human shields (update 4 april) Johan - 05.04.2003 19:01
foto: Rodirigo Doxandabarat, Human Shields stand strong while bombing of Baghdad continue's into the 3th week.  Shield Rodirigo from Argentina with workers at the Daurah power plant On Friday 4th of april we recieved a call at 21.15 (by satelitephone)in Hotel Al-Saraya in Amman, Jordan - office of Human Shields - from dr. Charlampos in hotel Palestine, Baghdad. He and two other from Greece met with american, portugese and french shields in the hotel Palestine and reported all was good with them. Dr. Charlampos, Marina and Dimitris from Thesseloniki in Greece had made it safe to Baghdad, late last wednesday. All travelled without any problem from the Jordan border to Baghdad with 1000 kg medicine for local hospitals in Iraq. They did not know when they would be coming back to Amman, travel out of Baghdad might be a problem, Charlampos told. The three people from Greece do not intend to stay as human shields in Iraq. At the same time an article from Reuters reached us with news from the human shields in Bagdad, stating: the plants had not been bombed so far. Water and power in Basra have been hit in the first day of the war, putting 100.000 children in danger, Ingrid Temert, a retired teacher from Sweden told to Reuters on friday. "As we came to prevent the war and when this did not succeeded, we stayed to at these site's to to protect the civilian population. The Iraqi's have been fantastic, they are the reason we stay" The electricity in Baghad had fallen out in fases on thursday evening, in the daytime the power was restored, but again this evening there was no electricity in Baghdad. It is unkown what causes the breaks in power supply, the US command has denied it has attacked the power plants. "Human Shield" John Richards said this friday the US would risk losing international support if it damaged Baghdad's infrastructure. The US/UK would not have a problem in knocking out whatever they want, using whatever method. Our spirits remain very high, we did not fall apart when the bombs were falling. We are ordinary people who do not want America to rule the world. An other very colorfull delegation, "the Mumbai 6" part of the Raza Acedamy India left the Al-Saraya in Amman, travelling to Baghdad, taking 450kg medicine and to become "human shields" There were diplomatic problems with the papers for importing the medicine at the UN health checkpoint in Khalidiya, Jordan, where the sanctions against Iraq are controlled in practice. Three of the six could travel thru with a part of the medicine shipment. The rest of medicaments is at the border with Iraq. As soon as the driver who transported the other three, - Sahail Roradia, Saeed Nouri and M. Arif Razvi called with a satellite phone that they have arrived safely - to the hotel in Baghdad has returned to Amman the other three, M. Ravique Razvi, Sayad Mazhar and Khahil Zahid will also go to Baghdad as "human shields", taking the rest of the medicine. It is up to the Jordan authority's to issue the right papers for the transport. I really like these sweet people from India as all the other shields from so many different country's, and ask the US not to bomb them on their missions to help and protect the iraqi people. Also on it's way to iraq is a delegation of the NGO Indian Red Crescent accompanied by by filmdirector Mashesh Bhatt from the hindi-langugage film industry Bollywoods , it's lawyer Menon, actor Raj Babbar, singer Lucky Ali and a dozen of doctors. They will be recieved by Iraqi representavises in Damascus, Syria. Chief minister Sushil Kamar Sinde of the indian goverment has issued a written statement promising to help the NGO. They are not going as "human shields" but try to bring humanitarian aid. The NGO Red Crescent says it has collected 20 tons of medicine from Indian pharamaceutial producers and multinational, and try's to reach a total of 50 tons. They appeal for help from the public, to call the NGO: 22040226 or email E-Mail: Website: |