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Wereld proefdieren dag demo in Engeland culturehopper - 30.03.2003 10:23
wereld proefdieren dag demo 19 april Cambridge, UK Wereld proefdierendag demo in Cambridge, UK 19 april 2003 World Day for Laboratory Animals is going to be the biggest demonstration of the year, with many hundreds of people converging on Cambridge from all over the UK to show HLS just how determined we all are to put an end to their evil business. The demonstration will be a rally with speakers on Parkers Piece in Cambridge followed by a march through Cambridge city centre and bands in the evening. More info: http://www.shac.net/ACTION/what/worldday.html Zijn er mensen uit Nederland die deelnemen aan de demo? just mail! E-Mail: culturehopper@culturehopper.com |
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