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The Cowboy Boss of USA has decided the war! Jamal Muhsin - 18.03.2003 13:52
It is the duty of the modern humanity to hinder the war. A few houres ago George W. Bush has clearly revealed the hidden aims of its administration committee. In the name of rescuing the people of Iraq from the bloody dectator of Baghdad, he showed his thirst for blood of Iraqi people! Execution is still an inhuman sentence in USA but he says that he works for removing it in Iraq! He has been imposing the lack of medicine and food, which caused the death of more than a million and a half of children and old people, but he says to the Iraqi people that he will bring food and medicine! He has been weakening the Iraqi people to topple Saddam’s regime but he says that he will rescue people from his rule! He has brought an immense misery to us but now says that he will bring a free and prospective life! How decessive and what obvious tricks they are! One, who has listened to Bush, perceives how he is thirsty to see the blood of Iraqi civil people shed by his bombs. He says that he fights against war criminals and wants to disarm them but at the same time he plans to use the most untested weapons. It is really a representation of the tradition of the cowboys who easily call for war and exert it. Bush must know that the modren humanity is not fool to believe such lies. A real war criminal can never topple another war criminal like him. It is not Bush, his allies and their followers who rescue the people of Iraq. The people themselves are more conscious than Bush and his allies and know their interests that are different form Bush’s. We want to rescue ourselves from both Saddam’s regime and the arrogance and state terrorism of USA. Bush and his administration, as those in 1991, did their best against people. That must be enough. It is the duty of the modern humanity to hinder the war. The war criminals of the world must be preosecuted by this front of humanity. This will surely compromise Sadam, Bush and all who are like them. 17th.March E-Mail: jmuhsin@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wpiraq.org |
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