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February 15 will never be forgotten Fateh Sheikh - 25.02.2003 19:36
The civilized world on the battleground WPI Briefing Number 96, Weekly of the Worker-communist Party of Iran 24 February 2003 The great march of dignified people around the world on Saturday 15 February 2003 will never be forgotten.Not only because such a great march with one goal on one day and such a global scope was totally unprecedented in history, but rather because, as a political mass action, it turned the state of affairs against US warmongering at a very critical moment. The very day before, the UN Security Council witnessed a vividly polarized struggle between capitalist states that resulted in a sharp split among the rank of its allies of the last dozen years. The day before, people of the world were holding their breathes and anxiously watching that scene wondering whether or not that challenge and split could help avoid the danger of a US attack. On February 15, people came to the fore on their own, with strong will and high confidence, to halt the danger and deepen, even more, the split on the other front. The civilized world from five continents emerged on the battleground to bridle Bush and Blair's unbridled jingoism. February 15 was the day that dignified people of the world showed their internationalist power and solidarity in hundreds of capitals and cities all over the world and this time the US and the 'allies' had to sit watching and bring out their abacus to revise their miscalculations. People shouted 'No' to US and UK's bullying and imperialist warmongering with their slogans, voted 'No' against Bush - Blair's war policies with their feet and succeeded in changing the balance of power in one day. During the several hours, the tone of the Western media apparently turned from sympathy to the war, into sympathy for people's anti-war sentiments. So far it is clear that the US dream of a 'New World Order' has already been doomed even in the case of it imposition of war. So far it is clear that the genuine challenger of the US' 'New World Order' is the workers and the civilized people of the world, not the French, German and Russian governments. So far this mass protest has already hammered a strong wedge in the splitting ranks of the main capitalist powers making their split hardly bridgeable. It proved that once people make a decision and are determined, the main battlefield to change the balance of power is in the streets and not the UN Security Council. It is remarkable that the protest was so great and genuine that it gave no chance to the Islamic factions or Arab nationalist defenders of Saddam Hussein to stain it with their reactionary colours. This proved the emergence of the third power, which can guarantee the defence of humanity's interests against all global and regional poles of reaction. Undoubtedly Bush and Blair have already heard people's footsteps and have become more frightened than their dull short-sighted minds could have imagined. Undoubtedly the importance of the February 15 protests go well beyond the current crisis caused by Bush and Blair's warmongering. In the past several decades, the capitalist states have not faced such humiliation by people challenging them. This movement must go forth full force and with clear-sightedness to push back the US and its allies' warmongering. It is our movement. It is a very important aspect of the class struggle of workers everywhere across the world and it demands that we -the worker-communists - not only be in its forefront to organise and practically lead it, but also to clarify its horizon and identify it with a lucid communistic and humanistic vision. Mansoor Hekmat's brilliant analysis 'The World after September 11' is our own and our movement's guiding light. E-Mail: fateh_sh@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wpibriefing.com |
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