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Swiss consulate in Barcelona occupied!!!!! Barcelona support group - 13.06.2003 10:43
This Friday morning we have occupied the Swiss consulate in Barcelona to protest against the repression that took place at the G8 and in particular against what happened to the English electrician Martin Shaw. Swiss consulate in Barcelona occupied!!!!! Call for solidarity actions This Friday morning we have occupied the Swiss consulate in Barcelona to protest against the repression that took place at the G8 and in particular against what happened to the English electrician Martin Shaw. Martin Shaw, currently hospitalised in Lausanne, is recuperating from grave injuries suffered as a consequence of the cutting of his climbing rope used for a blockading action against the G8 at the bridge of Aubonne. We intend to stay untill our demands are met by the Swiss government. We call for an international effort to put pressure on the Swiss government and we ask groups to take action, to picket and/or send the text below to the Swiss embassies. We demand: #The immediate withdrawal of all charges against the persons that participated in the Aubonne bridge action, as for all persons detained during the protests in opposition to the summit of the G8. #A transparent, independent and public investigation into the training and orders received by the police who cut the rope, as well as into the general organisational and hierarchical infrastructure and the political responsibles of the security measures surrounding the G8 summit, . #That the Swiss government offers full and complete compensation of all expenses incurred, including the medical and judicial costs, by all participants of the Aubonne bridge action, as a result of the brutal behavior of the Swiss police, especially given the recognition by the Swiss authorities of being the perpetrator of the aggression. #The right for Martin Shaw to decide, in compliance with EU and Swiss law, wether to stay in hospital in Lausanne as long as deemed necessary for full recuperation or to be moved to Barcelona, his city of residence. We denounce: #The claim that the cutting of the rope was an “accident” or the result of “negligence” on the part of the police. Rather, it should be seen as a logical result of the creation of a climate of fear and the strategy of criminalisation of dissident voices gathered to oppose the G8 summit. #The growing scale of repression not only at the G8 summit but globally and persistently. #The ongoing criminalisation of antagonistic social movements worldwide. To whom it may concern, On Sunday 1st June, a UK national, Martin Shaw was severly injured and hospitalised as a result of actions by the Swiss traffic police. The protestor, part of a 15 person international collective blockading a bridge in Switzerland to prevent G8 delegates passing from Geneva to Lausanne, was participating in a banner drop-road blockade with the slogan “G8 Illegal”. Martin and another protestor were hanging from both ends of the same rope from a 30m high bridge over a small stony riverbed alongside the banner. The two traffic police arriving at the scene panicked about the build up of traffic and cut the rope that the two protestors were hanging from despite repeated warnings about the danger of this from everyone present. Martin who is a very experienced and careful climber, then fell 20m into a stony river bed and was left there with spinal injuries, pelvic damage and a severely broken ankle for a considerable amount of time before the emergency services arrived with a ambulance helicopter to take him to the hospital. Eye-witnesses report that the police were much more concerned with immediately restoring the flow of traffic than they were with getting medical attention to Martin, although two police officers (amongst the many police and possible military present) did eventually help lift Martin out of the river bed. The other people present managed to rescue the second climber by holding on to the other end of the rope for 15 minutes so that she also didn´t fall, although she was later delivered to the hopsital suffering from shock. Whilst Martin lay collapsed in the shallow river bed receiving medical attention from an activist and demonstrators rescued the second climber, police momentarily continued to direct traffic over the bridge as if nothing had happened, although the traffic on this main autoroute from Geneva to Lausanne was eventually stopped for the rest of the day. It is extremely lucky that these two people are not dead as a result of the actions of the Swiss police. Martin currently remains in hospital in Geneva where he has undergone a series of emergency operations on his vertebral injuries, pelvis and ankle. The doctors have stated that his back will slowly recover, but at this stage the doctors are unsure about the state of his left ankle. I am writing to express my anger and wish to register my protest of this terrible incident and of Martin Shaw´s near fatal treatment as a result of the actions of the Swiss police. I demand: #The immediate withdrawal of all charges against the persons that participated in the Aubonne bridge action, as for all persons detained during the protests in opposition to the summit of the G8. #A transparent, independent and public investigation into the training and orders received by the police who cut the rope, as well as into the general organisational and hierarchical infrastructure and the political responsibles of the security measures surrounding the G8 summit, . #That the Swiss government offers full and complete compensation of all expenses incurred, including the medical and judicial costs, by all participants of the Aubonne bridge action, as a result of the brutal behavior of the Swiss police, especially given the recognition by the Swiss authorities of being the perpetrator of the aggression. #The right for Martin Shaw to decide, in compliance with EU and Swiss law, wether to stay in hospital in Lausanne as long as deemed necessary for full recuperation or to be moved to Barcelona, his city of residence. I denounce: #The claim that the cutting of the rope was an “accident” or the result of “negligence” on the part of the police. Rather, it should be seen as a logical result of the creation of a climate of fear and the strategy of criminalisation of dissident voices gathered to oppose the G8 summit. #The growing scale of repression not only at the G8 summit but globally and persistently. #The ongoing criminalisation of antagonistic social movements worldwide. Signed --------------------- LIST OF EMBASSIES ------------------------------ UK ------- Embassy of Switzerland 16 -18 Montagu Place, London W1H 2BQ Tel: 00 44 (0)20 7616 6000 Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7724 7001 E-mail: swissembassy@lon.rep.admin.ch France ---------- Embassy of Switzerland 142, rue de Grenelle Paris – 75007 Tel: 00 33 1 49 55 67 00 Fax: 00 33 1 45 51 34 77 E-mail: vertretung@par.rep.admin.ch Spain --------- Embassy of Switzerland Calle Nuñez de Balboa 35-7 Edificio Goya Madrid Tel: 00 34 91 436 39 60 Fax: 00 34 91 436 39 88 E-mail: vertretung@mad.rep.admin.ch Germany ------------ Embassy of Switzerland Otto-von-Bismarck-Allee 4ª Berlin 10557 Tel: 00 49 (0)30 390 40 00 Fax: 00 49 (0)30 391 1030 E-mail: vertretubg@botschaft-schweiz.de USA ------- Embassy of Switzerland 2900 Cathedral Ave, NW Washington DC 20008 Tel: 001 202 745 7980 Fax: 00 1 292 387 2564 E-mail: vertretung@was.rep.admin.ch Italy ------ Embassy of Switzerland Via Barnaba Oriani 61 Rome 00197 Tel: 00 39 06 8083641 E-mail: Amsuisse@rom.rep.admin.ch The Netherlands ----------------------- Embassy of Switzerland Lange Voorhout 42 Den Haag 2514 EE Tel: (+31) (0) 70 - 3642831 Fax: (+31) (0) 70 - 356 12 38 E-mail: Vertretung@hay.rep.admin.ch |
aanvullingen |  | update situatie | wil - 13.06.2003 19:09
Iets voor vier uur deze namiddag heeft de Spaanse oproerpolitie (antidisturbios) een brutale charge uitgevoerd tegen de jongeren die aan de deuren van het consulaat de actie aan het steunen waren. De reden voor de charge zou het "vuurtje stoken" zijn waarmee de actievoerders een paella wilden bereiden. Daarbij zijn verscheidene gewonden gevallen, maar de bezetting duurt voort. Twee activisten blijven vastgeketend aan de gevel van het gebouw en zo'n tien personen bevinden zich nog steeds in het consulaat. De meer dan 50 personen die vanop de straat spontaan hun solidariteit kwamen betogen, hebben zich niet laten intimideren door de charge en hun aantal groeit zelfs nog. De actievoerders willen van geen wijken weten tot de Zwitserse regering hen een antwoord geeft. De eisen zijn: 1) onmiddellijke intrekking van alle aanklachten tegen de personen die deelnamen aan de actie bij de brug van Aubonne, en tegen de personen die aangehouden werden tijdens de manifestaties tegen de top. 2) een onafhankelijk onderzoek naar de politieke en politionele verantwoordelijkheden voor de acties waarbij Martin zwaar gewond raakte en voor alle repressie-acties tijdens de Evian-top. 3) dat de Zwitserse Staat alle medische en juridische kosten van de brutale actie van de Zwitserse politie op zich neemt, en vooral dat de agressie van de politie erkend wordt door de autoriteiten. van:
http://belgium.indymedia.org/news/2003/06/68005.php en:
http://barcelona.indymedia.org/?language_desplegable=en | still high on the buildings | willink - 15.06.2003 03:45
Sat Jun 14 '03 #1 There are still protesters in the Swiss Consulate. There is also a concentration of protesters in front of the Council building at Place Jaume.
http://www.uk.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=72436 Sat Jun 14 '03 #2 It is now the evening, up to the early afternoon, again, with temperatures above 30 degrees Oscar and Claudio still remain with the intention of staying suspended from the building until an independent inquiry is confirmed
http://www.uk.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=72448 | SWISS CONSULATE TO CATALUNYA STILL OCCUPIED!! | willink - 16.06.2003 02:02
After more than 58 hours holding from the twelve storey building, 2 activists are still ressisting with a banner with a message of outrage and solidarity
http://uk.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=72519 | |
aanvullingen | |