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Political prisoner executed executed in Iran 25.02.2003 18:00
Press Release 5 For Immediate Release 24 February 2003 Iran: Political Prisoner Sassan Al Kannan executed by Islamic Regime of Iran Contact: Maryam Namazie, Tel: +447719166731 Sassan al Kanaan, a 37 year old political prisoner, was hanged on 19 January 2003 in Sanandaj, Iranian Kurdistan by the Islamic Republic of Iran. When Al Kanaan's sentence was issued, the Campaign against Executions in Iran raised his case with the European Commission External Relations Directorate-General and the UK parliament as well as in public opinion in an effort to stop his execution. His brother participated in a rally organised by our Campaign and the International Committee against Stoning on January 14 at the EC in Brussels. Much local and international effort took place, including his mother's visit of the UN's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention's delegation visiting Iran, to save his life. Despite this the regime hastened his execution and threatened his mother to bury him without any commotion so as to prevent protests during his memorial ceremony. The Campaign is outraged at Al Kanaan's execution and calls on the international community and public opinion to condemn the Islamic regime of Iran for his execution. The Campaign against Executions in Iran unequivocally opposes capital punishment and calls for its abolition in all countries. The Campaign aims to: * mobilise international protest against and condemnation of executions in Iran * galvanise public pressure against the Islamic regime in Iran and its Western government supporters * save the lives of those under execution sentences * stop executions in Iran P. O. Box 27236, London N11 2ZF +44 (0) 7719166731
m.namazie@ukonline.co.uk E-Mail: m.namazie@ukonline.co.uk |
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