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Lang verwachte Richard Hoagland interview henk - 27.03.2003 12:10
Hoagland interview & rituele lanceerschema's  apollo 15  nasa 2  Pioneer 5  rand 2  tetra Lang verwachte Hoagland interview
http://www.marsnews.com/radio/20030325-RFM-04-Hoagland.mp3 Alles over conspiracy
http://www.conspiracycon.com/index1.html conspiracy com Deze site gaat over de rituele lanceervluchten van NASA. Goeie reden om aan te nemen dat dat misschien ook wel voor oorlogsvoering opgaat
http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/citystars/ INVESTIGATION INTO THE ENTERPRISE MISSION'S PROPOSITION THAT THE 19.5 AND 33.0 DEGREE STAR ALIGNMENTS CONSTITUTE A PATTERN by Mary Anne Weaver Copyright (c) 1999 by Delphi Technologies ABSTRACT For a number of years now, researcher and former NASA consultant Richard C. Hoagland of the Enterprise Mission, has observed what he has identified as a "pattern" in star positions at the time of NASA launches and/or landings. He published his discovery a few years ago as an article entitled "Kennedy's Grand NASA Plan", and has since written many more articles and performed extensive research into this topic. Later on, Mike Bara, an Aerospace design engineer with many years experience in his field, joined the research effort into this stellar alignment phenomenon and has assisted Richard Hoagland in investigating its attributes and the frequency of its occurrence.
http://www.enterprisemission.com/message.htm Earth Hawaiian Caldera 19.6 N. Largest shield volcano Moon Tsiolkovskii 19.6 S. Unique Farside "mare-like" lava extrusion Venus Alta Regio 19.5 N. Current volcanic region Beta Regio 25.0 S Current volcanic region Mars Olympus Mons 19.3 N. Largest shield volcano Jupiter Great Red Spot 22.0 S. Vast atmospheric "vorticular upwelling" Io Loki (2) Maui (6) Pele (1) Volund (4) 19.0 N. 19.0 N. 19.0 S. 22.0 N. (Voyager 1 & 2 volcanic plumes) Presumably driven by intense Jovian tidal forces and/or Jovian magnetic field Saturn North Equatorial Belt 20.0 N. Region of "storms" observed from Earth South Equatorial Belt 20.0 S. Same as above Uranus (Voyager 2 IR Observations) Northern IR 1-2 K "dip" 20.N. Presumably, deep "upwellings,"creating high-altitude clouds Southern IR 1-2 K "dip" 20.0 S. Same as above Neptune (Voyager 2 Imagery) "Neptune Great Red Spot" 20.0 S. Presumably same as Jovian counterpart |
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