23+1 unorosso - 24.04.2003 17:00
23 hours media purification from the propoganda war + 1 hour of silence for the shame about it. This saturday in Amsterdam/Paris/NY/your room...  flier ==================== 23+1 23 hours media purification from the propoganda war + 1 hour of silence for the shame about it. Media and their overuse for propaganda porposes lead us to disconnection with meanings and feelings. Overload is like darkness and distance is like bulletproof insulated proximity. From Amsterdam, starting at 11.00 Amsterdam time, we will participate in a 23 hour cleansing process for the transformation of media. Each of us will represent his/her own "stand", using their own media, performance, software systems. Media will be gathered from all available sources. Multiple channels of input will be open during the event to collaboration, discussion, exchange of material and open transformation of it. Our transformation will be guided by collective attempt to understand what is happening now, and how to transform that into a personal and new message. During this 23 hours, we will extend our transformation process to other artists connecting from New York and Paris. When darkness falls, our works will be seeded around the city, distributed as propaganda in public space. After the cycle is completed, we will end with one hour of silence. We will broadcast our output for 23 hours. Broadcast channels and a schedule will be made available through the Anatomic site.
http://anatomic.waag.org (infoline irc.freenode.net #23) ** ==================== \An' a * tom" ic\ "Related to the structure of an organism" 23+1 23 hours media purification from the propoganda war + 1 hour of silence for the shame about it. Media and their overuse for propaganda porposes lead us to disconnection with meanings and feelings. Overload is like darkness and distance is like bulletproof insulated proximity. From Amsterdam, starting at 11.00 Amsterdam time, we will participate in a 23 hour cleansing process for the transformation of media. Each of us will represent his/her own "stand", using their own media, performance, software systems. Media will be gathered from all available sources. Multiple channels of input will be open during the event to collaboration, discussion, exchange of material and open transformation of it. Our transformation will be guided by collective attempt to understand what is happening now, and how to transform that into a personal and new message. During this 23 hours, we will extend our transformation process to other artists connecting from New York and Paris. When darkness falls, our works will be seeded around the city, distributed as propaganda in public space. After the cycle is completed, we will end with one hour of silence. We will broadcast our output for 23 hours. Broadcast channels and a schedule will be made available through the Anatomic site.
http://anatomic.waag.org ** Anatomic, the open studio for connected performances is setting up weekly meetings and joining forces to support similar initiatives most likely in the most unlikely places around the world with the dedication to create new environments in which collaborative and experimental art can blossom. |