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Antwoord John Cleese op speech Bush john cleese - 27.03.2003 20:40
het antwoord op de Axis of Evil >**Other Axis of Evil Wannabes** > >by John Cleese > >Bitter after being snubbed for membership in the "Axis of >Evil", Libya, China and Syria today announced that they had >formed the "Axis of Just as Evil", which they said would be >more evil than that stupid Iran-Iraq-North Korea axis President >Bush warned of in his State of the Union address. >Axis of Evil members, however, immediately dismissed the new >Axis as having, for starters, a really dumb name. "Right. >They are just as evil.. . in their dreams!" declared North >Korean leader Kim Jong-il. "Everybody knows we're the best >evils . . . best at being evil ...we're the best." > >Diplomats from Syria denied they were jealous over being >excluded, although they conceded they did ask if they could >join the Axis of Evil. "They told us it was full," said Syrian >President Bashar al-Assad. > >"An axis can't have more than three counties", explained Iraqi >President Saddam Hussein. "This is not my rule, it's >tradition. In World War II you had Germany, Italy, and Japan >in the evil Axis. So, you can only have three, and a secret >handshake. Ours is wickedly cool." > >International reaction to Bush's Axis of Evil declaration was >swift, as within minutes, France surrendered. > >Elsewhere, peer-conscious nations rushed to gain triumvirate >status in what has become a game of geopolitical chairs. Cuba, >Sudan and Serbia announced that they had formed the "Axis of >Somewhat Evil", forcing Somalia to join with Uganda and Myanmar >in the "Axis of Occasionally Evil", while Bulgaria, Indonesia >and Russia established the "Axis of Not So Much Evil Really as >Just Generally Disagreeable". > >With the criteria suddenly expanded and all the desirable clubs >filling up, Sierra Leone, El Salvador, and Rwanda applied to be >called the "Axis of Countries That Aren't the Worst But >Certainly Won't Be Asked to Host the Olympics". Canada, Mexico >and Australia formed the "Axis of Nations That Are Actually Quite Nice But >Secretly Have Some Nasty Thoughts About America", while >Scotland, New Zealand and Spain established the "Axis of >Countries That Want Sheep to Wear Lipstick". "That's not a >threat, really, just something we like to do", said Scottish >Executive First Minister Jack McConnell. > >While wondering if the other nations of the world weren't >perhaps making fun of him, a cautious Bush granted approval for >most axis, although he rejected the establishment of the "Axis >of Countries Whose Names End in 'Guay", accusing one of its >members of filing a false application. Officials from >Paraguay, Uruguay, and Chadguay denied the charges. > >Israel, meanwhile, insisted it didn't want to join any Axis, >but privately world leaders said that's only because no one >asked them. |
aanvullingen |  | | 28.03.2003 00:52
oeps! sorry maar hij blijft leuk, en is ook wel in de style van john cleese en consorten.
| Don't mention the war | Tim the Sorcerer - 28.03.2003 01:43
I beg to differ. Iedereen die wel eens een halve aflevering van Fawlty Towers heeft gezien (of Cleese's management-handboeken heeft gelezen) had kunnen weten dat dit niet van hem is. Maar afijn het is hier geen Python discussieboard wel. Zie daarvoor liever
http://www.pythonline.com/ of wat dat betreft de wel degelijk kritische observaties van zijn collega Terry Jones in The Observer
http://www.observer.co.uk/comment/story/0,6903,882459,00.html "I'm losing patience with my neighbours, Mr Bush"
http://www.observer.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12239,796739,00.html "The audacious courage of Mr Blair" en http://www.observer.co.uk/comment/story/0,6903,651594,00.html "OK, George, make with the friendly bombs" | |
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