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venlo (wmp) video via electroniciraq.net sopagrolipiet - 21.02.2003 10:48
http://electroniciraq.net/news/155.shtml Protest against US military transports in the Netherlands Electronic Iraq 19 February 2003 Helmond Railyway station Anti-war activists affiliated with the Dutch Socialist Party and the Greenleft protested this morning by confronting train passengers about the looming war against Iraq. Protestors staged protest along the track of a military transport from Venlo to Rotterdam. Between 7 and 8 o'clock picketlines were initiated on the railway stations in Venlo, Boxtel, Eindhoven, Helmond, Tilburg, Den Bosch Utrecht, Gouda, Dordrecht and Rotterdam. The protest, "Wake Up Holland", comes in response to several rail transports of US military equipment from Germany to the Netherlands on Monday. Media reports indicated that 25 such transports will occur in the next few days. The protest in Venlo (L1 TV) [Media Player] A spokesman of the Dutch Socialist Party said that travellers by train were given stickers with the text: "Not in my name and not through my country" to assist them to protest against the military transports. ”Travellers must realise their (rail) track is being abused,” he said. A majority of the Netherlands is opposed to the military transports. The Dutch Labour Party was criticised for claiming that they couldn't do anything to prevent the transports. Both the Greenleft and Socialist Party have requested municipalities to raise protest motions in council meetings against the military transports and will also lobby this week provincial government representatives to do the same. At 22.30 this day of protest would end with a symbolic vigil and a blockade of the Steinweg company in the port of Rotterdam. This company is the final destination of the rail transport of US military equipment from Germany to Holland from where it will leave for the Gulf. Protestors gathered in front of the company where the military transport will be loaded on board to be shipped. They presented a ten meter banner with the text: "Not in my name, not through my country." |
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