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Stunning Socialist victories in Scotland Frontlines Newspaper - 04.05.2003 01:14
Six members of the Scottish Socialist Party elected to parliament; Balance-sheet of the April 27 Argentinean elections and the role of the left organizations; the war against Iraq is over ...is it? And other articles. http://www.sf-frontlines.com Frontlines, the newspaper of the left JUST PUBLISHED! Scotland: Stunning Socialist victories in Parliamentary elections By Peter Cambria GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – As the parliamentary elections in Scotland and the municipal (Council) elections in England and Assembly elections in Wales held on May Day have shown, Tony Blair's Labour Party has managed to cling to power despite criticism after Blair led Britain to become the George Bush's political poodle in the Empire building war against Iraq. The Labour Party suffered heavy losses in both elections, which were characterized by low turnouts. But in the rebel, radical and working class Scotland, the left made significant gains, with the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) gaining six seats to the Scottish parliament, as the champion of the antiwar movement, the advocate of working class issues and a staunch challenger of both imperial Labour Party and the bourgeois independentists of the Scottish National Party (SNP) by raising the need for an independent, Socialist Republic of Scotland. The SSP final results were 117.709 votes across all Scottish constituencies or 6.2% of the total, with 89.278 votes for the regional areas or 7.5% of the total. In Glasgow the party polled an amazing 15% across the board. SSP candidates Rosie Kane in Glasgow, Frances Curran from the West of Scotland, Carolyn Leckie from Central Scotland, Colin Fox from Lothians and Rosemary Byrne from South Scotland were jubilant last night celebrating their joining with Tommy Sheridan (who was re-elected) at Holyrood. Read the entire article at:
http://www.sf-frontlines.com ++++ You can also read: * Full balance-sheet of the April 27 Argentinean presidential elections and the role of the left. Including a complete dossier with historical notes about main events of the class struggle and the left parties in Argentina. * Balance-sheet of the first phase of the war against Iraq. * Dossier: Life in Iraq under US occupation Read them all at:
http://www.sf-frontlines.com E-Mail: leftparty@leftparty.org Website: http://www.sf-frontlines.com |
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