SOS Nazi activities in Dortmund, Germany! anti-fa dortmunder - 10.02.2003 15:38
the latest fascist activities in Dortmund, Germany (eng) 1. On december 24th (no joke!) they opend up a big shop with fascist merchandise stuff in Dortmund. They sell the obligatorious "Londsale" and "Pitbull-Germany"-clothes there as well as CD´s from (already indexed) Nazi-Bands, Baseball-Sticks, CS-Gas, etc. The decoration of the store is ultra-agressive and clear-cut nazi-like, although of course they avoid to show or sell Hitler-T-Shirts to the public. The´ve established this shop right in the middle of the "Rheinische-Strasse near Ofen-Strasse" in Dortmund-Dorstfeld, 10 minutes from the city. It´s quite a poor area/township with 50 - 60% foreigners habitating there. 2. On Sat, January 25th, 200 Hardcore-Nazis (including well known leaders like Siegfried Borchardt ["SS-Siggi"] demonstrated about 2,5 hours in Dortmund-Scharnhorst. They were well protected by the police, so that 150 antifa-protesters couldn´t reach to stop that spooky march. Two weeks before, 280 Nazis demonstrated in Bochum but 500 Antifas gave them what they needed. 3. The Nazis have founded a new organisation in Dortmund, called "Völkisch orientierte Gemeinschaft - VOG". Their stickers can be found all around in the streets of Dortmund! They´re extremely activ, much more than they were during the last years. Their Web-Site is: (Nazi-Site!!) 4. This week (I guess it was on thursday) 40 antifa-activists visited a well known leading Neonazi in Dortmund-Brechten at his house. The aim of the action was it, to bring his "comming-out" as a Nazi into his neighbourhood. Most of the 40 Antifas were arrested by the police soon after they´d started the action. Only one or two hours later 80 Neonazis demonstrated without police-permission, spontaniously in Dortmund-Brechten. It goes without saying that not a single racist was arrested. 5. Pogrome: The day before yesterday (friday-night) 15 fascists attacked our ska/punk-pup "Platzhirsch" in Dortmund-City ("Brückstr.")!! They came in the night armed with knives, baseball-sticks and CS-Gas. They tried to start a classical Nazi-Pogrome against young left People/Punks. Fortunately they were stopped in front of the pup by young Punks! Many of our friends are injured, some were even heavily injured and must have been brought to hospital - among the injured persons are young punks from the SDAJ (most of them are at the age of 15 or 16!!). We´ll probably visit them today (sunday) in hospital! By now, I don´t know the exact number of injured Antifas and how many people were arrested. 6. Yesterday (saturday): 25 Nazis attacked an antifascist demonstration in Essen-Borbeck (about 300 people) with bottles, stones and sticks. Many people were injured. As soon as some Antifas tried to defend themsevels the police arrested them (not the attacking Nazis!) and ended up the Antifa-Demonstration. Over the last months there had been committed serveral racist pogromes against foreigner-families from african countries in Essen-Borbeck! An important thing about this new quality and quantity of Nazis-activities here in Dortmund, is that in September 2003 the exhibition "Verbrechen der Wehrmacht - crimes of german soldiers during World War two) is shown in Dortmund. Seems like the nazis are working hard for that day ... |