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Executive of Egunkaria freed, denounce tortur egunkaria - 26.02.2003 22:32
Executive of Egunkaria freed, denounce tortures It emitted in direct since the doors of the jail of Alcalá Meco for the Basque public television ETB-2 in its edition of the Teleberri, the 3 persons put in liberty this same night, I include its director Martxelo Otamendi, have denounced, before journalists, family and friends the tortures: beatings, the market, vejaciones... , to the ones that have been submitted for the Guardia Civil during them you gave that they have been in its hands. For more info check on: http://euskalherria.indymedia.org
http://www.egunero.info http://www.argia.com http://www.sustatu.com http://www.euskalherria.info http://www.irratia.com http://www.gara.net |
aanvullingen |  | Let's clarify | Xare - 27.02.2003 00:28
I think this new needs some more explanation. Basque newspaper Euskaldunon Egunkaria closed by Spanish Police On February 20, 2003 the only existing Basque-language daily newspaper "Euskaldunon Egunkaria" was shut down and 10 people of its current or former staff are arrested for "supporting an armed group". the Spanish Civil Guard carried out a large-scale raid on both the newspaper?s headquarters in Andoain (Gipuzkoa), and local press offices in Iruñea (Pamplona), Bilbo and Gasteiz (Vitoria), which they then sealed. WHAT IS EUSKALDUNON EGUNKARIA? EUSKALDUNON EGUNKARIA (The Newspaper of the Basques) was created on December 6, 1990. Today it is the only newspaper published in Basque and is sold throughout the Basque Country, both in Iparralde and in Hegoalde (in the Southern as well as in the Northern Basque Country on each side of the Franco-Spanish border). It comes out six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday. It has an on-line version in Basque and includes a section in English. EUSKALDUNON EGUNKARIA has developed considerably since it began when it had only 32 pages. Today it produces 60 pages in the daily edition, and if you take into account all the different products, it publishes 76 pages every day on average. EUSKALDUNON EGUNKARIA is a standard newspaper and offers its readers sections similar to other newspapers: Opinion, Basque Country Politics, Basque Country Society, Economy, Sports, Features, Services, Culture, Events and TV. EUSKALDUNON EGUNKARIA has its headquarters in Andoain (Gipuzkoa) and local press offices in Iruñea (Pamplona), Baiona (Bayonne), Bilbo (Bilbao) and Gasteiz (Vitoria). It has a staff of 150. IT IS NOT THE FIRST TIME BASQUE CULTURE IS ATTACKED OR A NEWSPAPER CLOSED UNDER AZNAR'S SPAIN For the last five years, the spanish home affair ministry and some members of the "audiencia nacional" back the theory that ETA is not only a terrorist organisation but that its behavior spreads all around in basque society. For this reason they started a political process backed by Judge Garzon, a famous Judge that got internationa relevance during the Pinochet process and who, recently, had a strong letter interchange with Subcommander Marcos. According to his theory, Garzon started an operation against AEK, a social organisation that provides adult basque language teaching. After this taking as a base a document found to one member of ETA that had been arrested where basque proindependence leftwing newspaper EGIN was mentionned. According to Garzon's interpretation of that document, ETA was using EGIN as a way to send hidden messages, and that EGIN was also part of the economical machinery of ETA. Garzon took the decision, not only to arrest those alledged links between ETA and EGIN, but to close the whole newspaper leaving the workers without their job and beginning the first juditiary closing of a newspaper. Nonetheless, this process is not over, the newspaper is still closed. Aznar's said "Who thought we would not dare closing EGIN?". So far, Aznar was speaking clearly, the separation line between the different powers that in a democracy should be separated starts to be a bit difuse. Garzon started other processes following that line. According to Garzon, the Joxemi Zumalabe Foundation, a foundation dedicated to the support of social movements in the Basque Country was also blamed to be part of ETA. THe reason for this is that just by that time this foundation was hosting a debate over the use of non violent civil dissobedience in support of self-determination right and linguistic rights for basques. Garzon said it was part of ETA's strategy this campaign using non violent civil dissobedience. This process took several members of tha foundation to jail but now they are out waiting for a trial. Garzon also started a process against Xaki, according to Garzon Xaki was a group of people that on behalf of ETA would be defending ETA's cause on the international stage. According to the Supreme Court, this theory had no ground and there were not enough proofs. A publishing house that distributes basque language books about culture was also targeted by Garzon as a cover business for ETA. Again the supreme court said there was no ground for such accusation. It seems that Garzon and the spanish gouvernment are trying to find any piece of evidence and they carry on with operations against organisations that defend basque language and culture. This means a clear breach of justice and democracy. Garzon and the PP gouvernment use preventive measures to get to what they think is the "covering environment for terrorism". After all these operations, PP gouvernment has changed a law for political parties with one only objective: to illegalise pro independence left wing party Batasuna. The objective was not to create a new law to improve democracy, but to wipe out a party which they had not been able to do so with the former legislation issued out from the Spanish constitution. Now, when the prestige boat has sank and filled the coast with petrol and outrage and when the Spanish gouvernment is highly questionned for his attitude in support for Bush in the war against Irak, that is heavily opposed by the vast majority of the population (90% of spaniards are against the war). A new judge, Del Olmo, says that ETA uses Egunkaria, the only basque language newspaper, to spread his ideas. The judge does not use at any moment what has been written on Egunkaria, but some documents that had already been used to close EGIN in a process that is still not over. On top of that Del Olmo and the ministry of interior issued a common note explaining the closing of Egunkaria. Against does any body remember that the basis of democracy should be the separation of powers? Egunkaria is now closed, and ten persons working for the publishing company "Egunkaria Sortzen S.L." or related to it were arrested: The following people were arrested in the raid: * Iñaki Uria (SENT TO JAIL), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Euskaldunon Egunkaria. Uria has a long history within the Basque cultural movement. He was part of the group that changed the old magazine Zeruko Argia into the modern Argia. He has taken part in the process of creating Egunkaria since its very beginning, and in December 1990, when it first appeared, he was appointed Vice-director and later Director. He later assumed the post of Managing Director, which he has held until now. * Martxelo Otamendi (FREE ON BAIL AFTER PAYING 30.000 EUROS), Editor of Euskaldunon Egunkaria. He was a teacher and the Principal of the municipal Basque language school in Tolosa. He has worked in Basque Television and was the Director of the Egonean Giro show. He has been the Editor of the newspaper since 1993. * Juan Mari Torrealdai (SENT TO JAIL), Managing Director of Euskaldunon Egunkaria and Editor of the Basque literary magazine Jakin. He has been an active member of the cultural Basque movement since the sixties. He was a former Editor of the magazine Anaitasuna and an important figure in the Basque publishing world. At the end of the 70?s he published Euskal Idazleak Gaur (Basque Writers Today) and recently Euskal Kultura Gaur (Basque Culture Today). * Pello Zubiria (STILL INCOMMUNICADO AND MAYBE IN CRITICAL CONDITION IN HOSPITAL), Vice-editor of the magazine Argia. Together with Iñaki Uria, he took part in the transformation of Zeruko Argia into Argia, and also took part in the creation Egunkaria, the first daily newspaper in Basque. He was the first Editor of the paper, he later went on to run Argia, which he recently left due to ill health. * Luis Goia (FREE ON BAIL AFTER PAYING 12.000 EUROS). Cinema producer. He took part in Egunkaria Sortzen, the creation of Egunkaria, and was a member of its first Board of Directors. He was the producer of a number of films including ?Off-eko maitasuna?, written and directed by Koldo Izagirre. * Fermin Lazkano (FREE ON BAIL AFTER PAYING 12.000 EUROS), person in charge of the company Plazagunea, which provides computerised services for the Basque world. He was Managing Director of Euskaldunon Egunkaria at the beginning of the 90?s. Before that, he was a teacher in the AEK Basque language teaching organisation and held several posts in this organisation. * Inma Gomila (FREE ON BAIL AFTER PAYING 18.000 EUROS). Member of Egunkaria Sortzen and first Managing Director of Euskaldunon Egunkaria. * Xabier Alegria (SENT TO JAIL). Member of the Udalbiltza assembly of elected municipal representatives of the whole of the Basque Country. He has been accused in the legal case of the newspaper ?Egin?, another Basque newspaper that five years ago suffered the same fate as Euskaldunon Egunkaria yesterday, and in the case against ?Ekin?. * Xabier Oleaga (SENT TO JAIL). He is in charge of External Communications of the Federation of Ikastolas or Basque-medium Schools. He was editor of Egin and later, in the mid 90?s, was appointed deputy editor of Egunkaria. * Txema Auzmendi (SENT TO JAIL). He is a Jesuit and Deputy Director of Radio Popular of San Sebastian. He was one of the promoters of the newspaper and he has been the Secretary of the Board of Directors since the beginning. WHEN THE TROUTH STARTS TO COME OUT IN SMALL PIECES IT GETS MORE AND MORE FRIGHTENING The first managing editor of Egunkaria, Pello Zubiria, detained on the raid against the paper may have attempted suicide at the Gregorio Marañon Hospital in Madrid where he had been hospitalized 24 hours before according to official sources because of stomach problems. Zubiria was taken to the medical centre on Saturday February 22nd since he was apparently having a nervous breakdown and was admitted to the centre at the behest of the judge in charge of the case. The family wasn't told about the hospitalization until Monday February 24th. The suicide attempt took place on Sunday when Zubiria tried to smother himself with a pillow case according to the same sources. The former managing editor of "Egunkaria" suffers from a serious chronic illness and needs special attention, with correct medication and a very strict diet if his precarious state of health is not be altered. The editorial staff at the magazine Argia publically announced that somebody in a responsible position at the Gregorio Marañon Hospital had commented to a Spanish government authority that "it's a good thing that what happened took place at the hospital because otherwise ..." The overzealous action taken against the paper "Egunkaria" is graver still when it affects the weaker people detained such as Pello Zubiria. Mr. Zubiria has been held incommicado and detained in great secrecy. No one knew or could know of his whereabouts until yesterday when news of his suicide attempt leaked out. The overzealousness of the Spanish police and justice seems to have rubbed off even on the hospital staff since they declined even to inform Mr. Zubiria's family of the state of his health with the argument that they could not do so under the Spanish judge's orders. Pello Zubiria suffers (since several years) a severe denegerative disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Relatives told Police about AS when they arrested him, but it doesn?t seem anyone cared. Zubiria is an active partner in the global net of AS patients, Kickas.org, where his case has spurn solidarity. He also has a personal website in Spanish and Basque to help other people with AS: Izorrategi.org. Egunkaria?s detainees report torture The five detainees released yesterday -after paying massive bails!- have reported tortures. They were met by their relatives whom had travelled all the way from the Basque Country to the Soto del Real prison (Madrid), in an emotive atmosphere where "sadness, excitement and rage turned all the sudden into frustration" (Egunero paper). Xabier Oleaga, Xabier Alegria, Txema Auzmendi, Joan Mari Torrealdai and Iñaki Uria were sentenced to ?unconditional imprisonement?. Pello Zubiria remains in hospital. Egunkaria?s director on his release reported in a press conference where the Basque TV Euskal Telebista (ETB) was also present: ?they?ve treated us like rats, the treatment was merciless, brutal?. He also said that they applied twice the ?bag? (suffocation with a bag) to him in the five days they were inside, while they insulted him non-stop. They also made him stay crouching and naked, and that they made him do exercises endlessly. M. Otamendi was clearly affected and added that the other detainees had also battered in the police station, specially writer Joan Mari Torrealdai. ?You could hear the screams of your workmates and even the noise of the beatings?. The interrogations happened at any time either in the evening or the day. He was told repeatedly "you know you?ll end up speaking, never mind when: today, tomorrow, you?ll decide when". Egunkaria?s director reminded that they weren?t the first ones to be tortured in the Basque Country, but that ?until it doesn?t happen to you, and like twice in his case experiencing the bag? you can?t imagine it. He asked the media to demand from the institutions the cease of torture as the media tend to ignore this practice and many others don?t have the possibilities to speak out about it. Martxelo Otamendi highlighted the Guardia Civil?s impunity and thanked everyone for their support. At this time we have to remind that under the 18/98 Summary, many other organisms and projects have been closed down and their members imprisoned. In all the cases people were imprisoned for long periods, never proving that they belonged to ETA and getting released afterwards (sometimes months or even years) because of lack of evidence. The only evidence which is used is that you belong to this group, or this paper, or this organization and that this is in ETA?s orbit, therefore you belong to ETA and we treat you like that. The Spanish media ignores the releases and their reports of torture While the Spanish media echoes the reasons given by judge Del Olmo for the Egunkaria detentions (imprisonment) and the Basque regional president Ibarretxe?s meeting with Egunkaria?s members, all of them -as usual!- ignore the release yesterday of five of them. Once again, after a media campaign blaming people violating their right of alleged innocence, when this is proved false, the Spanish media vanishes from the scene of the crime! Once again, they weren?t there to listen to the reports of torture. Once again, the Spanish media ignores the use of such brutal methods (TORTURE) even with innocents. Do we need to remind that those people whom have been kept in isolation for five days and tortured were release after this period without charges? How something like this can be justified? And the remaining ones are still allegedly innocent till it?s not proved otherwise on a trial (if we can trust their trials too). El Mundo: the headline for the information on the reasons for the Egunkaria detentions is followed by another one for ?ETA, the terror?s dictatorship?. Misleading indeed. This is the impartial and well informed Spanish media for you. Meanwhile the Spanish government keeps on accusing Egunkaria of being part of ETA and demanding explanations to the Basque regional government for the funding of this paper since 1994. We remind that this paper was funded 5 years after being funded because it?s the only existing paper entirely in Basque language and because according the 26th June Act, passed to support of media initiatives using the Basque language, therefore a responsibility of this regional government and also the Madrid one. Instead, the Madrid one closes this paper and tortured and imprisoned its directorship. Home Minister Acebes sentenced: «it?s absolutely incomprehensible and intolerable in democratic terms that a political party such as PNV continues funding Egunkaria».
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aanvullingen | |