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Americans to march with Iraqis Robbie - 13.02.2003 13:33
U.S. and Iraqi citizens living in the Netherlands will march together on February 15 in Amsterdam to protest a potential U.S.-led war against Iraq. Americans to March with Iraqis in Amsterdam Peace Rally U.S. and Iraqi citizens living in the Netherlands will march together on February 15 in Amsterdam to protest a potential U.S.-led war against Iraq. "We refuse to be enemies," said Sheila Gogol, spokesperson for Americans Against War in Iraq. AAWI is a group of concerned U.S. expatriates in Holland who have come together to speak out against the increasing threat of a pre-emptive war waged against the Iraqi people. The group represents a broad spectrum of different ages, backgrounds, professions, faiths and political affiliations. The joint American-Iraqi march is part of a large anti-war rally beginning at 1:00PM, Saturday, February 15, on the Dam in Amsterdam. The Amsterdam rally is part of a worldwide day of opposition to war against Iraq. Simultaneous rallies will take place in New York and more than 50 cities around the globe. It has been reported that this may be the largest ever mobilization against war. Organizers estimate that 10 million people around the world could take part. On Friday, February 14, AAWI and their Iraqi counterparts will hold a joint press conference to inform the media and answer questions about their decision to march together. ------------ ANNOUNCEMENT AMERICANS AGAINST WAR IN IRAQ invite you to march together during the demonstration in Amsterdam on Saturday, Feb. 15. WHAT: International Peace Rally STOP DE OORLOG TEGEN IRAK WHEN: Saturday 15 February WHERE: Dam square, Amsterdam MEET: Americans Against War in Iraq will meet at 12:45 at on the Dam near the Nieuwe Kerk A coalition of two hundred Dutch groups will join forces in Amsterdam with a single common message: STOP THE WAR AGAINST IRAQ. AMERICANS AGAINST WAR IN IRAQ is a nonpartisan assembly of US expatriates living in the Netherlands who have come together to march in Amsterdam on February 15 and demonstrate our opposition to pre-emptive military action in Iraq. On the same day, simultaneous events will take place in New York and throughout the world. London's Daily Mirror reports that this "may be the largest mobilization against war ever." Additional info may be circulated prior to February 15, so please let us have your e-mail if you plan to take part: mailto: no-war@democratsabroad.nl For info on the demonstration organizers see: www.wereldcrisis.nl |
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