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BAOBABCONNECTIONS Newsletter #10 (March 2003) baobabconnections - 12.03.2003 12:04
Baobabconnections has been on line for one year now. It's been an amazing year and of course we thank you for your enduring support and community. Last year we had a mammoth 29000 visitors in total and over 700 of you from 60 countries became members. We will continue working hard to make this website a place where people can find information and share stories on globalisation and to make our second year as successful as the first. WHAT'S NEW AT BAOBABCONNECTIONS? We Celebrate Our First Birthday! ------------------------------------------------------------- March 11, 2003 Newsletter # 10 ------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Baobabconnections member, Thank you for registering to our website:
http://www.baobabconnections.org. Baobabconnections has been on line for one year now. It's been an amazing year and of course we thank you for your enduring support and community. Last year we had a mammoth 29000 visitors in total and over 700 of you from 60 countries became members. We will continue working hard to make this website a place where people can find information and share stories on globalisation and to make our second year as successful as the first. We have only Just Begun! ---------------------- Contents ---------------------- 1. What's Online? 2. Africa Day In the Netherlands 3. Your Guide To Globalization 4. Wanna Be A MultiMedia Journalist? 5. Baobabconnections Year Report 2002 ---------------------- 1. What's Online? ---------------------- Magazine #10: Another World Is Possible: Interview With Amina Lawal's Attorney 30 year old Amina Lawal was sentenced to death by stoning last year in Nigeria. The case sparked an international outcry and thousands of people, via Amnesty International, got involved on Amina's behalf. This month, Amina's attorney, Hauwa Ibrahim was in Amsterdam. Baobabconnections met up with her and captured this exclusive interview
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=345 Notes To A Globalizing World From A Maasai Warrior From Baobabconnections in Tanzania: "When I went to the United Nations, I thought that I would meet people from every nation of the world. I expected to find Maasai and Wahadzabe and people from thousands of other indigenous tribes making the important decisions... but I heard only the languages of rich people, like English, French and German."
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=336 No More Lies About Africa Peace Kibirige our Ugandan Visionary challenges myths.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=332 Confronting Empire Arundhati Roy gave an electrifying address to the World Social Forum in Brazil this year. We have reprinted the complete text of her speech
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=327 Gangsterism, Globalisation and Poverty Devious 1st considers the connections:
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=123 Letter From Iraq On 15 February 2003 an estimated 10 million people in more than 600 towns and cities worldwide took to the streets to say NO to war. The following day Elias Amidon wrote a letter describing the impact of those events on the people on the ground in Baghdad - both Iraqis and peace activists.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=331 In Rwanda, African Editor Gilbert Ndahayo argues that it is the duty for African youth to propose sustainable solutions to the challenges of environmental degradation, economic underdevelopment and capital flight.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=170 Martha E. Gutierrez explains how trans-continental cyber-activist networks function as a planetary immune system.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=325 Baobabconnections Presents an Open House With Our Co-ordinators In Uganda and Ghana
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=333 …and more at www.baobabconnections.org ---------------------- 2. Africa Day In the Netherlands ---------------------- On Saturday 12 April 2003, EVS (Evert Vermeer Stichting, PvdA) organizes her yearly Africa Day (Conference) in Utrecht. Hosting up to 1000 visitors, this conference has become the largest Dutch event in the field of African development and co-operation. The central topic this year is globalisation in Africa. Baobabconnections will be present, and during the day we will be collecting video statements about globalisation as well as taking part in an online networking workshop. So we invite all members who can to come along. If you are interested to be a volunteer and help us do publicity during the event, please get in contact with yehudi@baobabconnections.org ---------------------- 3. Your Guide To Globalization ---------------------- To bring the basic facts and the behind-the-scenes of our global structures to light in an understandable manner , we are compiling a database on Globalisation. Part 1 is now on line - check it out:
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=311 Empower Yourself - Get Informed ! ---------------------- 4. Wanna Be A MultiMedia Journalist? ---------------------- Baobabconnections is looking for writers, video activists, documentary makers and other creative souls to help keep our site dynamic and fresh. We also want to be a vehicle for young journalists and alternative views. So, if you are inspired by our content and you want to be involved mail
sarah@baobabconnections.org ---------------------- 5. Baobabconnections Year Report 2002 ---------------------- For members only: http://www.baobabconnections.org/login.php ---------------------- One-Year, One-World, One-Love BaobabConnections Team. E-Mail: dominique@baobabconnections.org Website: http://baobabconnections.org |
Lees meer over: globalisering | aanvullingen |  | |