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IRAQ Satellite TV OFF AIR again!!! M02 - 25.03.2003 15:35
For the first time since friday, Iraq Satellite Channel stopped broadcasting on the Hotbird satellite. Iraq TV is usually on air 24/7  Iraq Satellite Channel frequency shows no video nor audio anymore The cause of this interuption of transmssion is unknown yet, an American attack on Iraqi TV facilities is imaginable. (Remember the American attack on the studio's of RTS, Radio Televison Serbia in the Yugoslav/Kosovo war) Also censorhip by commercial satellite operator Eutelsat is possible. The website Live.Nu/war jus showed stripes on the Iraq TV channel from around 15:00 c.e.t (GMT + 1) Website: http://www.live.nu/war |
Lees meer over: media militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | Confirmation DSLTV.nl | M02 - 25.03.2003 15:46
The experimental website from dutch ISP Xs4all "DSL TV" has bee broadcasting Iraq TV since a few weeks on the internet. The Iraq TV streams on DSLTV.nl are showing a frozen picture of an army march in a runnng stream. (These DSL TV streams can only be recieved via .NL ISPs, so not outside of the Netherlands.)
Website: http://www.dsltv.nl | Iraq Satellite Channel website | M02 - 25.03.2003 16:01
Slow, but online (i have never seen the 'live' streams running) Website: | Iraq satellite channel back on air! | M02 - 25.03.2003 16:59
DSLTV.nl still shows a frozen picture Website: http://www.live.nu/war | Heftige storing! | M02 - 26.03.2003 02:44
Net werd Iraq Satellite TV heftig gestoord. Audio en video worden (digitaal) vervormd en gaat aan en uit. En op dit moment is er helemaal bijna geen audio & video meer te zien. (afhankelijk van type satelliet ontvanger) Op DSLtv.nl is al erg lang een stilstaand beeld op de lopende RealVideo en WindowsMedia streams te zien met de Iraakse Minister van Informatie Mohammed Said Al-Sahaf. Het zou wel eens kunnen komen door de geheime 'E-bom': --- (CBS) The U.S. Air Force blasted Iraqi TV with an experimental electronmagetic pulse device called the "E-Bomb" in an attempt to knock it off the air and shut down Saddam Hussein's propaganda machine, --- --- The highly classified bomb creates a brief pulse of microwaves powerful enough to fry computers, blind radar, silence radios, trigger crippling power outages and disable the electronic ignitions in vehicles and aircraft. Iraqi TV did go off the air for several hours. It returned to broadcasting later with a weaker signal. --- --- Officially, the Pentagon does not acknowledge the weapon's existence. Asked about it at a March 5 news conference at the Pentagon, Gen. Tommy Franks said: “I can't talk to you about that because I don't know anything about it.” --- Website: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/02/24/iraq/main541815.shtml | CNN TV: | M02 - 26.03.2003 04:31
CNN Europe TV just had this banner: "IRAQI TELEVISION BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN DESTROYED" The Hotbird frequency of Iraq Satellite Channel is black for a while now "Iraqi TV among bombing targets in Baghdad" cnn.com: "Iraqi TV lost its signal around 4 a.m. A Pentagon official said the TV building was on the list of targets but could not confirm it was hit."
Website: http://edition.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/25/sprj.irq.war.main/index.html | US WAR ON IRAQ: DAY 7 | peace terrorist - 26.03.2003 11:28
US WAR ON IRAQ: DAY 7 (MARCH 26 MORNING UPDATES) Wednesday, 26 March 2003 COALITION STRIKES LEAVE IRAQI REGIME WITH JUST ONE TV STATION BAGHDAD, March 26 (AFP) - Only one of Iraq's three television channels was still running on Wednesday after overnight coalition strikes severed satellite transmissions. The state television channel was blacked out for 45 minutes after the strikes but was back Wednesday airing news bulletins and old footage of patriotic clips and military parades as usual. The satellite television and the Youth television of President Saddam Hussein's elder son Uday were still cut following the bombings that targetted the television building and transmitters. The compound which was hit included the state television, Youth television, Kurdish radio and television channels as well as radio studios. The television building is close to the information ministry, which tightly controls all media in Iraq and oversees a formidable propaganda machine. The raids came a day after the state broadcaster carried grisly footage of US prisoners of war and dead as well as assurances from the regime that Saddam remained in control.
http://www.haveeru.com.mv/english/news_show.phtml?id=1233 | Back on AIR! | M02 - 26.03.2003 11:39
I don't know for how long already, but Iraq Satellite Channel has reappeared on the Hotbird Satellite! | Off Air... | M02 - 26.03.2003 12:36
| Off air | M02 - 26.03.2003 18:44
| IRAQ websites down & attacked | M02 - 26.03.2003 22:23
Iraqi state ISP (Internet Service Provider) URUKLINK.NET website is defaced The Iraq Satellite TV website is down Website: http://www.uruklink.net | IRAQ Satellite TV BACK ON AIR! | M02 - 27.03.2003 09:53
I dont know how long already, but they are back with perfect video and audio | Off air | M02 - 28.03.2003 02:45
Since at least about 23:30 after image heavely being distorted | On air | M02 - 28.03.2003 12:32
again, i don't know how longe already, but they are back again | What is playing? Is it US propaganda? | Alex - 28.03.2003 21:22
Did Iraq TV go down and get replaced by this propaganda channel? | IRAQ TV on air in local daytime. | M02 - 31.03.2003 16:21
Now a pattern seems to appear: Iraqi state tv goes off air every night, and coming on air every morning (local time). But not on exact times. They just showed a live interview with a western journalist. (Missed the name) While sunday Iraqi TV showed an interview with Gulwar I "CNN-hero' Peter Arnett. He was heavely critising US war tactics. Now this has led to a scandal around Arnett in the US. Iraq Satellite Channel RealVideo:
http://www.live.nu/3.ram Windows Media:
http://www.live.nu/3.asx .jpg refresh (various TV channels) Website: http://www.live.nu/war | |
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