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Infi-debate Internacional Mobilisation CIA Info-cafe - 14.02.2003 16:44
THE CURRENT CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL MOBILISATION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES AT THE DUTCH LOCAL LEVEL (Please spread out it!) THE CURRENT CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL MOBILISATION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES AT THE DUTCH LOCAL LEVEL Info-debate: Sunday 23rd February from 4 to 7 CIA Info-café (3a Oosterparkstraat 166) Hello How are you? We hope very well. The context of the international mobilization has changed a lot the last years. Recent events as the I European Social Forum in Florence last November, and the III World Social Forum in Porto Alegre last January have broad consequences for the international panorama, and especially for the local dynamics. We would like to invite you to participate in a debate about the current context of international mobilization, how to deal with the forums, and how this is affecting the collectives of the local mobilization in the Netherlands. And about the coming international events and campaigns: the anti-GATS-campaign, the G8-sumit in Evian, France and the WTO in Cancun, Mexico. People that have been in Florence, Porto Alegre and Davos, (with the anti-World Economic Forum mobilization) and other people who are active in the international campaigns will explain their experiences in a presentation. Then the debate will start on further common reflection. It will take place Sunday 23rd February from 4 to 7 CIA Info-café 3a Oosterparkstraat 166 Telephone contact Eyfa office: 020-6657743 (Ask for Mayo) e-mail contact: mayo@eyfa.org kh@xminy.nl This debate is part of an initiative to promote the CIA Info-café, one of the few centers in the east of Amsterdam. If you would like to organize an info-debate or any other thing in the CIA Info-café you are welcomed. E-Mail: lilaroja@gmx.net |
Lees meer over: globalisering | aanvullingen |  | |