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Solidariteit gevraagd voor Iraanse studenten spring - 14.06.2003 04:08
Repressie tegen studentenprotesten neemt toe in Teheran. Solidarity call: To students all over the world and all freedom lovers!  iran-daily frontpage 14th June  iran-daily frontpage 14th June Al vier dagen achtereen protesteren studenten in Teheran geweldloos tegen de beperkte vrijheid en voor sociale rechtvaardigheid in het land. Donderdag en vrijdag echter zijn ruim honderd studenten gearresteerd en zijn er meer dan 75 gewonden gevallen. Dit gebeurde nadat de politie de universiteit heeft bestormd en omsingeld, met geweren heeft geschoten en met knuppels heeft staan slaan. Dit zou ook her en der in de stad gebeurd zijn met groepjes protesterende studenten, door speciale militia die op motors rondrijden en eruit zien als robocops. Er is ook traangas gebruikt. Donderdag werd de universiteit omsingeld en wordt niemand meer erin of eruit gelaten. De studenten bleven de hele nacht op om te protesteren tegen de directe beperking van de vrijheid. De protesten richten zich allereerst op mogelijke privatiseringen van de universiteiten en de invoering van collegegelden. Ook zijn de studenten zich daarmee tegen het regime gaan richtten. http://www.iran-daily.com/ De afgelopen dagen werden de protesten eerst getolereerd. Studenten hebben als antwoord op de gewelddadige repressie van donderdag en vrijdag drie speciale agenten van "information ministry" geweldloos gevangen genomen toen deze agenten de verblijfplaatsen van studenten rond de universiteit, binnenstormden. Solidariteit is broodnodig om de studenten te beschermen van de harde en brute repressie, schrijven Iraanse studenten in Groot-Brittanie.
http://uk.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=72370 solidarity call: To students all over the world and all freedom lovers! While all non governmental parties and Organizations are banned and their leaders and members have been executed for 24 years of brutal Islamic rule in Iran, the students movement and its demands for democracy and social justice, is the only hope which has remained for the oppressed Iranian people in their common struggle for freedom. In 1980 the Islamic Republic of Iran crushed the students movement, closed all universities in Iran for two years, arrested tens of thousands of students and even their supporters and teachers. Many of them were tortured for years in Islamic prisons. Again, in November 2002, a new generation of students came to action for the same demands. This time, again, the Islamic Republic crushed them fiercely, killed many of them and arrested thousands. Now, since 10 June 2003, the students movement which is strongly supported by oppressed people, has occupied the streets and again has been facing unbelievable brutality. This time the clergy leader of the Islamic Republic (Khameneai) declared clearly that the regime is determined to crush this movement to death ! To students all over the world and all freedom lovers! The independent students movement in Iran, has this time decided to continue the struggle to achieve its objectives: democracy, freedom of speech and social justice. And they are going to the streets every night, hoping that everyone will hear their voice and support them. In this very critical situation, a call goes out to all the students of the world to take action and show their immediate and very urgent solidarity in any way which they decide. |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | meerdere berichten | persbureau's - 14.06.2003 04:11
reuters meldt: "In the most serious violence since pro-democracy demonstrations started four days ago, witnesses also reported seeing riot police and hardline vigilantes pulling young women out of cars and beating them with sticks. (...) More than 100 of the Islamic militiamen, who wear no uniforms, swooped on a group of a few dozen youngsters protesting around a bonfire in a side street not far from the Tehran University dormitory which has been the focal point of demonstrations."
http://www.deepikaglobal.com/latestnews.asp?ncode=2903 Guardian: Tehran protesters call for Khamenei's head "Hundreds of demonstrators taking part in a third night of anti-government protests in Tehran called today for the execution of Iran's conservative supreme leader - an audacious move under the country's clerical regime, which has threatened a crackdown."
http://www.guardian.co.uk/iran/story/0,12858,976659,00.html "One Reuters reporter said that students had seized three plainclothes Islamic militiamen on campus. "They had walkie-talkies, chains, gas spray, and their pockets were full of stones," a student said."
http://www.guardian.co.uk/iran/story/0,12858,976307,00.html AP: Militants, security officers clash with Iranians in city's streets. "Hundreds of pro-cleric militants and security forces clashed with Iranians throughout the capital late Friday, firing machine guns in the air and using tear gas and batons to put down any public opposition to the country's hard-line regime."
Website: http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&edition=usa&q=iran+students&btnG=Search+News | Students, Plainclothesmen Clash Again | iran-daily fwd. - 15.06.2003 03:13
"Tension arose in Tehran University's dormitory complex on Kargar Avenue and the surrounding streets on Friday night and Saturday morning, IRNA reported on Saturday. Tension flared when several protestors and a group of students clashed with the plainclothesmen. The two sides threw stones at each other and the anti-riot police was forced to use tear gas to disperse the crowd. Anti-riot police has been stationed on Kargar Avenue since past few days." (...) "Students also arrested some plainclothesmen who had entered the dorm complex on Kargar Avenue. Some of these people were released and some are still in the custody of students. Several people have also been arrested or injured in sporadic clashes on Friday and Saturday. However, there is no accurate information available in this respect." (...) "In another development, a member of the Central Council of the Islamic Association of Students, Alireza Saeli, said the association had requested the Interior Ministry to issue a permit for a peaceful rally to be held from Tehran University campus to the Majlis building on the anniversary of July 9, 1999 unrest which apparently did not materialize. He called on the Majlis to attend to the problems of the students more seriously." quotes from the .pdf version of sunday's 15th June issue of the Iran Daily: http://www.iran-daily.com
| iraanse bronnen | link - 15.06.2003 03:32
Het Iraans staatspersbureau meldt "the protesters have disrupted the road traffic by blocking the streets while pelting stones to crush the windshields of the passing vehicles. Reports said Saturday the violaters chanted slogans against the Islamic system officials. It also said the riot police assisted by bystanders fought to normalize the situation by helding a number of the rioters into custody. Western media, making mountains out of molehills, trumpeted that the brawls were emerged between Iranian police and pro-democracy students."
http://www.iribnews.com/Full_en.asp?news_id=181739&n=14 Een parlementarier stelt: "Students' criticism should be heard and tolerated. We shouldn't call the students American or Israeli or regard them as foreign agents."
http://www.tehrantimes.com/Description.asp?Da=6/15/03&Cat=2&Num=029 Student news agency (Arabic)
http://www.isnagency.com/news/NewsTitle.asp?Lang=P&Subject=P | VS buiten protesten uit voor eigen agenda | link - 15.06.2003 15:09
Washington has launched a steady barrage of accusations and threats against the Iranian regime in recent weeks, and it is widely reported that the Pentagon’s top officials are advocating an active program of “destabilization,” if not outright US military intervention, with the aim of restoring to power a regime dominated by the US in the oil-rich nation of 65 million people.
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/may2003/iran-m29.shtml | updates | link - 15.06.2003 15:35
Sporadic riots in Tehran, Shiraz and Isfahan Sporadic troubles continued in capital Tehran and several other Iranian cities Saturday night, including in central Isfahan, where rioters scuffled with police and pelted them with stones.
http://www.irna.ir/en/head/030615152109.ehe.shtml Photo: Rage Against the Critics A broken door of a student's room at the Hemmat dormitory of Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran, Iran, on Saturday is just one of many after dozens of militants stormed at least two university dormitories. They beat up students in their beds as violence aimed at silencing government critics raged through Iran's capital.
http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Jun/06152003/nation_w/66317.asp Two journalists arrested for meeting students secretly Tehran, Jun 15 (RSF) - Reporters Without Borders called for a firm reaction from the European Union to the arrest of two journalists today in Tehran on a charge of meeting secretly with students in order to support their protest movement. http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=16240&NewsKind=Current%20Affairs | updates zaterdag&zondag | link - 16.06.2003 02:51
Official denies death of protestor, protests spread "Iranian authorities denied Saturday that an anti-regime protestor has been killed in clashes in Shiraz, southern Iran, as reports emerged that demonstrations have spread from the Iranian capital to other cities. (...) There were also protests in the southwestern city of Ahvaz, with crowds shouting slogans of support for demonstrators in the capital. But the agency said Ansar Hezbollah also intervened there to smash the gathering."
http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=16221&NewsKind=Current%20Affairs engelstalig persbureau irna "A group of university students staged a sit-in protest in the mosque of Tehran university on Sunday afternoon."
http://www.irna.ir/en/politic/030615215950.epo.shtml "Students of Khajeh Nasiredin Tousi also staged a sit-in protest in the campus of the university on Sunday afternoon to protest privatization of universities."
http://www.irna.ir/en/politic/030615215950.epo.shtml "Director of Tehran Governor General's office for political and security affairs Ali Ta'ala said here Sunday that at present there are no students in police custody. (...) He said that attacks by the vigilante groups on the Tehran University dormitory on Hemmat street had caused injuries to 80 students, with some being hospitalized."
http://www.irna.ir/en/politic/030615195245.epo.shtml "Karroubi urges students to follow up demands through legal channel"
http://www.irna.ir/en/tnews/030616182018.etn04.shtml "If you look at what is going on in Iraq, that's enough to see that what kind of democracy the United States is advocating for Iran too, Karroubi said."
http://www.irna.ir/en/politic/030615231450.epo.shtml foto's
http://www.isnagency.com/news/NewsCont.asp?id=241911&lang=P More on journalists Rajab-Ali Mazrouie, the head of the Iranian Journalists Guilds Association, has called for "respecting the prestige and dignity of journalists and guaranteeing their freedom of activity at the time of various events". (...) "In the course of student protests over the past few days, several journalists have been beaten up by plain-clothes elements as well as unfortunately by police," he said in a part of his letters, released"
http://www.irna.ir/en/politic/030615152109.epo.shtml Tehran condemns US interference (staatspers)
http://www.iribnews.com/Full_en.asp?news_id=181779&n=32 reuters Sunday summary Gunshots have been heard near a Tehran university dormitory that has been the focal point of six nights of pro-democracy protests.
| meer info over repressie en reactie VS | link - 16.06.2003 03:12
"Five banks, 22 cars and 34 motorbikes have been damaged during four days of student unrest on June 21-24."
http://www.bahraintribune.com/middle.asp?Art_No=10272 "The United States 'views with great concern the use of violence against Iranian students peacefully expressing their political views.' Authorities in Iran have unleashed brutal vigilante groups on demonstrators and rounded up opposition dissidents blamed for four consecutive nights of protests – the first in six months and the most violent in four years. (...) "We are alarmed at reports of arrests and provocative actions taken against students by regime forces, and call upon the regime to protect the human rights of the students and to release those who have been arrested," said Fleischer.
http://www.bahraintribune.com/middle.asp?Art_No=10272 picreport on assaults and protests saturdaynight Thousands of residents of Tehran took to the centre of the city in their cars for the fifth straight night of protests Saturday, but with their resolve appearing dampened by the previous night of violence and arrests.
http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=16223&NewsKind=Current%20Affairs In totaal zijn 109 mensen zijn gearresteerd, verklaarde een politie-officier op Iraanse tv. "none of them students".
http://www.irna.com/tv/ | demonstrate until 9 July | link - 16.06.2003 03:36
"An influential group of Iranian dissidents have issued an unprecedented declaration defending the right to criticise their leaders. (...) Student associations have said they will continue to demonstrate until 9 July, to commemorate the violent attack by hardline groups on students four years ago."
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2992240.stm "Iranian riot police surrounded Tehran University Sunday night, warning pro-government vigilantes against storming the campus to attack demonstrators. Hundreds of other protesters gathered near the campus in cars, blocking traffic."
http://www.voanews.com/article.cfm?objectID=194D29D9-1C22-4987-91B7E1642589A42E | monday updates | link - 17.06.2003 02:10
Iran Protests Appear to Die Down on 7th Night "Hundreds of cars once more formed thick traffic jams around Tehran University, the focus of the unrest, with drivers blaring their horns to show support for the students, but their numbers were fewer than before and there was less tension in the air."
http://reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=2938125 Students challenge Khamenei's authority "More than 250 university teachers and writers added their voices to students' bold demands for democratic reforms in Iran, telling supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei he must answer to the people and abandon the idea that he is God's unchallenged representative on Earth."
http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20030616.wayah616/BNStory/International/ Most of Iranian reformers' work is left undone "This is a country seared by revolution and war, the sudden imposition of clerical rule after the revolution in 1979 and then, almost immediately, the onset of an eight-year war with Iraq that would claim some half-million lives."
http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/News/2D24ACB6208536C086256D47001BD068 Shahroudi says demands of students must be met appropriately "Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi here on Monday said it was natural for students to stage rallies to ask for their demands to be met, adding that those demands, if deemed logical, must be responded to in an appropriate manner. (...) In the early hours of Tuesday, the violent slogans against the clerics which enraged hardline vigilantes were gone, replaced with the sound of car horns."
http://www.irna.ir/en/head/030616195720.ehe.shtml Iranians stage rallies at embassy Iranians living in Ottawa are holding demonstrations in support of a surge of pro-democracy rallies in their homeland that have left at least one anti-government protestor dead.
http://ottawa.cbc.ca/regional/servlet/View?filename=ot_iran20030616 Iran says dialogue with US impossible, change of attitude needed
http://www.irna.ir/en/tnews/030617164155.etn06.shtml Tough crackdown dampens anti-regime protests in Iran (foto & text report)
http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=16246&NewsKind=Current%20Affairs Iran protests at US 'interference' "Iran has made a strong protest over what it calls American "interference" in its internal affairs"
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2989778.stm Iranian protesters remain resolute | What our readers say "I have protested for six straight nights and I am not going to stop now"
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2989778.stm | personal accounts & news | link - 18.06.2003 01:50
personal account from Iran The Blood of Iranians | Fighting our way to regime change "I visited the dormitory myself. The blood spots were still there. The doors were mostly broken. But we will continue to shed our blood, if that is what it takes to obtain the freedom we seek."
http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-afshar061703.asp democracynow.org (stream including interview with Iranian student) Iranian Student Protests Continue as the UN’s Nuclear Agency Calls on Iran to Allow Inspections. While President Bush praises the anti-government student protests in Tehran, demonstrators are critical of the U.S., the U.S.-backed monarchists as well as the current Iranian government. radio & tv-stream
http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/16/1430202&mode=thread&tid=42 Be Patient, We Are Trying To Have A Revolution "But the most disturbing thing about the failure of Islam as a ruling force in government is the fact the Islamic zealots who are in power spin the teachings of the Koran to feed their political survival."
http://www.washingtondispatch.com/article_5807.shtml newsreports: Tehran calm Monday evening, rallies reported in other Iranian cities "After six nights of student unrest in the Iranian capital, Tehran was almost calm Monday evening after police were stationed in Tehran University's dorm to keep order, IRNA reported."
http://www.payvand.com/news/03/jun/1094.html Iranians Warn of Larger Protests "Police and pro-clerical militants attacked anti-government demonstrators in a town outside the capital Tuesday, and reformers warned that new, stronger protests will erupt if Iran's Islamic rulers ignore the people's demands."
http://www.phillyburbs.com/pb-dyn/news/93-06172003-109262.html U.S. exile TV makes headlines in Iranian unrest "Exiled former Iranian pop star Zia Ataby has no idea how many people back home watch his Los Angeles-based television station."
http://www.sabcnews.com/world/north_america/0,1009,60670,00.html "Our policy is to encourage people to demonstrate for their views," Powell told reporters when asked about the past week's nightly protests in Tehran against Iran's clerical rulers. Iranian Government Meets to Discuss Student Protests "Government ministers are meeting Tuesday in Iran to discuss the week of student protests that have rocked the capital, Tehran, and have spread to other parts of the country. But Monday's protests were the smallest of the week."
http://www.voanews.com/article.cfm?objectID=2C6A9357-E362-42D2-A58B789C8E0A93B3 Students rallies natural: Judiciary "Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi here on Monday said it was natural for students to stage rallies to ask for their demands to be met, adding that those demands, if deemed logical, must be responded to in an appropriate manner."
http://www.iribnews.com/Full_en.asp?news_id=181910&n=32 "An Interior Ministry official said in Tehran on Monday that over 250 people were arrested in the recent unrests in Tehran of whom 35 percent were counter revolutionaries and hooligans, IRNA reported. (...) Some of the latter and their [plainclothes] ring leader Saeed Asgar have also been detained."
http://www.payvand.com/news/03/jun/1096.html pics
http://uk.fc.yahoo.com/030616/46/e2g4z.html | iranian protestors lack muscle | willink - 21.06.2003 15:30
Behrouz Saba, Pacific News Service Despite youthful energy and explosive protests, student opponents of Iran's Islamic regime still lack the requirements for a successful democratic revolution.
http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=16221 | |
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