doen ze natuurliojk heel ergere misdaden tegen de vrijheid en vrede noem maar op, b.v de nederlaag van revolutie van '79 in Iran, die revolutie was helemaal linkse revolutie maar door CIA en BBC en hun vakbonden hadden die naar hun eigen wil veranderd en een vieze en achterlijke mens als Khomanini aan de macht gebracht want zij wisten wat zijn de zwakke punten van onze maatschapij en waar ze de vinger moeten opleggen, dus het geloof zoals tot nu is geweest en nog steeds is een middel om de nieuwe wereld orde te uitvoeren b.v 11 september een duidelijke voorbeeld en door dat zij kunnen ook alle onschuldige mensen in hele wereld te verdachten, zo makkie, in andere woord kortom CIA, BBC, en... zijn ze de enige architecturen van politieke Islam. Leve eerlijkheid | ALLE ideologieën | Leo - 25.01.2003 00:24
Ondanks het kromme en haast onbegrijpeijke Nederlands (man, schrijf liever in het Engenls, misschien is er dan een touw aan vast te knopen), echt waar: ook communisme en socialisme hebben hun aandeel in het boed dat in e 20ste eeuw is gevloeid. | CIA, BBC en NOS | Jan - 25.01.2003 00:26
Je vergat nog de vuige rol van de NOS te vermelden, samen met de BRT, Arte en de ZDF. | gelukkig, je snapt de inhoud (alle ideolgieen | shahab - 25.01.2003 01:36
The basis of our policy is the human being Hamid Taghvaie The basis of socialism is the human being. This short sentence by Mansoor Hekmat is not just a slogan or a theoretical remark; rather, it is the reflection of a reality that every tactical move, policy and the programme 'For a Better World' of the Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI) confirms. The basis of the WPI's programme 'For a Better World' in any of its articles and paragraphs is the liberation, equality and the well- being of the human being. It is our Party's philosophy and the basis of any activity and practical struggle as well. In all the aspects of our struggle, be it the economic and daily struggle of workers, the campaign against stoning, defending the rights of refugees and immigrants, confronting honour killings in Europe, criticising labour laws, or defending the rights and dignity of children, we have raised the banner of humanity and its liberation everywhere. In all of these fronts we have stood up against contemporary reactionary capitalism in its current and specific political form and shape, the New World Order, free market democracy, political Islam, nationalism and ethnocentrism. Defending the dignity and rights of human beings has not only been the basis and the guiding light of the Party's programme and policies, but also the basis and guiding light of activities at any level and in any front for improving and raising the living standards of human beings today in the practical realisation of 'For a Better World'. We are the only political party, which has been influential even in opposition. Thousands of refugees and immigrants in America and Europe, thousands of women under the yoke of oppression of religious and reactionary Kurdish nationalism in Soleimaniyeh, progressive people objecting to honour killings, young girls who are victims of cultural relativism in Sweden and Denmark and thousands of progressive people who have supported our campaign against stoning all over the world are witness to this fact. We have improved the lives of human beings as far as is within the ability of a party in opposition. However, these achievements are limited, temporary and reversible. In opposition, one cannot bring about profound and permanent changes in the lives of millions of people. This task - the full and complete realisation of the programme 'For a Better World' for the well-being, equality and freedom of all humanity can only be achieved by securing political power. Political power is the key to moving from criticising the contemporary world to changing it. We want political power to overturn class society and liberate humanity but it is not only our party that seeks to gain political power. This is the objective of any serious political party. Our difference with other opposition political parties is our aim for taking power and the content of the system that we want to establish in Iran. More than anything else, what any party will do when in power and what system it wants to build can be seen from the content of its criticism and protestations while in opposition. Those who only object to the rule of the Faghih (Islamic Jurists), oppose only public execution and stoning, are distressed because the symbols of the lion and sun have been removed from the Iranian flag or are semi-mullahs whose only radicalism are limited to the 'separation of the king and the mullah' will not bring about any change in people's lives. Neither their objections and criticisms nor their programmes or policies for administering society have anything to do with the needs and wishes of the people. The basis of their action is not the human being but the class and the system that has a vested interest in keeping humanity in fetters, i.e. to maintain the current system, to find a role in the New World Order, to return Iran into the fold of the system of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Our Party's criticism of the Islamic Republic of Iran is at the same time a criticism of these types of opponents as well. One cannot hold a profound and radical criticism of the system of the Islamic Republic and leave its inconsistent opponents, the forces that wish to maintain the foundations of the current system, alone. Our standard and criteria in criticising these groups, their ideals, programmes and policies, their position vis-à-vis the Islamic Republic and the people has always been and will be the human being, their dignity, equality, liberation and well-being. Today, with the prospect of the fall of the Islamic Republic, the replacement of the regime has become the main issue of Iranian politics; all political parties and groups have declared their position. Here too, our criteria and measure is the will, wishes and the interests of the people. From our point of view, the most practical and straightforward method of imposing the people's will and wishes to decide on the next system of government is a revolution. Revolution is the direct, simple and clear manifestation of the wish and will of the people to decide the government. This is the most practical and at the same time the most democratic way of removing the Islamic Republic and establishing the system preferred by the people. The more widespread, organised and all-inclusive the people's direct intervention and will is in the process of the downfall of the Islamic Republic, the more chance and possibility of a radical and complete break with the current system and the establishment of a Socialist Republic. That is why the right wing opposition, like the 2nd Khordad opposition (government reformist faction) oppose revolution. They know full well that a people who have experienced a revolution for freedom and equality cannot be sent home easily. It is natural that their means of achieving their ideal which is devoid of humanity is not the power of organised people, but via opposing such a force. In contrast, our Party has always insisted and relied on organised and conscious people. The recent Political Bureau's Resolution on Ensuring the People's Right to Determine the Future System of Government in Iran and the Declaration of Political Freedoms set the means of deciding the future system of government in Iran by organised and conscious people. These documents declare that the precondition and guarantee of the right of the people in deciding the future system is the Assembly of the Representatives of People's Councils and the Declaration of Political Freedoms. In these documents we have separated the means of deciding the government from the content and substance of government. In reality, as mentioned earlier, these two are always related but proposing them separately allows us to show our commitment to the wishes and the will of the people as well as show how the masses welcome the humane ideals and objectives of the Party and the Socialist Republic. We deeply believe that if such political freedoms are realised by law or de-facto the people will chose a Socialist Republic. Therefore the articles of the Declaration and our reliance on the Assembly of the Representatives of People's Councils are not just tactics of the day but are part of our strategy and programme. We require people's organised and conscious intervention to achieve our aim, policies and the government that we propose. Hence our commitment to the Declaration of Political Freedoms and the councils are a fundamental and programmatic position. The councils and the Declaration of Political Freedoms will keep the people involved and close the door to a coup d'etat and such dealings from above the people's heads and prevent the Lebanon-isation of the society. Our call to other political parties is within this principle and basis. Any political group claiming to respect the opinion and the decision of the people must welcome the Declaration of Political Freedoms. Any political party in opposition, irrespective of the type of system and government that they want, must pledge their commitment to a free environment for political struggle. If everyone says that people must choose, then it is clear that all must accept political freedoms. By publishing the Declaration, our Party once again puts the people in the centre of politics.
| Wat hebben ze weer lappen tekst nodig... | simon s. - 25.01.2003 02:37
Ik hou het maar gewoon Nederlands: wat hebben ze weer veel omhaal van woorden nodig, die Iraanse Commies... Het ergste is nog dat ze die Flauwekul ook nog Geloven. Of je nou door de Ayatollah's of door de 'Volks-komissarissen' wordt onderdrukt, me dunkt dat de gewone Iraanse 'worker'/arbeider zich vooral druk maakt over haar/zijn dagelijks brood, kofta, rijst en de 'Strijd om het Bestaan'. Als de Kameraden van Shahab ooit de macht grijpen worden de Ayatollahs weer als Beesten opgejaagd en afgemaakt, en zo komt er aan het bloedvergieten op Ideologische danwel religieuze basis natuurlijk NOOIT een eind. Daarom sluit ik mij hartgrondig bij Stokebrand aan. Shabab mag zich verlekkeren op bijgaande link. Probeer het eens in het Nederlands te vertalen. Kun je nog van leren, Shabab! :) Website: http://www.marx2mao.org/Stalin/RFFYP33.html | maak je geen zorgen! jooh | mark - 25.01.2003 03:46
Dan kijk maar naar deze site beste Simon, ik denk in dit geval waarschijnlijk zin heeft.
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