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 | Copyright 1999 Evangelische Omroep | M02 - 19.05.2003 02:17
About that last request: Please do not download this and post these video files on Indymedia Netherlands. Indymedia NL does not allow copyrighted material to be posted! If so: they will be moved offline. (Links are always ok, and SF indymedia have their own responsability and rules about copyright protected material.) And for your information: the copyright holder/producer of these video's is the Evangelische Omroep (Dutch national Evangelical Radio & TV & Magazine & Internet publisher) wich is kind of notorious in the netherlands for it's extreme christian views on society...
Website: http://www.eo.nl | What Anthony Sutton said about the airing | xx - 19.05.2003 04:52
Anthony Sutton: "I made a documentary for Dutch National TV some years ago. It got all the way through the production process to the Dutch TV Guide...at the last minute it was pulled and another film substituted. This documentary has proof of Bush financing Hitler-- documents. Maybe my Dutch friends will still get it viewed, but the apparatus reaches into Holland." http://www.rense.com/politics6/SKULL.htm ==================================================== Much of the info from this film is public knowledge. Trying to frame it a some kind of christian propagnada is unfair. Recent article anout Skull and Bones. =======================================================
http://www2.bostonherald.com/news/national/bone05152003.htm Kerry made his Bones in secret club - like Bush by Andrew Miga Thursday, May 15, 2003 WASHINGTON - Sen. John F. Kerry expounds on many issues in his presidential campaign, but he's completely silent on one topic: his membership in Skull and Bones, Yale's infamous secret society. ========================================================== | Secret rituals | Bookworm - 20.05.2003 01:14
People may also be interested in the newly published book "Secret Societies of America's Elite: from the Knights Templar to Skull & Bones" by Steven Sora (Destiny Books 2003) Has a bunch of stuff on Bushes & other presidents and Rich People. Of course, I could not possibly reveal that the initiation ceremony of the Skull & Bones (to which both father & son Bushes belong) includes lying naked in a coffin reciting a sexual autobiography. Some short stories there I guess.
Website: http://www.innertraditions.com | |
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