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Dutch pirate radio stations lose the fight?? Alfred Zoer - 29.05.2003 16:02
It seems that dutch pirate stations loseing the fight against the AT It is seems that the Dutch pirate stations are going to lose the fight against the Dutch Agency Telecom. Last few months there have been a huntdown on Dutch pirate stations. The AT stated that they want the airwaves free of radio pirates and will make any effort that is needed to to do so. Now today the organisation Tegenflits.nl organised and action on the maliveld in Den haag and made a guess that there could be thousands and thousands of pirate stations and there listeners. Only thing is that right now there are around so it seems a 200 / 300 of them on the maliveld. Now the AT has a nice indication how free radio is supported and may base their actions on this information. We'll see how things continue, and keep you updated in the forum of ALI ( http://www.alfalima.net/cgi-bin/teemz/teemz.cgi ) Greetings from Alfred Zoer ( Alfa Lima Int ) ------------------------------------- Our email address
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