Peace demonstration Leiden, Netherlands, 20/3 stop the war - 20.03.2003 21:53
Peace activists demonstrate against Iraq war; Leiden, The Netherlands, 20 March  Anti war demonstration, Rotterdam Peace activists demonstrate against Iraq war; Leiden, The Netherlands, 20 March On Thursday 20 March, the Coalition Leiden against War, in Leiden, The Netherlands, held a demonstration against George W. Bush’s war against Iraq, which started that day. This was part of a big worldwide peace action. Simultaneously, there were peace demonstrations at Rotterdam city hall, and many other cities and towns in The Netherlands. A committed crowd gathered at the Leiden Stadhuisplein, the square near the sixteenth century town hall. Reporters from the local media were present. The first speaker was Ms Salwa de Vree, who herself had been in Irak. She said that Bush disregarded the pleas for peace by famous peace activists like Nelson Mandela; even by ex US Presidents like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Ms De Vree called on everyone to join the national demonstration for peace for the people of Iraq on Saturday 22 March, on the Dam, Amsterdam, 1 pm. The next speaker was Mr Nang Arsala, representative of an organization of Afghan refugees in The Netherlands. He said that if ones hears George W. Bush on “democracy for Iraq” now, one should be skeptical, and remember what Bush used to say on Afghanistan, and how things there went in practice. As George W. Bush attacked Afghanistan, after the attack in New York by non Afghans; he talked on a better position for women in Afghanistan. However, now the war is still going on in Afghanistan, and conditions for Afghan women are terrible. Mr Arsala said, that, he, a Muslim himself, stood for people of different religions coming and acting together; contrary to the policy of George W. Bush, which set people of different religions against one another. Like all speakers, Mr Nang Arsala got much applause. Then, there was a spirited march down the Breestraat, the main shopping street of Leiden. Slogans resounded against its ancient buildings: “Stop the war, peace now”! “War for oil is stupid! (in Dutch: Oorlog oliedom!)“ Bush, Blair, Balkenende (Dutch Prime Minister), keep your hands off Iraq!” “Bush, Blair, Balkenende, war only brings misery (ellende)!” “Give Bush a cold shower (rhymes in Dutch)!” Signs read “Down with Bush, down with Saddam”. Bush and Blair were criticized in Arabic on their “Axis of Evil” rhetoric. I looked before me and did not see the beginning of the march; and looked behind me, and did not see the end. So here were certainly far over 500 demonstrators; I don’t know how many more. The demonstrators arrived at the Leiden monument to the anti nazi resistance fighters of World War Two. There, Jeff, an US American opponent of George W. Bush, spoke to loud applause. After that, the marchers continued on the Langegracht, to loud approving honking of motorists. The march finished at the Koppenhinksteeg, for a meeting on more actions. In Leiden and elsewhere, the peace actions will go on. Friday 21 March, 19 h, from the town hall in the small town of Leiderdorp, East of Leiden. On Saturday 22 March there will be in Amsterdam a big peace demonstration: starting 1 pm at Dam Square. See |