The PNAC and it`s connection to Iraq Attack sa - 15.03.2003 17:39
Who is pulling the strings IN US war drive? The official story on Iraq has never made sense. The connection that the Bush administration has tried to draw between Iraq and al-Qaida has always seemed contrived and artificial. In fact, it was hard to believe that smart people in the Bush administration would start a major war based on such flimsy evidence. The pieces just didn't fit. Something else had to be going on; something was missing. Turns out this really has nothing to do with terrorism or weapons of mass destruction, though they have made a very good pretext for an already premeditated act. Our current situation is really the cooked up scheme of a tightly knit ultra right-wing group of extremists known as the Project for the New American Century. The group envisions a new American Empire known as Pax Americana. Naturally, the group has recently toned down the context of their rhetoric, mainly due to the current high political profile of many of it's key members, however early policy and literature from the organization was ripe with fascism and fundamentalism that would make even Hitler look like an alter boy. However, the group fancies themselves as more of a modern day Caesar than another Hitler. According to the organization " As America sits as a colossus astride the world it must seize the opportunity (placed at it's feet) to build an American Empire" through outrageous military spending and multiple key military campaigns to establish global dominance. They claim the military can not operate efficiently within the bounds of the constitution, United Nations, International Law, or Human Rights and the US must take an extensive unilateral approach to build it`s empire. The US must lash out at anyone who stands in the way of American corporate or government interests, even if it comes at great social expense and blood of what is called (common) Americans and even if it means anti-american sentiment and loss of allies "Rome did not stoop to containment; it conquered. And so should we",says the group. The problem with the PNAC plan is they have hit a major iceberg, they didn't expect the major dissent of millions around the world never seen before and especially before military action has even occurred. Nor did they expect the dissent of many key allies this early in the game, who happen to be a lot more tuned in to what this is really all about, than the American people themselves who are constantly brainwashed and programmed by right wing and military owned corporate media outlets. There is no doubt how so many Americans have been so easily duped into actually believing the rhetoric and propaganda of terror and WoMD coming out of the White House argues many, considering most of the top brass comes right out of the CIA`s Mind Control school. However, there are growing movements in the US that can see through all this, thus we have seen the stripping of the constitution, loss of civil rights and invasion of privacy in the forms of the Homeland Security, Patriot, proposed Patriot II, and others which really have nothing to do with terror but are really about corporate and government security in a time of discontent, plus let"s not forget the recent Bush baby, No Child Left Behind (military recruitment tool in sheeps clothing) which requires schools and colleges to turn over names, contact info, even grades in some cases of all students to the military or lose federal funding. This is so military recruiters can scope, scan and seek out potential targets for recruitment in the extremely expanded military needed to maintain the new empire. More on the evil plans and mindset of some of the PNAC can be found here: and and |