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Dr Zoran Djindjic janko - 13.03.2003 11:48
USA marionet vermoord - door criminelen? "Moord toont macht criminelen" kopt de Volkskrant website ( http://www.volkskrant.nl") vandaag. "De gewelddadige dood van Djindjic illustreert de hardnekkigheid waarmee de in de oorlog oppermachtig geworden criminele circuits, al dan niet nationalistisch, prevaleren." Trouw ( http://www.trouw.nl/): "De criminele bende die volgens de [Servische] regering de aanslag heeft gepleegd, zou worden geleid door Milorad Lukovic, oud-commandant van een politie-eenheid. De moord was 'een poging van deze groep om de strijd tegen de georganiseerde misdaad te stoppen', aldus de verklaring. Volgens de regering proberen zij 'chaos en angst te zaaien in Servië'." Uit een oud interview van Jared Israel:
http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/djindjic.htm These Djindjic people are brown shirts!' Interview with a Serbian political activist, by Jared Israel " ... Gordana: Some very aggressive people from the opposition [Djindjic] are grabbing everything around here, in particular taking the institutions that have some money, for instance the telecommunications company. They are scaring people and beating people."
http://emperors-clothes.com/news/dos.htm DOS leader Djindjic: Yugoslavia is to be no more
http://www.antiwar.com/malic/m111600.html Zoran Djindjic: Serbia’s Richard III (door Nebosja Malic) ... NATO’s attack on Yugoslavia in 1999 revealed the extent of Djindjic’s conceit and cowardice. As bombs rained on his people, Djindjic first bemoaned their least significant consequence – a unification of Serbs under Milosevic’s banner of resistance – then fled to Montenegro, which backstabbed its federal partner by declaring neutrality. There he met with American and other NATO officials, trying to fashion himself into a leader of the unified anti-Milosevic opposition that would enjoy US support. It was a far cry from the man who razzed NATO in 1994 while sharing a roasted ox with Radovan Karadzic on a hill above Sarajevo, but completely in character. Djindjic has always had a nose for power, and whatever could give him more of it was target of his entreaties. |
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