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Peaceful Leaders or Dominators youngrebels.com - 19.03.2003 06:37
This is a call for revolution youngrebels.com 30: We have many leaders With all of the mysteries and viewpoints in life, it would be crazy to think we could all just figure everything out on our own. By counting on each other, we can live without facing the mysteries of existence alone. We make our choices according to the leadership of everyone around us including ourselves. The diversity of our existence requires many leaders. Our leaders include anyone assisting us with our choices. Many of us only think of leaders as the experts of our institutions and government, but we also have personal leaders such as our family, friends and neighbors. We individually represent the most important leaders in our lives. We all influence the course of our own existence. Can we simply follow leaders as a method for guiding our lives? Since all humans face mysteries in life, relying on leaders won't automatically solve the problem of our immaturity. Different viewpoints have been established all over the world. If leaders face the same immaturity in life as everyone else, then how do we decide which leaders to follow? Should we question the information and guidance provided to us by our leaders? Are we sure that our leaders know the best way to achieve our goals? Are we sure that our leaders pursue the same goals? Some leaders understand that a healthy existence is achieved through means of peace. However, some leaders claim to support a peaceful existence while engaging in war. On the other hand, some leaders still maintain the destructive explanation that we can only survive through means of war. youngrebels.com 29: Peaceful Leaders We will never find a perfect course of existence, but we can progress along the course of existence peacefully. Means of peace can be applied to all aspects of life. Peaceful leaders have confidence in the future of human existence. As human intelligence continues to advance, we will improve our ability to survive. We will develop new technologies. We will discover more medicines. We will nourish ourselves within the abundance of life. We can do this peacefully. It's easy to recognize leaders who choose peace. Peaceful leaders set their goals and make their daily decisions according to the peace they feel and respect within themselves and within the community of life. It doesn't matter if a sense of peace was first experienced through religion, nature, love, happiness, community or by looking into the eyes of an infant child; all peaceful leaders are united in their opposition to means of war. They honor and respect the beauty of existence. Peaceful leaders respect the circle of life as they respect themselves. Peaceful leaders understand that if we stop fighting over the means of survival, we can maintain a healthy and peaceful existence within a balanced circle of life. We should have every confidence in our human ability to solve problems. Being a peaceful leader is not a stable title or position; it is a choice we make every day in regards to everything we do. Do we want peace on Earth? Do we want an abundant circle of life? Do we want the ability to explore our existence while living within a community of friends? The human species has grown great through eternal peace, and only in eternal struggle does it perish. youngrebels.com 28: Misguided leaders Sometimes, leaders claim to support peace but fail by engaging in the means of war. For example, many religions are based on a philosophy of peace. Diverse religions share a sense of community with each other while searching for the positive aspects of existence. Is it possible that only one calculated plan for peace and peaceful devotion exists? Doesn't it make sense that messages of peace would need to be communicated repeatedly in diverse forms? Imagine how human beings existed thousands of years ago. Most humans were unaware of diverse lands, languages and people. Would individuals in distant lands be able to hear a single message of peace? Would they understand the language and style of the message? In some cases, individuals may never accept verbal or written messages of peace. In these cases, a message of peace might be understood through the beauty of nature or through the existence of love. Natural diversity and constant change requires an overall message of peace to be repeatedly expressed in many different forms. We all have the ability to receive and express messages of peace. Religious leaders sometimes forget the original goal of peace and focus instead on supporting a certain approach to peace. Instead of seeing the different religions of the world as our naturally diverse expressions of a similar message and goal, religious leaders can choose to reject or destroy other approaches to peace. Some religious leaders struggle with each other to determine who really knows the superior path to a peaceful existence. Some religious leaders support fighting holy wars against other religions and individuals. Should we engage in the means of war to support peace? We all will have different paths, but the goal of attaining a peaceful existence unites us. Only the human ability to ignore our natural diversity allows such a foolish battle between different types of people preaching the same concepts of peace and understanding. The original goals of positive religious messages will not meet their potential if some leaders maintain that only one approach to peace exists. Many honorable religious leaders have contributed to a peaceful existence on Earth and they all have done it in their own unique way. youngrebels.com 27: Dominators While some leaders fail in their attempt to support peace, a few leaders simply support the means of war as a goal. These leaders encourage individuals to fight in a war of all against all with no regard for the damage caused by such decisions. They encourage individuals to fight as the only course of existence. Leaders who support war have been called dominators. There are two different types of dominators. First, some dominators honestly believe that engaging in war is the only way to maintain a healthy existence. These dominators rely on misunderstood notions of the hierarchy of being and survival of the fittest concepts to support their view. Aspects of our natural diversity have been used to designate teams within a war of all against all. If we are on a team that defeats or destroys another team, we can take their means of survival to support our own existence. However, what team are we on and do the teams always stay the same? Domination has been changing. Families and clans used to try to dominate each other in order to secure their survival. At some point, diverse families discovered that life was greatly improved by existing in peace and communities were formed. Then, communities tried to dominate each other in order to secure their survival. At some point, diverse communities discovered that life was greatly improved by existing in peace and nations were formed. Then, nations tried to dominate each other. At some point, diverse nations discovered that life was greatly improved by existing in peace and alliances were formed. Doesn't it make sense that at some point, the diverse segments of humanity will discover that life is greatly improved by existing in peace? Doesn't it make sense that at some point, the human species will discover that life is greatly improved by existing peacefully within the circle of life? Existing together in peace doesn't mean we all conform to a calculated plan. It means we respect the diversity of existence. Maintaining a healthy existence by declaring war on the rest of life is no longer a justified option. It never was a path to a healthy existence, but we weren't able to realize it until very recently. In a war of all against all, periods of health and prosperity will always be reserved for the few. The majority of life will always be weakened by the means of war. The first type of dominators simply hold onto the strict explanations from the past instead of having an open mind for new choices. Many dominators are recognizing that we have reached a period in history when the old rules of domination no longer represent a path to a healthy existence. We have become too advanced in the means of war while the foundations of our existence are no longer abundant. Fortunately, many dominators are beginning to make new choices as renewed leaders of peace. The second dominator group doesn't fail in an attempt to achieve peace; they simply reject the goal of peace. Their goal is to dominate the existence of anything else which can be used to improve the immediate condition of their own existence. They find it very easy to destroy the circle of life under a false claim of superiority. They encourage war and chaos as they declare themselves champions of evolution. These dominators are common criminals. Website: http://www.youngrebels.com |
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