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Photo: 750 women naked for peace, Australia Pip Wilson - 08.02.2003 15:28
Photo: http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/ Saturday February 8, 2003, Australia More than 750 women lie nude on a hillside at Byron Bayon, Australia, in the shape of a heart with "no war" spelled inside. Photo: 750 women naked for peace, Australia Photo: http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/ Saturday February 8, 2003, Australia More than 750 women lie nude on a hillside at Byron Bayon, Australia, in the shape of a heart with "no war" spelled inside. The women are urging Australian Prime Minister John Howard not to follow US President George Bush into a war with Iraq. Website: http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/ |
Lees meer over: militarisme | aanvullingen |  | ? | 08.02.2003 20:01
En wat is hiervan het resultaat, behalve dat wereldwijd hier vieze mannetjes op zullen geilen? | voor 'vieze man' | ? - 09.02.2003 01:58
Anti-war women bare all. Reuters. 7 February 2003. Anti-war women bare all. NEW YORK -- Protesters are trying a nude way to stir interest in the anti-war movement. When U.S. demonstrators hit the streets to rally against a military conflict in Iraq, they often grumble that too few Americans take notice. So one group opted for an eye-catching alternative. Just after dawn on Friday, roughly 30 women scurried into the heart of Central Park, splitting up into groups to avoid arousing police suspicion. Once they reached their destination, the Bethesda Fountain, they displayed their deep misgivings about war by disrobing amid a steady snowfall. Lying down in shivering temperatures, the group of women -- students, executives and artists among them -- used their stark naked bodies to spell out the words "No Bush." "I have never done anything remotely like this before, but I think it's incredibly cool," said Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a 40-year-old activist housewife. "We're totally vulnerable out here, yet we're making a wonderful statement." It didn't take long for a flock of nude women to attract attention. Central Park workers scrambled to break up the gathering, but by the time they arrived, the women were fully clothed. Women have staged similar nude protests in this country, as well as in Europe and South Africa in recent months, said the event's organiser, Wendy Tremayne. The women said they are frustrated that too many Americans have passively accepted war with Iraq as inevitable and unavoidable. "Part of it is apathy," said Kate Heim, 25. "The other part is that people don't realise it's about to happen. It doesn't seem real." Tremayne expressed disgust with what she called a high-handed, go-it- alone U.S. approach in foreign policy. "For me, it's been a growing embarrassment about being American that started before Bush," Tremayne said. "This event derives from the belief that people can do things, that people still care and can make a difference." Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DeWaarheid/messages | Nude women say 'No War' in Australia. | mens - 09.02.2003 02:02
Nude women say 'No War' in Australia. Reuters. 8 February 2003. Women Bare All in Australian Anti-War Protest. SYDNEY -- More than 700 women posed nude on Saturday to protest against Australia's likely involvement in a potential war against Iraq. Lying naked end to end on a grassy knoll in the Australian beach town of Byron Bay, they formed a heart around the words "No War" for an aerial photograph. Australia has sent troops and approved fighter jet deployments to join U.S. and British forces in the Gulf preparing for a possible war in Iraq, but has yet to publicly commit itself to joining any military action in Iraq, whether U.N.-approved or U.S.-led. The women, ranging in age from about 20 to 60, gathered on a hillside in the beachside artists' haven in the far north of New South Wales state. One middle-aged woman had the words "Bare it all for the boys Down Under" written down her back. "I really realize now when I look up here and see all these women, they're desperate to let our prime minister hear how very very angry they are at what he's doing and how much they disagree with what's happening," organizer Grace Knight told Australian Broadcasting Corp Radio. "If you just look over there, that's a lot of women who don't agree with what's going on," she said. Knight said aerial photos would be distributed to garner publicity for the women's stance that Prime Minister John Howard should recall Australian troops already deployed in the Middle East. The Australian protest echoed a similar one in New York where nude women formed the words "No Bush" to demonstrate against U.S. President George Bush's hardline stance against Iraq. There were smaller anti-war protests elsewhere on Saturday in New South Wales and adjoining Queensland state. Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DeWaarheid/message/968 | hehehe | vieze man - 09.02.2003 13:40
Geilen? Ik ben een vieze man, even vies als de meeste andere mannen en ik kan je geruststellen, ik vind het een mooie maar niet bepaald opwindende manier van aktievoeren. De meeste van mijn medegoorlappen worden sowieso niet warm of koud van vrouwen die hun kracht laten zien, het zal ze eerder beangstigen. Ik zag het op mijn werk met acht andere mannen op tv en de "wow's" en "check it's" verstomden al na een fractie van een seconde en maakten plaats voor een bedrukte stemming, alsof zij dachten: Waar gaat het heen als wij niet meer bepalen op wat voor voorwaarden vrouwen zich uitkleden? Interessante discussie zou dit kunnen worden. lol
| PETA gooit ook Sex-Bom in de Strijd! | simon s. - 11.02.2003 15:32
Ook PETA lijkt 'blote dames' in de strijd te gooien. a.s. donderdag 13 februari, om 12.00 uur, voor Laura Asbak Woninginrichting te Utreg, vind de volgende actie plaats: Citaat PETA-persbericht: Peta's Foxy Lady toont haar huid om de huid van Dieren te redden. Penthouse Pin-up roept Winkelend Valentijns-publiek op om Hart voor Dieren te tonen. Met niet anders dat een in bodypaint aangebrachte vos zal het sexy Deense naaktmodel Kira Eggers in een kleine kooi kruipen om aan te geven in wat voor miserabele omstandigheden dieren op pelsdierfokkerijen moeten leven. ,,Ik laat mijn huid zien om dieren te redden'' zegt sexy Eggers...en zo ronkt het nog even door. PETA is in ieder geval erg in haar nopjes met haar Penthouse-Pin-up. Een nieuwe axie-trend??? Website: http://www.FurIsDead.com | |
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