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Money for housing; not for war! henk - 18.03.2003 12:21
Money for housing, not for war MONEY FOR HOUSING, NOT FOR WAR! PROTEST THE WAR AT HOME AND IN IRAQ! TOMORROW!!!! Tuesday, March 18th 2 pm 1234 Market Street Philadelphia Organized by the Kensington Welfare Rights Union ********************************************************************** As the threat of war looms over all of us, we are writing to ask for your help with a desperate situation facing our organization. Three of our leaders, Cheri Honkala, Elizabeth Ortiz and Tara Colon, are currently facing serious charges resulting from their work to house homeless families in Philadelphia. Last March, these three women were arrested for the "crime" of housing homeless families in vacant HUD properties. Now, a year later, the City of Philadelphia is pursuing prosecution against Cheri, Elizabeth and Tara, with charges that could result in jail time. Instead of punishing those who defend the right to housing, we think that the city should put all of its energy into solving the problem of homelessness itself. Please help us put pressure on the DA's office to drop the charges against these three formerly homeless mothers. Join us is showing the DA's office that we won't allow our right to affordable housing and our right to speak out against injustice be taken away from us. It is a scary situation that so much government money and focus is going to an unwanted war, while families remain homeless here in the US. And it is a dangerous precedent to lock people up for exercising their civil liberties. Join us to show the city of Philadelphia that we are fed up! We will not sit by while they prosecute those who defend human rights. As citizens of this nation, we are willing to risk arrest to show how strongly we feel that the US must end it's vicious drive towards war, and begin to fight America's real enemy - poverty. On March 18th, 2003 we will be holding a huge march and rally to demand that war be declared against poverty and homeless. Please join us at 2pm at 1234 Market St. Bring everyone you know who believes in the right to housing and the right to free speech! We are going to speak out, chant, sing songs and march to the DA's office to present our demands. We know that rushing into war abroad is the real crime in America right now, not housing homeless families. |
aanvullingen |  | War | henk - 18.03.2003 12:23
Saddam Hussein rejected the ultimatum. Officially, the war starts on Wednesday, March 19. The DAY the U.S. war on Iraq starts - EMERGENCY PROTESTS are planned at central locations around the country: . In Washington DC at the White House . In New York at Times Square . In San Francisco at Powell and Market. All emergency protests against the war will be followed by a march through city neighborhoods beginning at 5 p.m. (the next day at 5 p.m. if the bombing begins at night.)
| Bloedbad & nucleaire oorlog | henk - 18.03.2003 12:45
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/mar2003/arbu-m18.shtml I personally am convinced that this will be a nuclear war. I think that Bush and Blair are prepared to break that sacred vow on the Hiroshima memorial, which says, “Rest in peace.
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