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Online protest against Blair, Bush watcher - 30.03.2003 12:01
A cyber protest against the White House and 10 Downing continues. Check out the tools available and lend a hand. The electrohippies Iraq action continues. Check their website for details and protest tools you can use. Also check the WarTools site at http://www.kbiz.ca/wartools/ for another tool you can use in this and future online protests. WarTools was recently launched and received over 2 million hits the first day. The following day brought a complaint from Free Republic (one of many sites on the WarTools "blacklist") that their server had received almost 12,000 search requests, or 25% of all searches that day. Website: http://www.fraw.org.uk/ehippies/iraq/update.html |
Lees meer over: militarisme | aanvullingen | |