Ooooe... | Marius - 07.05.2003 19:04
Dat lijkt me toch wel erg interessant. Jammer dat ik die avond verhinderd ben-- kan iemand die er wel heen gaat een (al dan niet objectief) verslagje schrijven? | Venceremos? | simon s. - 08.05.2003 07:58
De NCPN-kameraadski's zullen het natuurlijk wel weer afdoen als 'vuige CIA-propaganda' maar gelukkig is dit nog altijd INDYmedia, Commies! Onlangs zijn weer 3 'kameraden' van de onafhankelijke vakbond CUTC tot straffen van 20 jaar en langer veroordeeld, omdat zij de Grote Lijn van El Lider Maximo F. Castro bekritiseren. Volgens de Latijns-Amerikaanse Vakbondsrechtencommissie CLADEHLT is het een schandaal dat een land, dat notabene lid is van de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie ILO, leiders van een vakbond zo onderdrukt. Het enige wat deze CUTC-vakbondsleden 'misdaan' hebben is dat zij Openlijk, en Publiekelijk voor hun mening zijn uitgekomen. Helaas wel een mening waar de Fidele Lijder en zijn broer Raul niet erg van gediend waren... In de beste Communistische traditie worden deze 'gusano's'(=wormen!) dus opgeruimd. Op een clandestiene reportage van CNV-vakbondsmensen, die hun companero's op Cuba proberen te ondersteunen. Momenteel zitten nog zeker 78 mensen vast, en het CLAT en CLADEHLT (bepaald geen rechtse Miami-organisaties, me dunkt) roept dan ook op tot Actie en Solidariteit met deze onderdrukte arbeiders... Voorwaarts, Kameraden? Website: | CLAT=CIA | 08.05.2003 12:12
Zie ook kopje: "Deze oproep is CIA val" Tel al die bedragen die daar genoemd staan (CIA geld voor zgn."democratische oppositie" in Cuba) en je ziet een angstwekkend voorbeeld van een destabilisatiecampagne van de uSSa in een souverein land. De mensen waar Simon aan refereert zijn net zulke landveraders als onze eigen NSB'ers destijds. Viva de Cubaanse Revolutie weg met het amerikaanse fascisme! Stop de amerikaanse inmenging in de Cuba!
Website: | CLAT = CIA ja | 09.05.2003 12:28
Zo ondersteunde de CLAT de contra's, apartheid etc etc. Een smerig clubje kortom..
| Een vos verliest niet zijn streken.. | Spikey - 12.05.2003 14:16
Na het estafette-stokje te hebben overgenomen van de Britten, na de ineenstorting van hun wereldrijk, zijn tegenwoordig de Amerikanen de kampioenen van de covert operaties; infiltratie, destabilisatie, implementeren van verdeel en heers tactieken etc. In brede kringen gerespecteerde bewegingen zoals CNV, IKV en Pax Cristi, moeten m.i., zeer goed uitkijken, met wie zij zich associëren, of wie zij steunen. Er bestaat een grote kans dat ook zij, mogelijk geheel onwetend, voor het karretje van Amerikaanse belangen worden gespannen. Gezien de middelen die de VS hierbij toepast, lijkt het mij dat deze bewegingen zich van sommige zaken zouden moeten distantiëren of in ieder geval zeer waakzaam moeten blijven om niet misbruikt te worden. Hieronder links naar hoe het er veertig jaar geleden aan toe ging met betrekking tot Cuba. Terrorisme als middel werd hierbij, net zoals in andere landen in Zuid en Midden-Amerika en elders, niet gemeden. De vrijgegeven 'Northwoods documents', daterend uit de jaren 60. Hierin wordt onder code naam 'operation Northwoods', de mogelijkheden besproken, waaronder het gebruik van terrorisme (op Amerikaans grondgebied, tegen Amerikaanse burgers!), om de Amerikaanse publieke opinie klaar te stomen voor een oorlog met Cuba. Boekbespreking van Bamford's boek met analyse van o.a. de Northwoods documenten. -- Video 'Secret Government' van Bill Moyers. Hierin wordt een overzicht gegeven van de covert CIA operaties en activiteiten, allemaal uitgevoerd zogenaamd in het kader van de Amerikaanse 'National Security'. Na WOII werden o.a. Iran, Guatemala, Cuba, Vietnam het slachtoffer van coups en pogingen hiertoe, allemaal aangestuurd door de verborgen hand van de CIA. -- Video 'A look back at history', een mini documentaire over hoe de VS, met steun van Pakistaanse inlichtingen/leger-kringen, in Afghanistan de 'heldhaftige' Mujahedin en moslim fundamentalisme gebruikte om de Sovjet-macht terug te dringen. Toen de Sovjets vertrokken waren, liet de VS Afghanistan aan zijn lot over. Uit de overblijfselen van de Mujahedin werden Al Qaeda en de Taliban gevormd. In de Bosnië oorlog, werden de aan, de min of meer, aan de zijde van Amerikanen vechtende Al Qaeda strijders nog praktisch getolereerd. In 1996 zou de Engelse inlichtingendienst MI6 nog gebruik hebben gemaakt van de diensten van Al Qaeda (wat dat ook precies zou mogen zijn) voor een poging tot liquidatie van Kadaffi. Pogingen tot arrestatie van Bin Laden werden toentertijd tegengewerkt door de VS en GB.,9174,837333,00.html Recent werd Al Qaeda en het moslim fundamentalisme tot vijand nummer 1 gebombardeerd. Zonder publiekelijk hiervan enig direct en uitsluitend bewijs te tonen, wordt Al Qaeda aangewezen als uitsluitende organisator en uitvoerder van de 11 september aanslagen. De 11 september aanslagen, en het vermeende gevaar van overal aanwezige verborgen terreurcellen, zijn de aanleiding voor de 'War on Terror' in Afghanistan en in het verlengde in Irak. En straks mogelijk Iran, Syrië, Saudi Arabië. Soms lijkt de wereld onbegrijpelijk inelkaar te steken. Misschien zit de wereld echter wel simpeler in elkaar dan menigeen denkt.. 11 september, rijke Saudis, goedkoop te winnen olie, machtige Amerikanen, corruptie, Anthrax-brieven, Bali, Franse tanker, theater in Moskou, inlichtingendiensten, machtspelletjes, leugens, propaganda, oorlog.. | Waarom verwijderd? | De verwijderde - 04.06.2003 20:38
Ik heb me netjes aan de regels gehouden, daarom zal ik hierbij nogmaals mijn bijdrage zenden: In Cubaanse culturele leven is aan banden gelegd. Kunstenaars wordt het werk onmogelijk gemaakt. Wie kritiek heeft op de staat, wordt 's nachts opgehaald voor hardhandige ondervraging. Voor een tegengeluid is geen ruimte. Het is schandalig dat de VS, de regering Bush, Cuba wil blijven boycotten. Verbetering van de economische situatie zal de onderdrukte Cubaanse bevolking weer moed geven. Weg met Castro! Weg met het marxisme! ¡Viva la revolución! Of wordt het laatste onder "schelden" verstaan? | VIVA LA REVOLUCION CUBANO! | 07.08.2003 17:45
By Mumia Abu-Jamal [Col. Writ. 7/20/03] Source: Afrikan Frontline Network, - Tuesday, 5 August 2003 - VIVA LA REVOLUCION CUBANO! ____________________________________________________________________ By Mumia Abu-Jamal [Col. Writ. 7/20/03] Source: Afrikan Frontline Network, - Tuesday, 5 August 2003 - When one looks at Cuba today, and contrasts it with what is happening in other parts of Latin America, Cuba, even under one of its most difficult periods in its history since the Revolution, is in many ways a remarkable success story. When measured against the U.S. Empire, which boasts some of the richest people in the history of the world, Cuba stacks up well in those human barometers of social well-being; health, education, and welfare. The literacy rate in Cuba equals or excels that of its adversary to the north (the U.S.). There is little difference between the infant mortality rates between the two countries. What is starkly different, of course, is the degree of social access to basic human services. In the U.S., while primary education is free, it is usually of poor, or subpar quality (especially for the nation's African-American, Chicano, or Puerto Rican youth). To get better, more comprehensive education, you must pay for it. The same can be said of health care. According to several sources, some 45 million Americans don't have true access to decent health care in the U.S. Again, if you can afford it, you can access it. In Cuba, health, and education, from the primary to the highest levels, is free. Indeed, Cuba, even given its serious economic problems after its betrayal by the former Soviets, has offered, in the last 2 years or so, some 500 seats in its medical schools to anyone who wants it; Americans included. Incredibly, and unfortunately, only 50 or so Americans showed up. The fact of the matter is, Cuba has demonstrated a profound respect for the peoples of the world, and yes; for human rights; the human right to learn, the human right to be treated when one is ill; the human right to help others when they are in need. These are really profound achievements of the Revolution, that, in human terms, has made the lives of millions of people better. What we all cannot afford to do, on this, the 50th anniversary of the Revolution, is forget that they have made these achievements in the face of war; the secret and nefarious wars waged by the U.S. capitalists; their puppet media; and the *gusanos* in Southern Florida, what Cubans have come to call the Miami Mafia. That is a truly profound achievement. The Revolution was, and remains, the triumph of a bold and heroic people over the forces that wanted to keep Cuba a colony of crime, and exploitation. All throughout Latin America, the U.S.-trained armies of those nations are trained, not to resist foreign enemies, but to destroy domestic forces such as trade unionists, students, clergymen, and political dissidents. That has been the sad and ugly history of South America for most of the 20th century. Do we hear calls for their removal? I ask you, did the U.S. support or oppose the Butcher of Chile, Gen. Augusto Pinochet? Did it support or oppose the blood-drenched dictators of El Salvador, Columbia, or anywhere else in the continent? The criminal CIA has been unleashing death and disaster on the Cuban people, from the introduction of the swine fever into Cuban pigs in the '70s, to the training, arming and protection of U.S.-trained terrorists who have attacked Cuban citizens, bombed their hotels, and tried to destabilize Cuban society and its economy. Indeed, the almost half-century of the Blockade (strengthened by the sell-out Clinton regime, by the way) is itself an act of war, for it affects the trade and livelihood of average Cubans. Despite these serious difficulties, despite profound betrayal, the Cuban thirst for independence, for self-determination continues unabated. That, in itself, is a profound achievement, that should be applauded by us all. Viva, La Revolucion Cubano! Viva Fidel! Viva el Pueblo de Cuba! Y Feliz Compleanos de Republica de Cuba! Copyright 2003 Mumia Abu-Jamal. All rights reserved. Check out Mumia's NEW book: "Faith of Our Fathers: An Examination of the Spiritual Life of African and African-American People": These are VERY SERIOUS TIMES for political activists in this country and around the world. Get full details and keep updated by reading ACTION ALERTS!! at and To download Mp3's of Mumia's commentaries visit or The Power of Truth is Final -- Free Mumia! CHECK FOR IMPORTANT ACTION ALERTS! PLEASE CONTACT: International Concerned Family & Friends of MAJ; P.O. Box 19709; Philadelphia, PA 19143; Tel: 215-476-8812; Fax: 215-476-6180: E-mail: AND OFFER YOUR SERVICES! Send our brotha some LOVE and LIGHT at: Mumia Abu-Jamal AM 8335 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 Website: | Cuban anarchists | F - 07.08.2003 19:30
Castroism and Exile The anarchists participated in the struggle against Batista. Some in the guerrilla forces in Oriente province and in the Sierra del Escambray in Las Villas province, others in the urban struggle. Their objective, along with that of the rest of the Cuban people, was to liquidate the Batista dictatorship. However, they never fully trusted Castro. By 1956, they already saw in Castro a potential dictator, head of a top-down organization with totalitarian traits, whose image was closer to that of Hitler than of Durruti. Castro, according to the ill-conceived evaluation of the democratic opposition, was a temporary yet necessary evil; a product of the confusion, fragmentation and even cowardice that existed within the opposition to Batista. The anarchists perceived Castro and his revolution differently from the political elite of the time, who hoped to manipulate the victor. At the beginning of 1959, with the excuse of purging from the CTC union federation those elements that collaborated with Batista, the new "revolutionary" government arbitrarily removed from office anarcho-syndicalists and social democrats who were oriented toward the working class movement. Many of them, in fact had been previously persecuted and jailed by Batista. The libertarians, even though dislodged from the CTC (now called "revolutionary"), maintained their prestige with the working class. In a congress organized by the government at the end of 1959 the union elements within the 26th of July Movement, through their Secretary General, David Salvador, and allied this time with the Communist Party and its members within the union central, delivered the organization once again to the government, this time represented by the "maximum leader of the revolution", Fidel Castro and all this according to the best "democratic tradition". Castro, anxious to retain power at all costs, allied his regime with the Soviet Union, making Cuba one big sugar plantation for the profit of the Russians. The benefits, rights and demands that through more than a century of struggles, the Cuban workers had won at the price of their blood, ended as Marx once said, in "the rubbish heap of history". The omnipresent and despotic State became the only employer and social leader. In 1961, the old political, economic and social order collapsed completely and the island became a factory and a Leninist dominion. Early in 1960, the anarchists rejected Castro, and adopted a combative attitude toward the government. Ultimately, their publications, El Libertario and Solidaridad Gastrdriomica, were suppressed. The only recourse was to go underground, and then into exile. The underground resistance process had two stages. The first commenced with the clandestine publication of Nuestra Palabra Semanal (Our Weekly Message), organ of the Movement for Trade Union Action, (Movimiento de Accion Sindical. MAS), with the purpose of general information for the workers and the people. The struggle was tougher than it had been against Batista and the repression was much harsher. Unfortunately, the leadership of this new civil struggle was in the hands of the U.S. and the Cuban bourgeoisie, which had few things in common with libertarians. The U.S. was not genuinely interested in overthrowing the Castro regime and proved forever reluctant while the bourgeoisie lacked the preparation and vocation for a revolutionary enterprise of such a magnitude and caliber, but both groups were powerful and had plenty of resources. The Cuban people did not accept communism and a large number became involved in the struggle against the regime. The anarchists failed on all fronts despite their work among the proletarians and peasants, carried out with much personal sacrifice. The second stage was that of exile, either through a sympathetic embassy or illegally. In 1961 the Cuban Libertarian Movement (Movimiento Libertario Cubano; MLC) was founded in the United States, where those shipwrecked by Castro's hurricane were regrouped, and mainted contact with the remains of the ALC in Cuba. They were few, but their labour was important for the cause of Cuban freedom. This was a period of intense work and sacrifice: propaganda, collection of money to rescue people from the island, and direct action against the Stalinist dictatorship. The 1960s were dedicated to the struggle, based entirely on personal efforts. El Gastronomico (The Food Worker) began publication in Miami and there was concerted effort made to convince the rest of the anarchist world that Castro was not really a revolutionary, as so many saw him, but a corrupt despot. The Cuban anarchists had to work hard and be patient. Manifestos, articles, essays, pamphlets, letters were necessary; they launched appeals to old friendships, to the fraternal comrades of the past, with whom difficult moments had been shared. They issued statements in Spain, France, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Panama, Chile, England, the United States, in half the world, but all in vain, for those who answered and showed solidarity were few, some because of conviction, others because of ideological affinity. Anarchists around the world either did not understand the situation or did not want to understand it; the efforts of the Cuban anarchists became a dialogue with the deaf. In the mid-1970's changes began to take place in the anarchist world, one began to ascertain changes in the world's anti-authoritarian millieu, less in favour of the Cuban libertarians but rather toward disenchantment with Castro's revolution. Suddenly Castro was seen as a Communist dictator who oppressed his people. But it was too little too late; much precious and important time had been lost. Many anarchists were exiled, valuable comrades had been sacrificed, some had become frustrated, others remained alone on the island, and still others rotted in jails. The lack of international solidarity with the Cuban anarchists was notorious as "anarchism's bad consicence", as was later said. This phenomenon, comparable only with what happened to the Russian anarchists in relation to the Bolsheviks in 1917 and with East European comrades in post WWII Europe, was based on a neglect of these historical precedents, and did a lot of damage and cost dearly. Lack of solidarity and ideological understanding, however, did not stop the Cuban anarchists in their struggle for freedom. In its history of more than half a century of persecutions, assassinations, deportations and imprisonments, it had never suffered a defeat with the power and magnitude of that brought by Castro. Communism has apparently won; however, Cuban anarchists today do not accept it. In the past twenty-eight years we have kept our banner high and our ideals unchanged, without ever renouncing the desire to set our people free from the despot that oppresses them. Cuba and the anarchists have a long history of the pursuit of freedom. The early labour struggles, the important contributions to Cuban independence from Spain, their protest against U.S. interventions, their critical attitudes toward social problems during the two republics, their spirit of combat and sacrifice against the dictatorships and disorders of Machado, Batista and Castro. Finally, the unbreakable faith that unites us in the present sinister moment of our destiny, serve as a powerful spur to continue the struggle until the end. | CIA anarchisme? | 07.08.2003 21:41
hand in hand met de yankees tegen het Cubaanse volk met als doel heel Cuba in een Guantanamo Bay te veranderen. Zonder op de argumenten van de allom gerespecteerde aktivist Mumia Abu Jamal, een een niet te controleren lul verhaal over anarchisme en hun onderdrukking op Cuba. Volledig negerend dat diezelfde anachristen in bv. de uSSa alleen toegstaan worden omdat ze een rol spelen die het amerikaanse fascisme goed uitkomt. Zo zijn er al publicaties opgedoken van "anacrhisten" uit de VS dei pleitten voor de economische blokkade van Cuba. Met zulke "vriienden" heeft het Cubaanse volk haar handen vol, naast de ontelbare terreurakties gesteund door de amerikaanse vijand die feitelijk in oorlog is met dit dappere landje waar het welzijn van de bevolking, in de zin van grats medische zorg, onderwijs etc, die van alle landen in de regio en de VS overtreffen.
| Terrorisme tegen Cuba in Augustus | 07.08.2003 21:51
The shadow of JM/WAVE, the code name for the giant CIA station in Miami, can be found everywhere during the 1960s in the first paragraphs of the terrorism chronology for the month of August established by the Press Information Center ( From 1960 to 1967, this infernal machinery employed 250 officers and more than 2,000 Cuban agents with a budget of hundreds of millions of dollars, in a useless but disastrous attempt to undermine the Cuban Revolution. From 1962, JM/WAVE was directed by Theodore Shackley, "the Blond Ghost," who unleashed numerous sabotage, killer and conspiracy operations with diabolical efficiency. To this end he established dozens of phantom enterprises - boat stores, tourism and real estate offices, detective agencies - to provide cover for his criminal activities. He likewise trained hundreds of individuals - including notorious terrorists like drug trafficking assassin Felix Rodriguez, killer Frank Sturgis and the Contras leader Chi Chi Quintero-in terrorist techniques. Thus, on August 6, 1960 militiaman Ramon Verdecia Sanchez was gravely wounded by shots fired from a light aircraft flying out from the United States at the Niagara (Manuel Sanguily) sugar mill in La Palma municipality, Pinar del Rio. On August 26 in that same year, the Violeta (Primero de Enero) and Cunagua (Bolivia) cane fields in Ciego de Avila were bombarded by light aircraft coming from the United States. Trained by the CIA to Sow Terror August 1961 was a month of much terrorist violence. Grave incidents provoked by CIA-trained terrorists throughout the island happened virtually every day. For example, a militiaman was killed by an armed band in San Cristobal, Pinar del Rio, and a campesino in Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus, among other criminal acts. August 1962 was likewise marked by a wave of terrorism. On August 20, a vehicle was fired on and its driver wounded on the San Pedro-Trinidad highway. On the 22, the British cargo liner S.S. Streatham Hill, chartered by the Soviet Union, containing 80,000 sacks of Cuban sugar and bound for a Russian port, moored in San Juan, Puerto Rico for maintenance. In order to undertake the work 14,000 sacks were unloaded and located in a customs warehouse. Terrorist elements got in and contaminated the sugar. The losses were in excess of one million dollars. On August 24, the Havana coast was hit by cannon fire, which affected the Sierra Maestra hotel (nine of its rooms received direct hits), the Chaplin Theater and some student residences. The operation was executed by two gunboats that had sailed from the United States. From Sordid Shacks at the University of Miami In August 1963 the presence of "Ted" Shackley in his JM/WAVE command post, located in some dingy shacks constructed in the middle of a 1,571-acre terrain rented from the University of Miami, was highly visible. Shackley directed his operations under the cover of a firm called Zenith Technological Enterprises. On August 1 three Cuban fishing vessels were attacked in El Sombrero canal zone of Cayo Galindo in Matanzas, by a terrorist group aboard an armored launch proceeding from the United States. On the 10, a device placed in a shed loaded with sugar at the Isabela de Sagua port in Las Villas exploded and destroyed it completely. On the 11 the Cuban embassy in Bogota, Colombia, was fired on. On the night of August 15 two 50-pound bombs were dropped on the Cunagua (Bolivia) sugar mill in Ciego de Avila from an aircraft belonging to Orlando Bosch's Revolutionary Recovery Insurrectional Movement (MIRR). Cuban Power and Orlando Bosch In August 1964 a sailor was killed in an act of sabotage on the Cuban merchant ship Manuel Ascunce Domenech. On the 31, the Adalberto Peron cooperative, a Revolutionary War Marines observation post, and the Cabo Cruz lighthouse in Niquero were attacked by a gunboat from the United States. In August 1965, an incendiary device was thrown at the Cuban embassy in Mexico, causing damage to the wall and gardens. In August 1968 there was on arson attack on the Cuban embassy in Tokyo, Japan. That month and that period were marked by the activities of the Poder Cubano terrorist organization, headed, among others, by Orlando Bosch. An offshoot of the MIRR, in two years Poder Cubano detonated more than 100 explosive devices against Cuban, U.S. and other countries' interests in some 20 nations. One year later, In August 1969, Poder Cubano was more active than ever in its obsession to destabilize the Revolution through its terrorist actions. For example, on the 19 the Cayo Paredan lighthouse in Ciego de Avila was machine gunned from a vessel that hit the tower, the workers' house and other neighboring houses. Finally, on the 25, a terrorist attempt was executed against the Cuban Mission to the United Nations. There were two anti-Cuban acts of aggression overseas in 1973. The residence of the Cuban ambassador to the United Kingdom was attacked in on the 25. On the 27, three explosive devices were launched against the residences of officials from the Cuban commercial office in Santiago de Chile, leaving one car destroyed and considerable material damage to the buildings. In August 1974, terrorists Luis Manuel de la Caridad Zuniga Rey, Miguel Salas Figueroa and Rodolfo Juan Verdecia from Alpha-66 were caught by Revolutionary War Marines units in the vicinity of Boca Ciega, north of Havana, aboard a Thunderboat speedboat license FL-8722AN, attempting to infiltrate the country. Back in the United States, Zuniga Rey returned to his criminal activities as a member of the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF) terrorist group, on behalf of which he supplied, recruited and contacts Cubans on temporary visits to the United States, who were trained to sabotage Cuban economic targets. On August 1, 1965, terrorists planted explosive devices at the Costa Rican embassy in Washington, the Pan American Union in the same city, and at the Mexican consulate in Los Angeles. On the 13, there was an attempt with FAL rifles to assassinate Emilio Aragones Navarro, the Cuban ambassador to Argentina, while he was traveling in his car. Two Cuban Diplomats Victims of CORU Killings On August 9, 1976 Cresencio Galanaga Hernendez and Jesus Cejas Arias, two officials from the Cuban embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina were kidnapped and killed by terrorist groups of Cuban origin. Their bodies were thrown into the foundations of a building under construction. Gaspar Jimenez Escobedo, currently under arrest in Panama with Luis Posada Carriles, was actively involved in this terrorist conspiracy ordered by the United Revolutionary Organizations Coordination (CORU), created by Orlando Bosch, in line with instructions from the CIA, then directed by George Bush senior. On the 18, an explosive device was detonated in the Cubana de Aviation Office in Panama, causing extensive damage. Jimenez Escobedo was also linked to this attempt. In August 1977, terrorists from the Pedro Luis Boitel (CPLB) Commandos were charged with placing a bomb aboard a Venezuelan airliner in Miami. In August 1978 an explosive device was placed in the San Juan University theater in Puerto Rico when the National Ballet of Cuba were performing. An infiltration attempt by Sergio Gonzales Rosquete, a terrorist from the Democratic National Unity Party (PUND) was uncovered in Elbow Key, Bahamas. In August 1994, Naval Lieutenant Roberto Aguilar Reyes was killed after being kidnapped aboard a Revolutionary War Marines auxiliary vessel in Mariel, Habana province, by an individual who managed to flee to the United States, where he remains at liberty without being charged with the crime. On the 10, an AN-2 aircraft, registration number CUA-965, was hijacked in Colin, Matanzas and taken to the United States. Terror Campaign Signed by Posada On August 16, 1996, a light aircraft belonging to the National Air Services Enterprise, registration number PZL-104, was hijacked in San Nicolas de Bari, Habana province, by a group of individuals armed with a revolver and a knife, who forced the pilot to fly to Florida. The aircraft had to make a sea landing in the Gulf of Mexico facing Fort Myers in the state of Florida. The three hijackers and the pilot were rescued and handed over to a Coast Guard Service vessel. The pilot returned to Cuba and the aircraft was destroyed. On August 21, U.S. citizen Walter Kelsey Van Der Veer arrived in Cuba as a tourist, but with the proposition of organizing acts of terrorism. He stated that he belonged to the Comandos L terrorist organization. On August 3, 1997, there was an explosion in the Havanatur office in the Bahamas. On the 4, a device exploded in the Melia Cohiba Hotel. Incredibly, on August 11 the Miami press published a statement from the CANF officially supporting these acts of terrorism with explosives against tourist objectives in Cuba. On the 22, a device exploded in Varadero's Sol Palmares Hotel. The authors of these last two explosions were Guatemalan citizens recruited by Luis Posada Carriles, using CANF funds, within a framework of terror that was to last various months. On August 1, 1998, prior to Fidel's announced visit to the Dominican Republic, terrorist elements of Cuban origin were planning an attack. Posada Carriles also masterminded that failed operation. On the 27, an incendiary device was planted in the MIDEN center in Miami, during a performance by 91-year-old Cuban musician Francisco Repilado, Compay Segundo. That same day, another bomb exploded in the Amnesia nightclub in Miami Beach, prior to the appearance of a Cuban singer, while people attending a concert by the Cuban musical group Los Van Van at the Miami Arena were violently attacked, and a bomb threat was received at the Seville Hotel, before singer Rosita Fornes was due to appear there. The hotel cancelled the function.
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