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Four men publicly hanged in Iran Maryam Namazie - 03.02.2003 13:29
Two others sentenced to execution instead of stoning to death Press Release 2 For Immediate Release 3 February 2003 Four young men, Mohammad Saadat Fath, Nader Ebrahimi, Ali Farsameh and Davoud Jafari were publicly hanged in Arak, western Iran on 30 January 2003. They were accused of 'raping people's honour'. There has also been a news report that a young woman and man who have been accused of 'adultery' and 'murder' are to be executed in Karaj rather than stoned to death. This is the first case of an alternative form of execution since stoning to death was temporarily suspended by the Islamic regime in Iran due to international pressure. Numerous women, men and youth are currently awaiting execution. At a time of escalating public protest against the government, the Islamic regime has stepped up executions in the public arena to intimidate the population at large. The Campaign against Executions in Iran unequivocally condemns the Islamic regime of Iran for these hangings and execution sentences. International public pressure can and must remove this brutal means at the Islamic regime's disposal and impel it to immediately stop all executions. The Campaign against Executions in Iran unequivocally opposes capital punishment in all instances and calls for its abolition in all countries. The Campaign aims to: * mobilise international protest against and condemnation of executions in Iran * galvanise public pressure against the Islamic regime in Iran and its Western government supporters * save the lives of those under execution sentences * stop executions in Iran Contact: Maryam Namazie at P. O. Box 27236, London N11 2ZF, UK, Tel: +447719166731, m.namazie@ukonline.co.uk. E-Mail: m.namazie@ukonline.co.uk. |
Lees meer over: Agenda | aanvullingen |  | Iran zegt toe steniging als doodstraf af te | 05.02.2003 12:21
TEHERAN (DPA) - Iran heeft de Europese Unie toegezegd steniging als doodstraf te zullen afschaffen. Andere straffen zullen steniging vervangen. Dat heeft ayatollah Mahmud Hashemi-Schahrudi, die de Iraanse justitie leidt, maandag tegen eurocommissaris Chris Patten (buitenlandse betrekkingen) gezegd. Website: http://www.trouw.nl/ANP/BUI/ANP-040203-253-anp.html | |
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