About the EU summit in Thessaloniki in June Antiauthoritarian Movement Salonika 2003 - 15.05.2003 06:57
The decisions that have been made by the panhellenic meeting of the Antiauthoritarian Movement Salonika 2003, about the actions that we will organize during the European summit in June of 2003 in Thessaloniki.  Thessaloniki, antiwar demo 15F, A.M.S.2003 Accommodation The accommodation needs of the comrades who will correspond to our call will be met in a big space in Aristotle's University of Thessaloniki, which is in the centre of the city. This location is capable of the accommodation of a large number of people as well as the realization of events. About the "support" of the demonstrations Legal coverage A group of lawyers has already been created in order to voluntarily be on our side during these days so that there will be direct legal defense of the people who may be arrested during the demonstrations. From the mid of May, a web site will be created, in which there will be information about these legal teams and about the legal status quo in Greece, translated in many different languages. When this web page is up we will send you the electronic address. Also, people from these legal teams have committed to be at the borders of Greece in order to receive the comrades from abroad and take any legal action that is necessary if they are not allowed to enter the country. Medical support A group of comrades, doctors and medical students has been created in order to be in the demonstrations with the necessary equipment to provide first aid when needed. Among the plans of this group is to make, up until the days of the summit, first aid seminars, as well as to publish leaflets with useful medical instructions. Discussions and events The accommodation place will be open from 14/6/03, a week before the European summit (20-21/6/03). During this week a four-day festival will take place in order to exchange views and have a better coordination of our actions. This festival, besides everything else (concerts, screenings, exhibitions etc.), will hold four major discussions (one for each day), which will be encircled by other smaller discussions. The subjects of the four major discussions are: Globalization - New order - War "Fortress" Europe - Suppression - Immigrants Labor in modern capitalism Antiglobalization movements and Antiauthoritarians-Anarchists Some subjects that have been suggested until now for the smaller discussions have to do with education, art and mass media. The demonstrations Our decision is that on the first day of the summit (20/6/03) we will have a demonstration near the place where there will be held. This place is far from the centre of the city and for this reason we will go there probably with buses. On the second day (21/6/03) we will have a demonstration in the centre of Thessaloniki. Discussion about the practical issues of the demonstrations will be held on the fourth day of the festival (19/6/03), which means one day before the first demonstration. What we ask from you If it is possible, we would like to have your response until the 20th of May regarding the following: When do you plan to come and approximately how many people do you think you will be, so that we will know what are the needs that we have to cover regarding the accommodation. Through which countries and exactly when will you arrive in Greece so that comrades and lawyers wait for you at the borders. If your group/organization wants to have a stand where it will exhibit its material, it would be good to let us know in time so that we can prepare the place better. If your group/organization wants to make a statement at some of our major discussions, we would like to know beforehand if it is possible, so that we can determine a better final program, the duration of the discussions and events and to have the right translators at every discussion. Let us know soon if your group/organization wants to put its name on the poster of the festival. Finally, let us know if you have to suggest any other subjects that can be presented by you in parallel discussions, so that we can arrange the program of the festival. We expect your answers until the 20th of May in reference to these issues, as well as any other questions regarding the events against the European summit. Information about the writings and the action of the Antiauthoritarian Movement Salonika 2003, can be found at the electronic address: www.resistance2003.gr If anything new should come up we will inform you with an e-mail. Comrade salute, Antiauthoritarian Movement Salonika 2003 E-Mail: info@resistance2003.gr Website: http://www.resistance2003.gr |