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Aboriginals krijgen Amerikaanse Milieu Prijs A.B. - 21.04.2003 17:00
Na jaren strijd tegen kernwapens, radioaktieve vervuiling en de voorgenomen bouw van een grote opslagplaats voor radioaktief afval in Zuid Australie hebben twee vrouwen de prestigeuze Goldman Enviromental Prize gekregen. Het is te hopen dat deze prijs ook in andere landen meer aandacht krijgt. En de zaak van de Aboriginals meer in de schijnwerpers zet.
http://iratiwanti.org/newspics/eileens_in_blue_side_profile-thumb.jpg About the Goldman Environmental Prize The Goldman Environmental Prize allows individuals to continue winning environmental victories against the odds and inspire ordinary people to take extraordinary actions to protect the world. The Goldman Environmental Prize was created in 1990 by civic leaders and philanthropists Richard N. Goldman and his late wife, Rhoda H. Goldman. Richard Goldman founded Goldman Insurance Services in San Francisco. Rhoda Goldman was a descendant of Levi Strauss, the founder of the worldwide clothing company. The Goldman Environmental Prize winners are selected by an international jury from confidential nominations submitted by a worldwide network of environmental organizations and individuals. Prize winners participate in a 10-day tour of San Francisco and Washington, D.C., for an awards ceremony and presentation, news conferences, media briefings, and meetings with political, public policy, financial and environmental leaders. Goldman Prize Islands and Island Nations: Eileen Kampakuta Brown and Eileen Wani Wingfield, Australia Aboriginal elders Eileen Kampakuta Brown and Eileen Wani Wingfield are at the forefront of the campaign to block construction of a nuclear waste dump in their South Australian desert homeland. Since the British nuclear bomb tests of the 1950’s, South Australia’s traditional Aboriginal homelands have been one of the testing and dumping grounds for the world’s nuclear industry, causing asthma attacks, birth defects and cancer as well as poisoning the environment and wildlife. Now, Brown and Wingfield are leading their communities in an international campaign to say “Irati Wanti”—the poison, leave it.
http://www.goldmanprize.org/recipients/recipientProfile.cfm?recipientID=128 Site van de Aboriginals:
http://iratiwanti.org/home.php3 overig nieuws:
http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s832961.htm Greenpeace Australie:
http://www.greenpeace.org.au/media/nukes_details.php?site_id=11&news_id=974 |
aanvullingen |  | meer links | AB - 24.04.2003 09:51
www.stopnucleardumps.org www.anawa.org.au www.arius-world.org www.reactnow.org www.spannr.org www.sea-us.org.au www.arpansa.gov.au www.ansto.gov.au www.ccsa.asn.au/campaigns/nuclear/nic/index.htm | |
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