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Sucking up to the Empire angry amerikan - 31.01.2003 03:23
Perhaps we need to ask the so-called leaders of these European nations if they are equally ready to commit their OWN troops to the front lines in Iraq. Given the timing of the letter of support for the Empire's looming war on Iraq from the leaders of the "New Europe" (not to be confused with the populations under their rule who overwhelmingly are oppossed to this lame-ass adventure for oil and glory), one is left to wonder to what degree European arms were being twisted by Bush regime operatives in the past few weeks. Just what IS the oil supply situation in Poland and Denmark these days? What vital economic concerns are on the front burner in Portugal and the Czech Republic? People are already aware of the corporate and political ties between the present far-right Spanish and Italian governments, regimes that have less and less support from their citizens with each passing day. Now we have other spineless politicans whose dark ties to the Empire call for light to be shed on them. They look pretty lame sucking up to the likes of George Bush and his bosses. Perhaps we need to ask the so-called leaders of these European nations if they are equally ready to commit their OWN troops to the front lines in Iraq. No doubt, that would be quite another matter! Like the chickenhawks beating the drums of war here in the States, those wealthy men who never had and never will have to witness the gore and madness of war with their own eyes, whose lives will not be on the thin edge under fire, are ever so ready to condemn the lives of others in order to fulfill their own pathetic ambitions. What a sorry ass bunch. But hey, take heart. Soon enough they will be history, their names forgotten and their careers washed up. |
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