| 14.04.2003 16:54
"By coming out overwhelmingly in favour of EU membership today, the Hungarian voters have signalled their clear choice to build their future within a strong, united Europe," the European Commission said in a statement. at http://www.euobserver.com/index.phtml?sid=9&aid=10914 Hans-Gert Poettering, Chairman of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament said it was a magnificent result. "This is the third successful referendum in the accession countries and we can now look forward with some optimism to positive results in the other referenda," he said. at http://www.euobserver.com/index.phtml?sid=9&aid=10914 Website EU referendum 2003 http://www.valasztas.hu/en/index.html results: http://www.election.hu/outroot/en/10_0.html 83,76 % of the voters voting validly have given a YES answer, 3 056 027 persons; 16,24 % of the voters voting validly have given a NO answer, 592 690 persons,
| independent media | Willem - 14.04.2003 19:50
Independent media, dat zou toch vooral feiten moeten verslaan zonder dat deze gemanipuleerd zijn... | So what is problem ? the reality ?? | demoEU - 15.04.2003 00:26
Number of those having suffrage 8 042 272 persons. 3 669 252 persons, 45,62 % of voters have turned out 4 373 020 persons, 54,38 % of voters have not voted ... 38,00 % of all of those having suffrage have given a YES answer
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