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New CESR fact sheets about the Iraq crisis Jacob - 11.02.2003 08:07
New CESR fact sheets about the Iraq crisis Dear Friends, The Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) is coordinating an Emergency Campaign on Iraq to promote peaceful alternatives to war based on fundamental human rights principles As part of the campaign, CESR is preparing a series of one-page fact sheets examining key topics related to the crisis in Iraq, including: 1. Overview of the crisis 2. Costs and Consequences of War for Iraq 3. Costs and Consequences of War for the US 4. Weapons of Mass Destruction 5. International Law on Sanctions and War The first two fact sheets are already available at http://www.cesr.org/iraq/index.cfm?pageid=fact_sheets. The next two are almost finished and should be ready during the next couple of days. We hope that you will find these resources useful and informative, and encourage you to share them freely and widely. Peace, Jacob Website: http://www.cesr.org/iraq |
Lees meer over: militarisme | aanvullingen |  | En Mars | henk - 11.02.2003 13:39
Mars staat het dichtst bij de aarde sinds adam en eva. geen wonder dat er overal de pleuris uitbreekt Mars Snuggles up to Earth January 13, 2003 This year Mars will pass closer to the earth than any time in recorded history. The planets in our solar system orbit the sun at different rates. Our earth takes 365 days to complete it's orbit, Mars takes 687 days. During one Martian year the earth passes between it and the sun twice, known as (oppositions) in astronomy. Because Mars' orbit is so elliptical, the distance between it and earth varies greatly from opposition to opposition. This year in August, Mars will be nearer to earth than it has been in 59,000 years. It will appear 4 times larger and 50 times brighter that it appears now, at the time of this writing, January13th 03. This close pass is more significant with respect to world event than most can imagine. This coming August may be the time of unprecedented violence on this earth. The United States by that time will be in the quagmire of war in the Middle East- if not also with nuclear capable North Korea. August is also corresponds to the Hebrew month Av, the month of the year in which both the 1st and 2nd temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. Av was also the month of the burning of the Warsaw ghetto, the signing the "final solution" by Hitler, the "night of broken glass", the expulsion of Jews from the Pales in Russia and many other woeful events in Jewish history. In Roman history, under the reign of Augustus (63 BC-AD 14), Mars became Mars Ultor ("Mars the Avenger" of Julius Caesar), and a personal guardian of Augustus. | |
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