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LAUNAM EGATOBAS Solidarity - 05.05.2003 18:31
We are taking back our lives that you have stolen. Sick of stinking parliamentarism. Sick of clergy clerks. Sick of suffocating prohibitions, rules, laws. Sick of denial of life and freedom. Taking back our lives. LAUNAM EGATOBAS 1. Remain anonymous. If not possible to remain anonymous try to avoid detection in the operational environment. 2. Basic equipment in preparing for operational tasks: A hood(balaclava) or some sort of camouflage which enables you to operate anonymously. Gloves. Small binoculars. A small handlight. Matches. Good knowledge about the operational environment. Maps if necessary. 3. You do not want to leave traces behind you. Thats why you operate in accordance to maximum security and are well prepared before conducting your task. 4. Create your own coded language, a secret language. Messages that only you and your trusted(TRUSTED) companion(s) can use while preparing for and conducting your task. You need to put some real effort in to this part. The whole task could be comprised if some information leaks to the police, military or intelligence agencies before conducting your task. 5. Operating in small modules, cells, operational units. With over 2 persons in a cell the preparedness requires more attention as a larger group of people leave more both visible and invisible noise behind. 6. Focusing on Banks and the Corporate Media. Why target these. What makes the world go around in our present world? The moneywheel. First you have to stop that. At present time the corporate media keeps the stranglehold on the freedom of speech while it decides what is printed and broadcasted. Not to mention the professional manipulation and distortion of real news. 7. On direct action: Smashing cars. Burning cars. Blocking motorways. Blocking elevators. Setting fires with timers. Blocking the datanetwork of Banks and Corporate Media. As the repression tightens its grip we have but no choice to respond by means in the line between civilian and militant direct action. Don`t get dispersed after a riot. Regroup, assemble in the evening and reclaim your right to life. Rule number 1 which applies most commonly: An outbreak of rioting or uprise should never be regarded as a cost in economical terms. It is a relief for the life itself. While having in mind always that it is not a senseless looting for smashing up things itself. It is the surpressed energy within people. It is the need for freedom. ITS NOT A COST FOR THE SOCIETY - ITS A RELIEF IT IS A RELIEF We are taking back our lives that you have stolen. Sick of stinking parliamentarism. Sick of clergy clerks. Sick of suffocating prohibitions, rules, laws. Sick of denial of life and freedom. Taking back our lives. No cars - No motorways - No superstores - No media lies - No remote control Your life Now |
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