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Hard facts ! cia public realtions - 07.02.2003 13:37
CIA facts I  great job Many thanks to our dear George Tenet chief of CIA and thanks to NSA for this expensive inquiry. The demonstration with videos shot at 1991 was really resourceful, the public 4 sites dossier from the dear british secret service are only a few years old but groovy and for the genious graphics shown at the multimedia show surely the graphic artist must been very expensive. Now we understand why we have to pay 40 Billion Dollar to CIA and NSA because such well-founded proofs are only possible with sudden inspirations of hundredthousand super-agent specialists. Now we understand also why only the Iraq is one of at least 143 contries inclusive US with chemical and biological weapons who must be erased. Aside from the facts that North Korea build nukes for american cities and the regime threatened the US with an nuclear pre-emptive attack it seems that everything is in apple-pie order. Thank you Tenet, really great work! Website: http://strike-free.net |
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