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BAOBABCONNECTIONS Globalisation Newsletter 11 dominique@baobabconnections.org - 09.05.2003 15:41
---------------------------------------------About Baobabconnections --------------------------------------------- Baobabconnections is an award winning online monthly magazine focused on one of the critical issue of our times - globalisation and its related themes. We promote the de-globalisation of corporate power and the inauguration of south-north development predicated on the dignity and worth of the human being and the natural environment. Critically we produce our own content, meaning young people write for and about young people and our own stake holding in the global village. We currently have 832 members in 66 countries: from Andorra to Zimbabwe. WHAT'S NEW AT BAOBABCONNECTIONS www.baobabconnections.org BAOBABCONNECTIONS Newsletter 11 Friday, May 9th 2003 --------------------------------------------------- About Baobabconnections Baobabconnections is an award winning online monthly magazine focused on one of the critical issue of our times - globalisation and its related themes. We promote the de-globalisation of corporate power and the inauguration of south-north development predicated on the dignity and worth of the human being and the natural environment. Critically we produce our own content, meaning young people write for and about young people and our own stake holding in the global village. We currently have 832 members in 66 countries: from Andorra to Zimbabwe. --------------------------------------------------- Online video on african hip hop and aids awareness On December 1st 2002 Baobabconnections was part of a festival to raise awareness about AIDS. During the festival, film maker Anna Spohr documented the experiences of 3 performers at the festival. To see these documentaries on African hip hop and AIDS awareness go to: http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=444 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Magazine #11 : The Hunger & The Harvest - Globalisation and Food Security - Everyday 34,000 children under the age of five die of hunger or hunger related preventable disease. This is to farmers primarily because, our international trade system requires poor countries to cut support and open their agriculture markets to rich countries - who are powerful enough to protect their own markets. Consequently, most poor people in most poor countries cannot afford enough food to eat. However it is not all doom and gloom and there are plenty of things you can do about it. To start with check out our latest magazine and become inspired, become informed; and above all realise what you can do not only towards feeding but towards freeing the world as well... Ed. - COLUMN - A knife at the throat of half a billion farmers In the 1950s, an African farmer produced ten quintals of grain. She kept eight to feed her family, and had two left over to sell on the market at $29 per quintal (at current rates). She thus had income to cover basic expenses. But today, thanks to the globalized 'free' market, she can no longer feed her family, much less make a profit that would enable her to meet other needs.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=404 How (Not) To Feed Africa The food shortage in Africa is now widespread. But the drought that has accompanied this shortage is not peculiar to Africa - it is the condition of Africa that is peculiar and has created the famine conditions.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=418 Food: The Famine And The Feast "Lets not beat a dead horse. Lets not repeat the same sermons you’ve heard before about liberating you’re souls to the point of elevating the people. Yet what other solution is there?" writes Iriel Sayeed in what will be her last column for Baobabconnections.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=418 China’s Tribal Farmers Face The Global Market Photo-journalist Rob Harbinson goes to the Menghlun market in Southwest China
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=422 - UP CLOSE & POLITICAL - Nature Knows Best Masanobu Fukuoka commands love and respect world-wide for his do-nothing approach to farming. "The ultimate goal of farming" he says "is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings" Don't miss this inspirational personal profile. - INTERVIEW - Organic Revolution Helen Browning: The land is not ours; it belongs to the future. We should leave the land in good heart.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=434 - Arts4Change - Junk Food by Mutaburuka "junk food fullin up de place dis is a nada disgrace junk food fullin up de place a now good food a guh guh to waste"
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=425 Bread A beautiful poem from Sierra Leone poet Syl Cheney-Coker.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=427 - FRENCH CONNECTIONS - Les Derniers Jours Des Fellahs “Nous devons utiliser des produits chimiques pour recevoir la terre pour produire autant que possible”
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=408 - BAOBAB DIARY - 12 Myths About World Hunger Hunger is not a myth but myths keep us from ending hunger...
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=410 Food For The Soul Gandhi followed a diet pattern that most nutritionists consider an ideal diet. But, to what extent is that diet practical for a modern individual?
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=432 - THE REVIEW - Food, Poverty & Power by Anne Buchanan A convincing and thoughtful study, which uses a wide range of sources to document many of the political and social causes of hunger.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=411 Robert Mugabe: Power, Plunder and Tyranny in Zimbabwe. By Martin Meredith Jessica Blatt and Sean Jacobs review Robert Mugabe: Power, Plunder and Tyranny in Zimbabwe, a tale of land reform, state corruption, and lost opportunity. Yet, despite it all, this book is also a chronicle of an emergent hope and progressive force within Zimbabwe.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=424 - FROM OUR COUNTRY CO-ORDINATORS - Faces Of Food Shortage In Tanzania Yunus Rafiki and Gsan Rutta write that "the situation of shortage of food in Tanzania has come in three distinctive stages: the time of ancestors, coming of colonialism and the Coca-colanization. How have these three stages affected food situations?"
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=415 Hungry Times Aaron Appiah - KUBI considers the prospects for food security in an African context, in a time of globalization
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=415 - THE DREAMING - Dreaming Our Dreams & Voicing Our Visions "In dreams begin responsibilities" wrote the Irish poet, WB Yeats once upon a past, cold and dispassionate time. We offer you this space to post your visions and articulate your answers for a better tomorrow.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=436 Development Of Local Seed Systems In Zambia A community in Zambia made the transition from food aid to seed security, demonstrating to all the world, that sustainable systems of food production and self-determined agro-policies are indeed possible.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=445 - AUDIO & VIDEO - VIDEO: Mooster's Millions: the mooovie Did you know that Europe's 21 million dairy cows could take a luxury round-the-world trip for the amount European governments spend subsidising their farmers every year? It means European cows receive more income per day than the 3 billion people in the world who live on less than US$2 a day. Watch this short animation clip...
http://www.baobabconnections.org/ VIDEO: Trade Justice? Maize Farmers in Mexico Find out in a special oneworld TV web clip how unfair trade rules affect maize farmers in Mexico.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/artikel.php?id=429 - EDITOR'S LETTER - The Hunger & The Harvest The loudly-spoken, precision-guided broadcasts of the mainstream corporate media aptly conceal and distort the hunger and dispossession within our world and invite us instead to believe a lie which “you see with, not through the eye” To challenge this corporate consensus and it's politic of concealment, is itself to challenge world hunger and the inequity which breeds it.
http://www.baobabconnections.org/ ---------------------------------------- For more discussion, analysis and action ideas, visit www.baobabconnections.org http://www.baobabconnections.org ---------------------------------------- E-Mail: dominique@baobabconnections.org Website: http://www.baobabconnections.org |
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