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human shields update 9th of april johan - 09.04.2003 17:49
Now that the fighting in Iraq almost seems to be over, and the regime might have fled to some neighbouring country with permission of the US, me personally is/would be very happy. I hope the western country's who did not agreed with the US, Britain, Spain, Australie, Poland, Denmark and Holland, -of going to war without a UN resolution- will stress the importance of the role the United Nations has to play in the rebuilding the country and bringing a real democratic system to the iraqi people. Not the kind of democracy the US has in mind, but a real democracy. The hospitals need a lot of medicine and hardware, painkillers, antibiotics, multivitamins, steril serins, treatment for burned skin and surgical speciaties for broken bones and joints. We do not expect any problems for the "human shields" staying in Baghdad versus the US/UK troops in this moment. But there might be some problems when they arrive in their home country's, for instance the US. The first human shield back home in the US has recieved a letter from the justice department that she might face some serious restrictions on freedom of movement and freedom of expression. In Denmark there are also some questions from a right-wing party toward the justice minister whether a "human shield" with danish citizenship, Helena Dreyer, could be in violation with danish criminal code, well... bye, j. E-Mail: jordan@humanshields.org |
Lees meer over: wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | | - 09.04.2003 17:59
Zojuist een dame op het NOS-journaal met naar ik meen human shields-verwant T-shirt die in vlekkeloos Amerikaans de binnentrekkende Amerikaanse soldaten de huid vol schold (hoewel nogal nutteloos, evengoed wel getuigend van leeuwenmoed). Commentaar van de aanwezige deskundoloog: "Duidelijk een aanhanger van het regime". Jaja... | | johan - 10.04.2003 18:28
My job in Amman is finished, leaving tomorrow. I have worked here at the office from late february, it's about closing now. My kids in Holland did not agree of me going to Baghdad as "human shield" and I listened to them, but to Jordan they said yes, do it. For them I am happy to go back home and see them again, for the Netherlands as a country I have no feelings. I really hope everybody is wrong about anarchy and civil war in Iraq for many, many years. In Iraq live 17 different kinds of moslims, 4 kinds of Kurds, 2 kinds of christians and they are all different kinds of individuals. I hope the best will happen to them all...They need humanitarian aid and UN troops now, fast! | Johan and other (former) human shields | A coward who'd never dare to go there myself - 10.04.2003 19:23
I don't know how to disguise this compliment as 'news'but I hope Indymedia won't delete it. I wish you all the best and I hope that your culture shock on coming back home won't be too great. Please, tell your story to as many people as possible and don't be too disapointed if the media turn out to have already lost their interest (as they very probably will have very soon). Take care! | |
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