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IMC.be closes it archives? Guido - 12.06.2003 17:46
Op indymedia.be it's not possible to visit the archives, see the comments or publish an article On www.indymedia.be it's not possible anymore to publish a comment or to see them. Also publishing an article is at this moment impossible.
http://belgium.indymedia.org/comment_latest.php Also the hidden pages are not longer visible like on other IMC's. One editor(me) was kicked out without warning (pasword taken away, another editor who posted an article to ask readers what they thouhgt about taking away the comment function was hidden and emptied by an other member. Democratic decisionmaking, it's called at IMC.be. This is an exemple of what I did write on IMC.be
http://belgium.indymedia.org/news/2003/06/67551.php But because I did not like the way things are handled inside imc.be and opposed it, my pasword was taken away without warning. Some of the belgium collective used the imc.be website to make propaganda for a stalinist party and a list in wich some members of imc.be were candidate. The feature about this is also no longer visible:
http://belgium.indymedia.org/archives/display_by_date.php?category_id=3&page=2 The people from imc.be that were in a party for the elections, said the American imc's also promoted Ralph Nader. This to justifie there using on indymedia.be as propagandamachine for some parties. |
aanvullingen |  | gesloten voor een tijdje | ... media-watch ... - 12.06.2003 19:04
IMC Belgium is voor een tijdje op slot gezet door een van de betrokkenen omdat ie het zat was dat mensen elkaar zaten te saboteren over de site en te spammen op de site over lopende zaken. Zo werd de paswoord van iemand vernomen, nadat hij/zij naar verluid een oude feature op hidden had gezet. Om erger te voorkomen is momenteel de site op slot gezet. | democratie en liegen binnen imc.be | Guido - 14.06.2003 10:08
"In plaats van tijdig en binnen het collectief daarover te discussieren verkoos hij op een saboterende manier te werk gaan. Het werk van Jessie en Mara werd op die manier in de vuilbak gegooid."
http://belgium.indymedia.org/news/2003/04/57330.php Sun, 13 Apr 2003 18:44:40 +0200 Han: "Look Guido, we discusse all of this before. We disccused we would focuss on all alternatives that wouild present themeselves for the elections. Today it seems only MARIA, RESIST and yes PVDA are left."
http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-belgium-edito/2003-April/012841.html Mara:"What had been decided at the General Meeting of March? And I`m almost sure you were present."
http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-belgium-edito/2003-April/012844.html Guido: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 07:54:28 +0000 "objection fromme, but Mara, han, Kitty, christophe, Raf, Jessie will sya it's ok, so it ill be not democratic decided" "This collective is not democratic"
http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-belgium-edito/2003-April/012858.html Turlututu: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 11:59:27 +0200 "I agree on the form with Guido, take part with a political party could be very dangerous even if it=92s not really a classic party.=20 Politic is (and =91ll rest) a world for sharks, the problem is that indymedia must propose an alternative to the politic and not solicit it. I believed that it was base of its foundation. And so after we=92ll take part on summit ??"
http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-belgium-edito/2003-April/012877.html Arnaud: "Just to give my opinion in this awful discussion. I was afraid of elections because it makes people lose their mind for power. I just read the site right now it is just what I feared."
http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-belgium-edito/2003-April/012901.html Er was wel degelijk tijdig en binnen het collectief daarover gediscussieerd. Bovenstaande toont aan dat bepaalde mensen binnen edito hun eigen leugens geloven. De rest van de democratische beslissingen tijdens de verkiezingen in Belgie kan je lezen op
http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-belgium-edito/2003-April/date.html Zie ook
http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-belgium-edito/2003-June/017202.html | |
aanvullingen | |