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What is your Anti-Bush? xxdr_zombiexx - 24.02.2003 14:05
Under the flag of the "War on Drugs" the Bush Administration has set in motion a genuine Fascist government, assaulted our Constitutional Freedoms and threaten to destabilize the entire world in a quest for dominance of oil and natural resources. Time to march them out of office. 2003 is already shaping up to be "Year of the Protest": Let's make it official! xxdr_zombiexx It appears Bush and the Ashcroft Justice Department filed an amicus brief in an attempt to uphold New York City's ban on the Feb. 15 antiwar march . Why am I not surprised? Will the Bushites now resort to more draconian measures to stifle dissent in America? Is the Son of COINTELPRO waiting in the wings? Kurt Nimmo - Another Day in the Empire Tuesday, February 18, 2003. The Bush Administration is so perpendicular to public opinion they themselves need to be included among "protest organizers" for the recent massive Peace demonstrations worldwide. NION and ANSWER and World Workers Organization are hardworkers without a doubt - but, face it, without all the bullsh.... I mean "help" from Bush & Co., they would have gone nowhere fast. The Bush Administration has to get considerable credit, really, for this resurgence of democratic expression - protesting and demonstrations against unjust government policy and conduct. They earned this by their concerted attempts to squelch First Amendment rights to gather, march and demonstrate dissent. In doing so, they have made each of those activities potentially somebody's "Anti-Bush". The Constitution in the CrosshairsIs it any wonder you've got no power When you pay a thief to keep it for you? Is it a suprise that your wine is sour, when you let a liar choose the brew he pours you?" Phil Manzanara/801 - circa 1978 ...when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Action of Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776The conduct of the Federal government in the Rosenthal trial and in the NYC Protest Ban illuminate the heights and depths they will go to circumvent the will of the people and trash the spirit and letter of the foundation of this country. The Bush Administration has an overachievers laundry-list of anti-constitutional goals and accomplishmentsStolen presidency assassinated the economy gross mishandeling of 9/11 and its on-going lame cover-up. Gutting environmental regulations Blowing off international treaties, including nuclear treaties PATRIOT ACTS I, II, and possibly III, who knows? They try to keep everything secret. The recurrent bogus "terror alerts" - "fire drills for fascsim". Attempts to squelch and downplay peace marches specifically escalated the "war" against marijuana. [1 | 2 | 3]They do not just "fail" to represent the will of the people, they are wholly contemptuous of them. They lie continuously: about Iraq and Terror, about drugs and marijuana. They have ZERO credibilty yet people jump up to buy duct tape when the TV people tell them. The entire Bush II "Presidency" has been, and will eventually will be seen as, a snowballing crimewave, from start to finish. The alleged "liberation" of Iraq is nothing more than a hostile takeover, essentially to be accomplished by hijacking the American Military to do the incredibly dirty work glossed over in thier hollow appeals to patriotism and morality.. Is this not essentially Treason, if not a violation of a litany of other laws? The time is here to invite them out of office...and to provide new guards for our Future Security. Anti-Bush = Anti-War = Anti-Marijuana Prohibition. Some people won't like the implications of this little rhetorical "equation". No matter how you arrange these phrases, the meaning doesn't change. Working against war works Bushness. Working to preserve civil liberties works against Bushness. Working against marijuana prohibition works against Bushness. The Bush People, whether you like them or not, are a clear and present danger to the enigmatic "American Way". They have been working to undermine all our freedoms, steal our natural resources, imprison thousands and thousands of people needlessly. Unlike Bush's quintessential fasicst utterance - "you are either with us or you're against us" - you will either be with us..or viewed as an unenlightened cheerleader for your slavery, which you are free to do in America. Don't say you weren't advised.... Protest Bush, Do good. Instant Karma. Much like marijuana prohibition, Bush-ness affects everybody in hitherto unseen and unassessed ways. Given the multiple links between Bush, oil, global privatization and cannabis suppression, cannabis reform and anti-war efforts are essentially the same Anti-Bush effort. I suggest the "What is your Anti-Bush?" campaign to help people see how seemingly disparate things are linked together by Bush Adminstration policy and misconduct, and to streamline efforts and compound collective energies expended in resisting and protesting them, educating others about them. Simply put, one's "Anti-Bush" is anything done to help people or situations and/or involves speaking out against the Bush agenda. Any social activism is most likely anti-bush because we have seen how anti-social Bushness is. The concept is a parody of the ONDCP propaganda site FreeVibe.com. Its "What is your anti-drug" campaign is focused at young people and seeks to "keep them drug free" by promoting positive recreation and social "choices". The Anti-Drug exists first and foremost to spread lies about marijuana and the cannabis plant and is evidence of how big a deal prohibition really is. Go to Google (web) and type marijuana or cannabis in and see what the top sponsored link is. [Click here] Marijuana is the front and center feature on the sites main page. It tells the same lies we have been told since Anslinger and Hearst made them up. Marijuana reform is a historical dividing line of the Culture War and a current main front in the Federal assault on the Constitution and American Civil Liberties. The Bush Administration has greatly escalated the war on marijuana and marijuana touching (and medical marijuana and marijuana reform efforts). It has made a very clear point in doing so. Again, their conduct in the raids on medical cannabis operations and in the egregiously unconstitutional abuses in the Rosenthal trial, this all should be "Krystalnacht"- clear. They are going to fight legal and constitutional cannabis reform every step of the way, thus ALL cannabis reform efforts are inherently Anti-Bush activities. People continue to play it down, but marijuana prohibition remains Job 1 with Law Enforcement even after 9/11, especially under the Bush Administration. Their arrest data tell the whole story about priorities: Top Enron Execs and the other representatives of the 1% - all huge campaign contributors - still walk free after scuttling the economy (another Bush-supervised heist of American wealth via complex scam similar to the spectacular BCCI scandal under Bush I) while 750000 people - Americans - are arrested for touching marijuana each year. Medical marijuana gets extra-special attention. Its plain and stark really, but because its not talked about on TV, the average american simply cannot understand or comprehend the connections. The Bush Adminsitration has considerable de facto (but not absolute) control over TV simply because all commercial media is in the hands of conservative supporters. While I am sure they know better, they are simply too happy to spread Government lies and to perpetuate the propaganda that "marijuana touchers are terrorist sympathizers" who will get your daughters pregnant. This has to stop. What is your Anti-Bush?: * Maybe you organize anti-war activities or call legislators on the phone. This you can do right now, if you want!Join the Virtual March!* The selection of John Walters over intense public outcry - just as with the appointment of UberCommandant Ashcroft - was a total slap in the face of people who know which end is up in the "war on drugs". ANYTHING done to challenge, stress, or derail John Walters, the ONDCP, and the War on Marijuana is tap dead center of the anti-bush bullseye. * Helping to resist and derail similar Judicial nominees - like Estrada or Pickering - is Anti-Bush. Look no further than Judge Breyer of the Rosenthal Trial to see exactly how important it is to the cannabis movement to oppose any person submitted by the Bush team for these powerful - and often permanent - Judicial posts. All they will do is fight us every step of the way, so why allow them anything? Fight the Power! * People all over the world can have an Anti-Bush: it is not a priveledge exclusive to Americans! Perhaps people globally will realize "Americans" aren't so much the problem as their out-of-control Federal government..and spread the word. What is your Anti-Bush? xxdr_zombiexx E-Mail: xxdr_zombiexx@yahoo.com Website: http:// http://www.marijuana.com/categories.php?op=newindex&catid=15 |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | 123 | henk - 25.02.2003 11:29
America and the world stand at a crux in history. History shows that no state of political affairs lasts forever and the state of America politics is manifesting unmistakable signs of corruption and hubris. At a time when the majority of U.S. citizens don’t vote on their own elected officials, when the U.S. government is pursuing a preemptive war without the support of its own population and despite the opposition of the rest of the world, and when a few huge corporations control the media and dominate our culture, it is clearly time for a change. The New America Social Forum (NASF) is a vehicle for advancing that change. The true leaders of today and tomorrow are envisioning and striving for a world that provides for the needs of all people. Today, we are being fragmented into an "us" vs. "them" society: "poor" vs. "rich," "good" vs. "evil," or "Democrat/"Republican" vs. the rest of us. Our current political culture is focused too much on cleavage and not enough on shared concerns. Our government’s policies are destroying our environment, curtailing our culture, stagnating our economy, and undermining America’s credibility in international affairs. We can be better than this. America must be better than this. We, the youth of America today are the leaders of a great nation tomorrow, but before we assume those positions of power we must begin a broad dialogue to unify our vision of what that tomorrow will look like. The complexities of the problems that we face do not afford us the option of remaining divided by the outmoded divisions of religion, ethnicity, income, class, or gender. United, we can create a better America and a brighter future for all peoples of the world. The New America Social Forum (NASF) will bring together diverse groups and individuals in a setting where they can meet, motivate and educate. The more educated we become the more we discover how deeply intertwined our respective concerns are, as well as our paths towards progress. While every individual has their own priorities and every group has its own agenda, we are all part of a larger whole. By thinking and acting in solidarity we can begin to push the people’s movement forward faster and further. Our event, the New America Social Forum, is inspired by the annual World Social Forum (WSF) that was begun three years ago in Porto Alegre, Brazil and on the multitude of regional social forums that have since sprung up around the world. The WSF has exploded from 20,000 people in its first year to over 100,000 people in 2003. Participants from virtually every country in the world have attended these events. Despite such impressive numbers, social fora have been largely shunned by the mainstream U.S. media and therefore shut out from the public consciousness in the U.S. Regional social fora are attracting huge numbers all around the world (last November up to one million people attended the European Social Forum in Florence, Italy), but currently there are few comparable events such as these in our own country. The New America Social Forum has the potential to bring together Americans in an assembly that the mainstream U.S. media would be much harder pressed to ignore. Just as the World Social Forum included groups from all over the world, the NASF will include students, thinkers, activists, and citizens – first from all over the Western United States, but eventually from across the country. Taking note of the empowering effects that are realized by thoughtful gatherings of concerned citizens, we feel it essential to bring such an event as this to the U.S. in general and to the campus of UCSB in particular. Bringing this forum home will enable progress and empowerment locally, while generating new ideas and strategies to share with the world at Porto Alegre. As the world’s technological, economic, and military leader, the most important place for us to start effecting change is right here. By bringing together student groups, community leaders, politicians, artists, and intellectuals we can and will empower Americans to reclaim their country. At the NASF esteemed public figures, accomplished student leaders, and interested everyday Americans will be provided a rare opportunity to interact, discuss problems, and highlight solutions. There will be conferences, workshops, and debates, addressing issues ranging, from "consumer culture" to "multiculturalism" to permaculture. In addition to concerts, keynote speakers, and panel discussions, there will be a coinciding film festival and art exhibit. A charter of principles will be composed and issued at the concluding ceremony. This statement will be the primary tangible product of the forum, but the unquantifiable and intangible products are the most important and valuable results of this type of event. Participants depart with redefined goals, rejuvenated resolve, and new ideas, solutions, and strategies. The annual nature of the event allows for it to grow and mature according to the changing cultural and political climates. The campus of UC- Santa Barbara is the perfect place for the New America Social Forum. The UC- Santa Barbara community offers an unparalleled combination of amenities and resources for an event of this type. It is a hub of artistic talent, intellectual discourse, and technological expertise. Overlooking the Pacific Ocean and boasting a world renowned university, Santa Barbara has an engaged civil society, high profile residents, an organized living wage/workers rights community, and a broad base of potential sponsors and volunteers. Civil rights groups, human rights groups, veterans groups, third world groups, peace groups, the list goes on and on – we all have our own areas of interest, yet we are all committed to similar goals and, hopefully, a shared agenda. Unity is the only way to make progress and the only way to achieve unity is to talk through our differences and highlight our agreements. The NASF will bring positive change throughout the United States. Positive change in our country is inexorably linked to positive change throughout the rest of the world. The NASF will facilitate growth of the many grassroots movements now gaining momentum. We need to take action and do it now. Future generations will lament our apathy or celebrate our resolve. Together, we can create a new America, an America that respects human rights, recognizes international law, emphasizes common goals, and works for peaceful relations among all people. | |
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