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Irak : vervalste bewijzen als rechtvaardiging Foreign Press Foundation -Henk Ruyssenaars - 20.03.2003 16:47
PERISCOPE WARNING : In August, the Pentagon operated National Defense University in Washington, held a secret meeting to consider how best to go about disarming Iraq. See also the New York Times : "Teams of Experts to Hunt Iraq Arms" ?
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/19/international/middleeast/19WEAP.html?th=&pagewanted=print&position=top FPF/The Netherlands - According to European media reports it is understood the Bush administration has started deploying mobile labs and new specialized teams of intelligence officials and disarmament experts, to try to locate Iraqi's weapons of mass destruction. The problem being that - according to UN weapons inspection reports - after twenty years of war, and close to ten years of UN searching with the best US-equipment available, the arms have nearly all been destroyed. If necessary, the reports claim, all kinds of arms and documents will be planted, while the top secret action is justified by referring to "the interest of the Nation". According to the NYT's article concerning the hunt for those weapons : "Though the White House officially blessed the outlines of the mission about eight weeks ago, planning for the hunt began at the Pentagon last July, officials said. In August, the Pentagon operated National Defense University in Washington held a secret meeting to consider how best to go about disarming Iraq. In September, former inspectors of the old Unscom met with officials from several Pentagon offices, including the Central Command in Tampa, Fla., to discuss the lessons learned from the inspectors' eight year effort to disarm Iraq of unconventional weapons." (end quote NYT) After months of relatively fruitless international inspections, the discovery of such arms is 'an absolute must', officials said, 'because how can we otherwise vindicate the US administration's decision, to go to war to disarm Iraq, if indeed nothing is 'found' ? The US government can't, and will not take that risk. The failure to find WMD's would leave the U.S. administration vulnerable to the world's charges that it had started a war needlessly, like most of the world seems to think. So evidence - which can be used in the PR war - absolutely has to be produced and brought into Iraq unseen. Media reports have it that the above mentioned teams in covert 'Psyops', will bring INTO Iraq all kinds of ABC weapons - in mobile labs and closed containers - to "prove" earlier US-accusations. "Proof c.q. evidence", concerning Iraq's ABC weapons as named in the american accusations and allegations, will now be secretly and certainly available. Highest on the priority list of caches to be produced and found, is evidence to repair the outrageous blunder with Powell's fake documents* concerning Iraq's nuclear capability. The as 'non authentic' by the UN Council described documents, were offered by Secretary of State Colin Powell to convince all members of the UN-Security Council of Saddam Hussein's dangerous nuclear plans. Powell's 'documents' were openly during the UN session described as fake documents, as confirmed by UN- and IAEA-nuclear specialist and disarmament inspection leader El Baradei, of the United Nations. The FBI says it investigates the matter.* It should be expected that small nuclear "devices" will be smuggled in and "found". Of course in the presence of an Armada of International Press Agencies and correspondents. Socalled 'CNN - evidence'; and most media will - like mostly without further checking - take care of the rest of also this Psyop. Truth has been again and as usual, the first victim in this - according to earlier existing international law - illegal war. FPF / Henk Ruyssenaars in The Netherlands. Holland at present has a pro-Bush government of Quislings; but, 84% of the population abhors the war; NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ! Pls. see also : * FBI probes fake papers on Iraq :
http://www.msnbc.com/news/884624.asp?0sl=-10&cp1=1 How it's done : 'Psychological Operations" Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. Full story-URL : http://www.iwar.org.uk/psyops/index.htm **COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information".
http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml * The Dutch author worked globally for 40 years as an independent journalist/foreign correspondent for many international printed and A/V-media. From Scandinavia to Vietnam, as correspondent in Latin America, (Chile '71-'74), and 10 years in North/South Africa and the Middle East. While being accredited as N-Africa & M-East correspondent - based in Tunisia for ten years, sometimes reporting for the BBC too. Because of journalistic research declared "Persona non Grata" five times by different governments in East and West. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST ! FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars The Netherlands
fpf@chello.nl |
Lees meer over: media | aanvullingen |  | Aanvulling op "dode link" | HR - FPF - 06.06.2003 09:35
L.S. ! Bij het gebruik van 'kritisch' materiaal gaat dikwijls de link ineens kunstjes vertonen : "File not found" staat er dan, en soms wordt er een andere pagina op die URL gezet. Want dit staat er bij bovenstaande 'link' naar het FBI artikel : Our Web servers cannot find the page or file you asked for:
http://stacks.msnbc.com/news/884624.asp The link you followed may be broken or expired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Met een boardreader is het soms wél terug te vinden :
http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/03/03/APWire140303.html En zekerheidshalve dus maar de txt hieronder : Friday, March 14, 2003 Senator Seeks FBI Probe of Iraq Documents Investigation sought over faked administration documents on Iraq Associated Press WASHINGTON-- The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee asked the FBI on Friday to investigate forged documents the Bush administration used as evidence against Saddam Hussein and his military ambitions in Iraq. Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia said he was uneasy about a possible campaign to deceive the public about the status of Iraq's nuclear program. An investigation should "at a minimum help to allay any concerns" that the government was involved in the creation of the documents to build support for administration policies, Rockefeller wrote in a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller. Secretary of State Colin Powell has denied the U.S. government had any hand in creating the false documents. "It came from other sources," Powell told a House committee Thursday. "We were aware of this piece of evidence, and it was provided in good faith to the inspectors." FBI dodges comment Rockefeller asked the FBI to determine the source of the documents, the sophistication of the forgeries, the motivation of those responsible, why intelligence agencies didn't recognize them as forgeries and whether they are part of a larger disinformation campaign. The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The documents indicated that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger, the West African nation that is the third-largest producer of mined uranium, Niger's largest export. The documents had been provided to U.S. officials by a third country, which has not been identified. A U.S. government official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said it was unclear who first created the documents. The official said American suspicions remain about an Iraq-Niger uranium connection because of other, still-credible evidence that the official refused to specify. In December, the State Department used the information to support its case that Iraq was lying about its weapons programs. But on March 7, Mohammed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, told the U.N. Security Council that the documents were forgeries. Deception campaign by "foreign government' suspected Rockefeller said U.S. worries about Iraqi nuclear weapons were not based primarily on the documents, but "there is a possibility that the fabrication of these documents may be part of a larger deception campaign aimed at manipulating public opinion and foreign policy regarding Iraq." At a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing Thursday, Powell said the State Department had not participated "any way in any falsification." Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin, the committee's top Democrat, noted a Washington Post report that said a foreign government might have been conducting a deception campaign to win support for military action against Iraq. When Obey asked Powell if he could say which country that was, Powell replied, "I can't with confidence." The Niger documents marked the second time that ElBaradei has challenged evidence presented by the United States meant to illustrate Iraq's nuclear weapons program. He also rejected the U.S. position that aluminum tubes imported by Iraq were intended to make nuclear bombs. ElBaradei has said his inspectors have found no evidence that Saddam has revived its nuclear weapons program. © Copyright 2003 Associated Press. Related file on this website: Jacob G. Hornberger, The Rot at the Center of the Empire Dossier on the origins of anti-Semitism FBI probes fake papers on Iraq : Investigation into role of foreign intelligence service Pat Buchanan charges: A cabal seeks to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America's interests Outrage as US Congressman Moran (Virginia) says Jews are Pushing for War (Washington Post) | Moran "plans to resign" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION
forpressfound@netscape.net Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars The Netherlands
fpf@chello.nl The Dutch author worked for many decades for international A/V media as foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! HR It is very unlikely, but if you would prefer to unsubscribe from the FPF-list, Pls. just send a blank email in return. Thank you, but we'll miss you...! FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE-In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information".
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