Art Against Apathy Launch Event / Expo Denise Martinez - 10.06.2003 13:31
ART AGAINST APATHY E-ZINE "NUMBER 0" LAUNCH EVENT expositie kunstwerk (op de opening met music, video & performance) YOU ARE INVITED TO COME CELEBRATE, CREATE & PARTICIPATE IN THE ART AGAINST APATHY E-ZINE "NUMBER 0" LAUNCH EVENT FRIDAY 13TH OF JUNE FROM 17.00-23.00 HRS. @ZMELT, BEIJERSWEG 9, AMSTERDAM(TRAM 9 TO PRETORIUSSTRAAT) with music & performance from: Luke Nyman, DJ Duck, Global Beets, Groovus, Vashti Gleave & Don Popo and video presentation by: Karoly Toth from the Zeroglab Nanofestival Exhibition viewing also on Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th of June from 14.00-20.00 hrs. with images by: Carrie Moyer, Arjan van Helmond, Eduardo Gomez , Suzero, Eric Drooker, Frans Franciscus, Wuzhi, Chris Reinewald, Rhanie Mohabiersing, Dave Pescod, Paul Klemann, Latuff, Denise Martinez, Louise Rusin, Federica Palmarin Come early and stay late! Enjoy this virtual cornucopia of inspiration. Activism is not just protesting against but also uniting in celebration because we can. Hope to see you there! E-Mail: Website: |